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We had arrived at one of Jimin's islands,apparently he has three buy said this one is his favorite .When we reached at his penthouse i was Jet lagged and my muscles were badly aching .And Because we were still full from the food we had eaten in the airplane ,we decided to relax. But what i called relaxing was not in Jimin's dictionary. Because he was seated across me ,but was busy working in his laptop. I was really getting bored and i wanted his attention. As much as i had lost some memories ,i still knew that i loved Jimin and i loved his attention on me .

"Jimiiiinnn," i whined and pouted, since he did not reply and continued working at his laptop. Instead of marrying me ,he should have married the laptop ugh. What was he doing that was more important than me? so i called him once again. He looked up briefly ,eyes darkening whats up with the look ?.

"Not now baby boy, a few minutes and am all yours," I blushed at the words but then remembered that he had said the same thing for almost half an hour and it was really getting in my nerves .I threw a small pillow at him trying to distract him, unfortunately he caught it immediately damn those alpha reflexes .He looked at me with a smouldering gaze ,arching an eyebrow at my childish tantrums .

"You know Jungkookie ,you have become pretty bold these days,Should i punish you to instil some manners baby ?",He said smirking and suddenly standing ,slowly walking towards me. I gulped dryly ,his scent almost overpowering me ......what was this look he was giving me ?.Why should i be punished ,what kind of punishments?.

Somehow i managed to squeak out words and asked "Umm w-what kind of punishment ? A-are you going to beat me up Hyung?", He chuckled and leaned close to my ear making me smell his addictive scent .I wish he would let me nuzzle in his neck. Ah.

"No baby boy, am just gonna spank you cute little pretty ass till it becomes red ", i gasped at his words ,and unconsciously let out a whimper because of Jimin's lips on my earlobe. Nibbling. The words somehow managed to dawn on me and when they did , i blushed profusely not knowing what to answer .

He leaned back and stared into my eyes intently ,ruffling my hair a bit "Now be a good boy and sit there until i finish my work ,got it?!".I looked down and nodded ,not being able to meet his gaze for a long time. But Jimin being Jimin ,grabbed my chin almost harshly making me let out a whimper .
"I asked a question Kookie~",he mumbled almost kissing me .
"Y-yes hyung", i stuttered a little due to the position we were in .I waited patiently desperately wanting kiss.

But he moves away smirking and mumbling a good and continues his work. I frown but smile like an idiot thinking Why did that feel hot? Have we ever done something with him, but i dont remwmber ah. Holy moly ! Why do i love it when he comes close to me? .

I decide to take a shower to relax my muscles ,so i go over to the bedroom that Jimin and i will be sharing and walk directly to the large golden bathroom.Minutes later i am done ,but still my muscles are a little tense. I take a look at my reflection thinking of what to wear when suddenly i hear a voice
"No wonder Jimin never touched me or desired me ".I scowl over the words wondering why my thoughts are so loud and negative .I shake my head uncomfortably ,and ignore the words and deciding to wear just simple shorts and a black tee.

Just as i am about to turn and head out of the room , i am met with a worried Jimin .I want to ask why he was at the room but the worry over his face makes me forget .He walks over to me and i gulp and squirm under his gaze he reaches out with his warm muscular hands and gently massages my shoulders and says
" You look tense ,should i massage you?"Somehow the thought of it makes me feel better especially with Jimin's hands on my shoulders
"Y-yes ,"he smiles at my answer making me and my wolf celebrate inwardly I mean its not everyday you see the PARK JIMIN smiling.

He nods happily and walks me over to the bed .This looks very intimate oh !
"Okay bun ,lie down on your chest and let me help you ",I blush and smile like an idiot ,both from the words he has said. I lie down as he hovers over me and starts massaging my back ,from my shoulders. The touch of his hands is very soft and warm making my wolf purr .He walks all the way down ...wait down to my butt and slaps ,then squeezes making me groan .
That's when realization hits me :that Jimin is still squeezing and molding my butt ,and the feeling is good but then suddenly he ....oh !

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