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My sincerest apologies my loves, i really lacked inspiration with this chapter but i tried for you.

Song recommendation.
WE(Warm Embrace)- Chris Brown.

"I know this is gonna come off as shocking but, when we signed the marriage contract, i gave 30℅ of my wealth to you, and the remaining for the children, so will you take it?", The alpha asked, once they sat on the small sofa at Jungkooks' place.

Jungkook looked up at Jimin, gaping at the information."Huh?.....i mean what?!", He half yelled, half whispered, completely shocked from the information.

" Yeah, you have half of my wealth practically, so will you take it?",asked the Alpha, hopefully.

"Uumm, i really don't know Jimin......this is..all to overwhelming, can we talk about it tomorrow?",  The omega asked. Rubbing his temples . Today was totally draining for him.

Jimin hummed in reply, as he stared at Jungkook taking in his features once again. Drinking his beauty, engraving his face once again into his mind.

He didn't want to come off as creepy, but he really couldn't control his eyes roaming all over Jungkooks' body. The younger, had grown more attractive over the years, the doe innocent ,kind but seductive eyes were still there,staring, body still buff,tiny waist. All for Jimin to see.

The silence between them was comforting but also alluring, magnetic even. Jimin, found himself inching closer to the Omega, whose gaze was also upon him.

It was like they were in their own world, closing the small gap between them and suddenly kissing breaths mingling and their scents mixing.

It wasn't minutes later, when Jimin maneuvered them so that Jungkook was straddling him, still kissing and sucking at his bottom lip.

It was addictive how Jungkook had always been. Jimin couldn't get enough. Needless to say, it was selfish that he wanted Jungkook all to himself.

The air around them had shifted, to a more darker,hotter ,undescribable arousal. The two warm pair of lips danced around each other, softly biting, nibbling and sucking,suddenly opening up to each other, tongues,playing a game of dominance.

Jungkooks' hands find their way to Jimin's hair,and harshly tugging and Jimin's, surprised moan,pours into Jungkooks' mouth.

Just when had Jungkook become so feisty ?

It completely drove Jimin,crazy how Jungkook took dominance over the kiss,but he let him. It was erotic to say the least.

All was well until Jimin becomes hyper aware of the rather hardness,he feels,pressed against his own painful hardness.

He pulls away for air,a stifled groan almost comes from him when he catches sight of Jungkooks' kiss-swollen, shiny lips ,his dazed dilated eyes, tousled hair- he looks completely and utterly fucked.

Jimin thinks that he might come from the sight.

"Oh Jungkook", He whispers, attaching his forehead with Jungkook,breathing his very addictive aroused scent.

He's still aware of his cock straining against his trousers, seeking to be set free,to be paid attention to, but they are Just Kissing.

And that is what he does. Well atleast tries to do.

But Jungkook, stops him, pressing his index finger, on the pillowy lips. He really wants to taste the pillowy alpha's lips again but he has to put some restraint. The said alpha almost whines, like a child, denied his favorite candy. His candy, is Jungkooks' lips.

" Jimin...you are drunk on lust.....and i told you that it's not gonna be easy getting me back".The omega says,  as he unexpectedly rolls his hips ,meeting Jimin's hardness, the pressure too good for both.

Jimin tries, really tries not to groan,from the sweet pleasure , but he does, as he holds Jungkooks' tiny waist tightly.

He's already aware that he's under Jungkooks' mercy. He is the one to decide whatever will go on between them. His words are jumbled, stuck in his throat, due to the arousal clouding him.

Jungkooks' scent, makes him almost choke in lust.

Jungkook knows he's playing with fire, but also knows that he has to control both before they do more.

"You have to try harder, with me ,Alpha", he chuckles.

And with that he's gone, hips swaying seductively, plump ass into those tight pants.

Jimin is left to collect his jaw from the floor.

Months later............

It had been months since the Park family had reunited and Jungkook ,after many months of convincing from Jimin had accepted to move back to their house.

Well Jimin can say that it wasn't easy for him. He had to win back Jungkooks' trust and love. And for his daughter? He had already won her heart for the first day they met. Blood is thicker than water, some say.

The bond had grown between the two children . But not a day passed without them bickering. All this bickering was learnt from their uncles. Especially Yoongi (or uncle grumpy )as Minah and Woonie liked to call him.

Jimin ,had offered Jungkook part of his wealth ,but the omega being humble had declined. Still wanting to continue working in the cafe. The work at the bar had been disagreed upon, by Jimin. And they had talked about it, hence stopping completely.

As much as Jimin didn't want Jungkook working in a cafe, he agreed, to support his husbands decisions.

If someone had told Jungkook, months ago that he would be resting on Jimin's chest, naked chest, legs tangled warmly in the bed sheets,a hand protectively around his waist, he would have laughed at you.

But now he's here. They do share a room, they have already gotten back together, slowly learnt to sleep again into each others arms. But had boundaries. Yes ,some touches, heated kisses here and there,but not more.

Although this day Jungkook was up for some fun. The children had gone to their grandparents, for a week vacation, and Jungkook wanted to change dynamics again with Jimin.

His alpha was very patient with him He had seen him restraining himself just to please Jungkook. Had spent each of their ruts and heats away from each other.
All this pent up sex frustration and teasing was already enough.

He stared back at Jimin. Who was asleep, and smirked.
He was gonna have fun with his alpha. He traced his hand down into the warm sheets, to Jimin's groin and palmed him.

"Oh he's already semi-hard", Jungkook muttered to himself.

OMEGAS' ARRANGED MARRIAGE( JIKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now