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Jimin's chest is heavy, as he pulls away for air. He looks down at Jungkook, whose thighs are seconds away from giving up, and sinks back in, tongue drilling in and out of the slick, clenching hole. The Omega's legs jerk up a little, relishing the warmth spreading inside.

Jimin gathers a generous amount of spit, as he lifts his face, watching as Jungkooks' hole starts to suck the fluid in once and spilling it all out. Its so hot and dirty that he feels he might combust right there.

With the tip of his finger, he traces the spit and slick, around the rim, playing with it before pushing the digit in, gently at first to ease the entrance -  he doesn't want to hurt Jungkookie. He's just easing his way out inside more than anything, but Jungkooks' hole swallows the finger down to the knuckle with little to no effort. It thrills Jimin to no end

"Wonder how my cock will feel when you swallow a finger like this baby, so greedy of you", he says, throat dry.

" N-no hyung ",Jungkook moans, feeling so high .

Once the first finger is all the way in, Jimin makes sure to give Jungkook time to adjust, before he relentlessly moves back in, thrusting in and out. Jimin's face is buried in the Omega's ass again, flicking his tongue back in his hole as he thoroughly fingers him.

" Jimin , o-oh my g-god p-please", Jungkook stutters, when Jimin swirls the tip inside ,adding another finger and tonguing him at the same time. The obscene squelch of Slick and spit mix together and Jimin moans, too intoxicated with the taste as Jungkook squirms under him, slick gushing out in between his hands and down the Omega's thighs.

Although his own cock is so painfully hard, and on the verge of giving in and touching himself, Jimin doesn't stop, until Jungkook is begging, sobbing.

"H-hyung , s-stop ,dont", Jungkook pants, slowing his breath even though
his body is mostly limp. " D-don't wanna cum like that, w-want you inside me p-please",

Jimin stops altogether, pulling his fingers out and lifting his head, resting his chin on Jungkooks' hip bone. Yes, he would like nothing more than to make Jungkook come like that, but who is he to deny his baby boy anything? "Its ok baby, I've got you ".

Straightening up, Jimin, finally, finally takes his cock , giving it a few pumps, hand covered with slick and spit, groaning at the easy slide. As much as he wants to be able to look at Jungkooks' eyes while fucking him, he wants to look at the way his Omega's wet hole swallows him so good. Its dirty, he knows, and he is dirty and turned on and so he gently pushes in.

" F-fuck Jimin", Jungkook wheezes, for the first time cursing, hole clenching around Jimins cock as he completely bottoms out.

He waits for Jungkook before thrusting in, letting the omega get used to the feeling of being stretched. Its always borderline painful , even though he has already prepared Jungkook for it.

"You ...you can move now h-hyung", Jungkook moans, and move Jimin does ,picking up speed as he starts to shallowly fuck him. Jungkook is still tight and his warm walls engulf Jimin's cock to the point he feels his insides burning and he believes he might not last that long. God, he missed this. He missed Jungkook.

Jimin pounds into him hard, and Jungkook takes what's given to him, melwing Jimin's name at each thrust and fucking himself back at any chance he can. Jimin wraps his arm around Jungkooks' waist , his sweaty back against the wetness of his own chest and the position only enhances the pleasure building up in both of their stomachs, Jimin constantly hitting Jungkooks' prostate dean on , mercilessly .

Grinding into him, Jimin circles his hips and fucks Jungkook deeper, burying his cock right into the hilt. Jungkook is shaking , cute high pitched moans leaving his mouth and tears in the corners of his eyes.

His hands travel around Jungkooks' belly, down to his dick and he strokes Jungkook precisely.

"J-jimin ,I'm g-gonna -",Jimin's hands work at the same time as his hips, still thrusting mercilessly into him. He throws his head back groaning as he catches the sight of the blue fabric Jungkook had been wearing half an hour ago. The images of Jungkook wearing them , invades his mind, thoughts so sinful and dirty.

" Shh , its okay, come for me baby girl ",he whispers into Jungkooks' ear and slams into Jungkooks' prostate over and over again. It's all too much . Jungkook yelps once he hears the endearment thighs and cock twitching and he's coming.

The way Jungkook tightens around him, as drops of come stain his hand,is enough to bring him to the edge . He follows Jungkooks' bliss and fucks him, faster, harder, cock throbbing when he comes deeps inside, filling him up.

They are panting, chests heaving, but don't pull away as Jimin nuzzles into Jungkooks' neck, the tip of his nose brushing along the skin softly , lovingly. Jungkooks' eyes flutter shut, too high post- orgasm and enjoying the feeling of Jimin's cock still buried deep inside him.

They stay like that for awhile, listening to each other's breath, until Jungkooks' legs finally give up, trembling and falls back on the bed, dragging both him and Jimin down the bed, to their mess.

Jimin eventually pulls away, as Jungkook whines at the loss of being unfilled .Jimin moves to get up but Jungkook beats him to it, snuggling closer to the Alpha.

"Stay",eyes closing as slumber threats to take over. Their bodies are dripping with seat and there is still come dripping from Jungkooks' hole but he doesn't care. None of them do.

"I was just going to clean us up Kook",Jimin bites down a smile.

Jungkook just shakes his head cutely "Don't wanna", and lays his head on his alpha's chest, drawing circles with his thumb.

"Such a baby", Jimin scoffs.

Jungkook restlessly stirs and that doesn't go unnoticed by Jimin.

"What's wrong bun",

"Nothing just call me ...that again".Even without clearly seeing his face, he can feel Jungkooks' face heating up , cheeks reddening.

" What?",Jimin tilts his brow in amusement , waiting for Jungkook to reply.

"You know what".

Honestly Jimin didn't know whether Jungkook would be pissed, offended or endeared by the pet name. Especially on the special occasion and how he blurted it out of without knowing. But looking at his husband's reaction, he is glad to get a good reaction, a very positive one for that fact.

" Didn't think that you were into that ",
He says playfully, Jungkook slaps his chest , shrinking due to embarrassment. Cute, so cute.


"Kay, I'm sorry baby....girl".

" Never mind , don't ever call me that again".

"Even in bed?".

Jungkook turns, smiling at Jimin, lips swollen, showing his bunny smile.

" Fine".

"That's my baby, i love you ",

"I love you too hyung",

In the middle of the night, Jungkook wakes up suddenly, panting and almost in tears. His heart hurts so much and his body aches. He remembered everything .He does remember and the way he almost chokes up while looking At Jimin is enough to make him stand up and stumble to the wardrobe.

He can't stay near a liar nor sleep near him, someone who he loved , no scratch that , someone who he loves lied to him all this time, he doesn't feel too good , with muscles aching and heart aching.

He holds his tears as he grabs a pen and paper out of love , before leaving......

I noww remember the truth......don't look for me .........

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