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"Hello, can i sit next beside you? My seat has been already occupied ", Woonie says, as politely as he could, to the girl playing with her hair. Its not that his seat is taken , no , he doesn't want to cause trouble with this small kids trying to trick him. Further more, he promised his father that he would behave, if he really wanted a real car. No not toys, a small automated tesla.

"Sure", the girl says, staring at the dark haired boy, who smiles lightly as he sits down. " I am Park Woonah by the way, How about you ?",its the first time he has tried to behave, and well he's at least trying to know the girls name. Father will be proud that i tried to have manners, woohoo! Tesla on the way ,here we come!!

"I am Jeon Minah ", she says, looking at the boy who looks so familiar but cannot pinpoint where.

" Mmmh ,nice meeting you, your name sounds familiar, i don't know why",The park says, a tilting his head trying to recall. ..

His thoughts are interrupted by a teacher, who enters their class and greet them, eyeing them. Somehow she looks at the two ,The Park and Jeon as she calls out their name. She studies them , wondering why they both look so much alike but with different surnames.

The days go on quicker, with both destinies bringing Woonie and Minah closer as friends ,both of them supporting each other. Their bond grows,Jungkook is happy that Minah is happy and has a friend who is very protective of her, on the other hand, Jimin is astounded to know that Woonie does not fight anymore but hangs around and plays with a certain classmate of his.

On a paricular day, Jimin who was not busy decides to pick Woonie at school a bit earlier , so that they can go visit their grandparents. It is a bit rainy ,hence he takes an Umbrella and packs few clothes in case his child gets careless and goes to play in the rain.

He arrives soon and as expected his son is busy playing in the rain, while drenched completely. That's not all, he is playing with another small girl.

"Woonie!!", he shouts at the child as he walks up to him. "What are you doing in the rain little man ?"

The called man stops abruptly, as well as the other, as they try to calm their racing hearts. "Well i was kinda bored appa so i came out to play", The young man said , staring at his glaring father. Sometimes his father asked stupid questions .Like now .

Speechless is what Jimin is ,as he looks at his brat . " Behave Woonie ! You should not talk to me like that. So who is your friend over here",Jimin asks, looking at the other child who is drenched in rain.

"This is Minah, Appa", Woonie says , slightly coughing. " Oh hi ,Mr. Park, it is finally nice to meet you, Woonie says alot about you" The girl says smiling and bowing slightly. Jimin remembers he had already seen that face again ,but is impressed by her behaviour nonetheless.

"It is nice meeting you too Minah , Now come along you both! You're drenching and might get sick .", They don't take many steps ,when Minah suddenly faints.

Jimin panics, Woonie shaking her up,trying to wake her up. He suddenly feels bad, as he sniffs and starts tearing up. The alpha immediately lifts her fragile small body, heart clenching at how weak she almost looks ,as the enter his car immediately.

On his way he calls his family doctor requesting his presence at his house. The ride is short, Woonie following his father closely, as he takes her up to his room. " Change your clothes baby, the doctor will be here shortly".Jimin orders the small panicking child ,while ruffling his wet hair.

He covers the other shivering child before he walks out calling the School's principal. "Mr. Dohan, sorry for the abrupt call, i was wondering if i could get details on someone called Minah, a classmate of my son, i really need to contact her family",

"Sure,No problem,Give me five minutes",Mr. Dohan smiles, as he goes through his computer for the information.

On the other end, the doctor already arrives, as he checks the temperature of the child , and his vitals too.
Jimin paces around the huge room of his son, his said child also seating beside Minah in quietness.

" She is okay, she just caught a cold , I've already prescribed medicine for her",The doctor says , as Jimin breaths out shakily, after being re -assured .

He calls the principal who hasn't responded yet and asks him to call the parent of the child.

Jungkook having received a call, runs out of the cafe, to the house( well mansion) where his child is . Where he was directed to by the Principal.
He is shocked first at the elegance , wondering why his child is here.

The moment he knocks and the door is opened ,his breath falters, as he takes steps backwards.
There he is ,the man if Jungkooks' dreams,the man who broke him, mended him,and broke him again.
The alpha who gave him a gift if life that grew inside him

There stood him, also shocked to see the omega, was he the parent or the caretaker, Jimin didn't want to know. He felt so happy to see Jungkook, Still,
It broke his heart once again to see his one true love, who was looking back at him with tears brimming.....


" J-jungkook?!"

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