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I think i am about to go crazy. Nothing makes sense right now .Where is he ?Where is my Alpha? I had not seen him for three weeks and the thought was already driving me crazy .He was the only one who would calm me during this storm. My mind,soul and body was connected to him. Voices echo through my head disturbing me ......

He left us !.......

He has someone else !.....

He forgot about us!......

He will never come back to us .....!

He loves someone else ..!

We deserve to die !.......

Kill us ! Kill us and end this misery .....!

I grip my hair tightly at the words.......the voices don't stop .......no until when i am with him. I have not taken my medicines today and i wont until i find Him. "Stop talking stop stop !!!", i tell the voices loudly as i feel pain seeping through my heart. I have been so miserable but my heart cannot rest till it knows where he is.

Jimin has not been answering my calls nor replying back to my text for the past three weeks . He had disappeared completely ever since when we were at the club .When i had asked his best friend Namjoon,he had said that Jimin had gone on a holiday......Shocked would be an understatement at that time .....Because most of the times Jimin would take me with him during the holidays .What was happening to him ?Did he get someone else ? No ! The thought makes me sick to the guts . He cannot replace me !.

I could not allow it ! Jimin was mine only !I would never share with anyone !So i made up my mind that i was going to look for him. Luckily ,Namjoon Hyung had said that Jimin had gone to one of his islands . And my biggest guess was that he had gone to his favorite in Hawaii.

I wondered again what he was doing as i packed my bags for tomorrow's flight .I was calm since i had taken those filthy medicines .What was he doing there anyway ?Was he all alone ? I had missed him so much that i couldn't wait to see him. He made me happy so i couldn't wait to return the favor . I had also decided to invite the rest of our friends ;Namjoon Hyung ,Hoseok Hyung and Yoongi Hyung.

They were happy to go and surprise Jimin .I was very sure that Jimin would like the present i had bought him .....So the next morning we all boarded the plane with us taking the first class seats all the way to Hawaii. I had called him again on the morning to our flight just to confirm without him knowing anything .Luckily the first call was received .....

"Hello!", I said enthusiastically ,happy because the call was received ....but ....
"H-heey J-jimin is not aro-",A small voice said .I widened my eyes ,clutched my phone tightly, my anger getting the best of me.
"Who the fuck are you !Give the phone to him right now ",I muttered darkly in hate .Who was that fucker! I could hear small quick breaths hoping he would tell me soon .

I was really pissed off now and i was getting very impatient ."Fuck are you deaf!Give the fucking phone to my Alp-",I groaned frustrated at the young boy who had answered. He had dared to cut the call while he was talking. How dare he ?!

We had arrived sooner ,at least happy that our flight was filled with happiness and celebration!I was still boiling with rage ,i was not going to allow anyone or anything to come between me and him .I had already made up my mind that i would tell Jimin to marry me ( neither Taehyung nor the other friends know that Jimin was married )

It took us very few hours to arrive at Jimin's Penthouse .I was happy to see the lights were on .....so we entered the elevator with a lazy Yoongi Hyung saying he was sleepy .As usual haha. My suspicions were correct once i ran at the doorway and took a whiff of my alphas strong scent with the rest of his friends trailing behind lazily .

I grabbed Jimin's card which he had forgotten at my place after the trip we had in this island .Memories still lingered as i opened the door shouting.....
"HYUNGIEEEE !!!!!SUPRISEEEEE!!!!!",i said running to his room only to be met by another annoying scent of an omega!Fuck!Not today bitch!

Anger overtook me as i swiftly took the glass of water that was on the bedside table and poured some at him as he woke up flinching and almost crying!Pathetic !How dare he sleep in my alphas bed!

"What are you doing in my Alpha's bed ?!" I angrily asked ......muttering profanities at him .He was going to get it today!
"I asked you a question bitch!" Damn i wanted to punch him so badly .
"S-sleeping.....W-who are you?",he asked slowly almost in tears .The audacity of this boy ugh!
"Oh!You don't know ?Poor you !I am the one who is gonna make your life a living hell !" I said angrily grabbing his hair and dropped him down on the floor and started dragging him outside the door .He whimpered and cried muttering stupid "pleases".But i was having none of that today .

Fucking piece of shit ! You think you can take whats mine ?Why are you covered in my Alphas scent huh !You are gonna get it today bi-......."

" .......- KIM TAEHYUNG !!! Oh no !Alpha ?There he was in all his beauty ...looking so good and so delicious. He was not giving me heart eyes ,he was not smirking or smiling lovingly at me .Instead he was looking at the lowlife omega who was clutching my hand begging me to let him go .He was looking at him not me .He had pain in his eyes for him and not me ! Who was this boy who had made my alpha change so suddenly? !

I felt my heart breaking into small pieces as i realised that he was in love with another Omega .It was not me ...it was someone else .I felt tears welling in my eyes as he stared at the human being at my feet. Not me ! Just him!I thought i gave everything to him?Was i not enough ?!What did he have that i did not .I was determined to find out soon !Maybe ...maybe Jimin was confused !Yes he was ! He promised to be with me !

I wiped my tears as i looked down. I felt broken .All i wanted to do was die. He walked past me and crouched down on the figure calling his name .I breathed in his calming scent ,his warmth passing me like wind .

"Baby!Jungkookie ?!Are you alright!?" No!Not the baby word! He only called me that !My breath hitched as he touched the boys' face and wipes his tears. What about my tears Jimin!?He is called Jungkook??Is this the one who has taken my place in Jimin's heart .Why does Jimin sound worried??.

The said boy nods .As Jimin takes him and carries him gently in bridal style .That is my last straw as i choke on my sobs and the last thing i hear is my name being called by that voice ....that voice that has shattered my heart and also mends it.

I hear the faint voice but can't respond . I cant take the pain anymore .It is too much to handle. I am broken completely so i let go as darkness invades me ...........

Hellooo my lovely people !Just a short update .Sorry for making you wait !
Also about Taehyung .....he sick ....so you have to understand the role he plays in this book well. He is not a bad person anyway ......
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Love .....

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