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Jimin called for the tenth time that morning .It was just another peaceful ,sweet day in the island of Hawaii where the two lovers were staying. One was busy making delicious ,mouthwatering breakfast ,humming to a song while the other.....the other was seated on the bed ,remembering last nights' events .He was too shy to face his husband .He gripped his hair tightly as he kept on remembering his loud moans asking himself was i too loud aagh.

Jimin patiently waited for Jungkook to come out but it seemed to him that so many minutes had passed without the boy coming out of their shared room. He now realized that it was too late in the morning when he had already finished cleaning the dishes .The alpha chuckled at himself ,shaking his head realizing that it was not his usual self nature to cook. But for Jungkook?Park Jimin was whipped !.

He looked up from the stairs and squinted his eyes ,frowning when he began to get worried for the younger. 'Jungkook?",he called again loudly .Hearing no reply ,he called once again,walking up the stairs. "Jungkookie?",he said now trying to open the door only to find it locked. He frowned wondering why Jungkook was too quiet.
" Baby are you in there?What's wrong?" He knocked.
The thought that maybe his Jungkook might be a little awkward after yesterday's experience fluttered Jimins' heart. His wolf was still intoxicated by his omegas' scent but controlled nevertheless.

"I-I am uh ,i am good",Jungkook cutely stuttered from the other side of the door. Jimin smiled quietly like an idiot ,leaning against the door finally hearing Jungkook. " Then come out baby ,i want to see you".

"I-I think I'll stay here Hyung,you'll see me later ".Jungkook replied from inside. "Baby !What ?!"Jimin said ,muffling his laughter." You've got to eat kookie ,i already made breakfast for you".

"M' not hungry hyung",Jungkook said ,voice muffled on the pillow ,full of Jimin's manly scent. " Open the door or am gonna break it Jungkookie",Jimin replied ...almost banging the door.

"No!'Jungkook yelled. The alpha shook his head ,mumbling the word brat as he tried to recall where he had placed the spare keys ."Okay then i guess i have to find someone else so that we can take breakfast together and your banana milk".Jimin said stepping away,checking his wristwatch ,counting seconds.





The younger panicked and immediately ran to the door opening it widely. Jimin smirked as he saw the worried face of Jungkook . The younger looked down suddenly ,unable to meet Jimins' eyes. The alpha stepped forward as he wrapped an arm around Jungkooks' waist, whose breath hitched due to the close proximity of their bodies.

"What's wrong baby?"Jimin asked softly ,breath fanning Jungkooks' face .The said man only shook his head his face already the reddest Jimin has ever seen .Jimin sighed ,almost disappointed .He badly wanted to help Jungkook to overcome his shyness. Sometimes to the alpha confidence was sexy ,together with shyness. He preferred both anyways.

'Bun ,We talked about communicating right?Now i am no prophet to know what's bothering my baby .So you've got to talk to me so that i can help anywhere needed",The alpha whispered sincerely as he tilted the youngers' face , grey eyes meeting with dark orbs.

" I -I am shy Hyung ,i don't know how to express myself ,its .....its hard ,but i will try ", Jungkook somehow managed to say. The older smiled at him, as he kissed his cheek lightly, the soft pressure making Jungkook a blushing mess as he smiled .The sight alone was endearing to Jimin.

"There is my big boy......Jimin praised endearingly...... You know you don't have to be shy around me , i am here to help okay? Whatever you need just ask .Now if i am guessing is this about yesterday night?",

"Yes Hyung ."Jungkook answered as he felt a little bit confident from his Hyungs' words .God knows how much he loved the man.
"How did you feel?Did you feel good ?", Jimin inquired ,noting the sudden change of his omegas' scent.
"Yes hyung it ...it felt good ", The boy answered softly, biting his lip. Jimins' eyes flickered over the bitten lips as he controlled his sanity. He knew Jungkook was like a seductress without actually knowing.

" Oh yeah?So Hyung can make you feel good again right? ",Jimin said smirking as he rubbed his almost hard self with Jungkooks' "Hyung!" Jungkook gasped as he struggled from the embrace .Jimin giggled sweetly as he saw the shocked expression on Jungkook.
"What?I can't get enough of you and your sweet little moans",The alpha said seductively as he looked at the aroused look on Jungkook.

He quickly shook his head as he remembered breakfast ."Okay !Can we go an eat breakfast before i eat you right now on the hallway.",

"Hyung!",Jungkook said , before he struggled and finally managed to get out of Jimins' hold .He looked once more at Jimin before running downstairs .Feeling slightly aroused .He heard Jimins' laughter as he walked down behind him.

They walked to the dining , where they sat down and started having breakfast .But Jungkook was still shy , he wanted to ask something but it was too hard. Jimin noticed but nevertheless waited patiently for Jungkook to start a conversation. "Hyung",Jungkook said quietly as he was already done with the sweet breakfast.

Jimin hummed in acknowlgment as he was still eating. " Umh...w-what aboubt you ,Hyung ?"The omega asked innocently. Jimin frowned but soon caught up to the question. His heart felt mushy as he smiled at Jungkook.
"Don't worry about me baby ,i get off from all the dark fantasies i have of you..." Jimin smirked ,looking at Jungkook who was beetroot red.

"C-can i help? "....he asked, doe eyes sweetly looking at Jimin. The man felt his heart skip a beat as he smiled endearingly. " I can teach you to make Hyung feel better .....He contemplated over the answer before saying .....c'm here baby".Jimin motioned on his lap as Jungkook looked at him before walking towards him and sitting oh his lap.

Jimin turned him ,though awkwardly as he straddled his legs. He looked at the younger who was again looking down before lifting his chin and placing a gentle kiss on his lips..."But you know what would make me happy? ",Jimin asked as Jungkook hummed in response.
"Is if you let me take you out to dinner tonight ", Jimin whispered as he held the younger , caressing his cheek.

"Yes you may Hyung",..........

Sorry for short update....with love.

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