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No one had seen it coming,it all happened in seconds .My Jungkookie running out of the club in tears,followed by another man i presumed was his husband Jimin. He was quite good looking just as Jungkook had dreamily described him. Being the naturally protective one,i closely followed them where they were running in the streets with Jimin calling Jungkook.

I don't know what happened next but all i saw in a matter of seconds was Jungkook being hit by a large truck and his husband screaming out his name. I couldn't look anymore,Jungkook was on the road ,blood splattered everywhere ,face unrecognizable. I cried on my knees in shock ,wondering what he had done to deserve this pain. He had been hurting emotionally and mentally but now he was also hurt physically. He did not deserve this, i knew for a fact that he was a really good person.

My little Jungkook who i had known in a span of two weeks ,had been so open to me and told me everything ,but now this? This was too much to handle. I had decided to help him that day because of the pain i had seen in his eyes. His so called husband ,stood there lifeless and in shock. From the look of his eyes and the tears that were running down his face,i could see that he was hurting too. But for how he hurt had hurt Kookie ,i blamed him and all i saw is red .....
"YOU FUCKER! AREN'T YOU SATISFIED WITH HOW YOU HURT HIM?DO YOU WANT TO END HIS LIFE??!!",I punched his several times but he stood there lifeless,all colour drained on his face. But i cared less. I don't know what Jungkook Saw in an alpha like him.
YOU DISGUST ME TO THE CORE",I screamed at him ,panting in pain.

The whole commotion was broken by a loud blaring ambulance that came and took him. When Jimin saw his husband being taken away, that's when he snapped
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM WHATS MINE", typical possessive alpha .i think he had already gone crazy from how he was shouting. He pushed the paramedics away and entered into the ambulance crying softly on his own. I followed closely with a taxi ,Jimin had offered me his keys earlier on but i had refused ,i could tell from a far that the Alpha was not only kind but also stinking rich ,not that it mattered to me,all that was important was JungKook's life.

We arrived sooner and Jungkook was taken to the operating room with the best surgeons, on account that his husband's Mother was the owner of the hospital. Funny. I could not complain though ,at least he would be attended to, faster. I had faith that Jungkook could make it ,because i knew he was a fighter. Jimin kept pacing back and forth ,every now and then, his pheromones showing pain and discomfort. It did not affect me actually, because i was a beta. I sat there quietly, listening to Jimin chanting like a madman.......He had officially gone crazy.

"Please be safe ,please be safe ,please be safe kookie,please be safe ", I had already lost all sanity at this time ,and nothing mattered ,even the pain of the several punches i had received did not matter. The moment i saw my kookie in that club ,i couldn't take my eyes off him. His big doe eyes staring at me ......but behind those eyes was pain and tears ,unshed tears that i knew i was the cause of .

I had stood up abruptly ,causing everyone around me to look at me wildly and questioningly I was not one to act on impulse but oh the things Jungkook had done to me. My wolf was howling in pleasure of seeing his Omega. But the moment i started walking to where he stood rooted on the ground,.all hell broke loose .He swiftly ran outside the club and the next thing i know is he got into an accident. I don't think a can functional well until he comes out of that operating room.
Fate seemed to bring us together, and i was determined to make it work no matter what. That day when i was informed that they had found him ,i was ecstatic .....but my excitement was cut short once i knocked on the door and another man came to open.....
It had not been my Kookie ,it was someone else ,someone who is seated silently as if he is related to my baby. As much as i want to hit the hell and heavens out of him ,i cant for the sake of kookie ,maybe he is important.
I do not know for how long i have stayed standing but as soon as the main Surgeon comes out of the operating room ,i ran to him and clutch his coat ,not even caring that i still have blood on my hands.

Doctor !!Please tell me he is okaay ??" i have never been the one to say please to anyone but the man lying in the hospital bed has bended me to his liking.
"I am sorry Sir Jimin but......."

Heeey ,Just a short update.......
Please vote and comment ,and i would love to hear what you think will happen to Kookiee.......
Love you guys

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