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It all started like a small wave washing over him , sudden hotness, a deep painful ache within his belly, his scent getting sweeter. At first he didn't understand what was going on Jungkook had thought that maybe he was too tired due to all activities they had done yesterday. He didn't realise at all , because he had never gotten his first ...heat. He didn't know he would be in a hell of a ride.

Jimin had taken his family to the airport with Junah childishly crying. He had invited them to dinner as soon as they went back to Seoul. He had contemplated before agreeing eventually . But this morning he felt too tired to escot his alpha's family to the airport ,hence Jimin deciding to leave him behind to rest.

But little did he know what was going on. But now when he looks at his sweat drenched pajamas ,slick gushing out unknowingly, his hole clenching and unclenching ,his so painfully cock hard ,spurting precum, his insides twisting so painfully , his fresh cherry blossoms scent so sweet  He now knows .....

He wakes up stumbling to the cabinet to find some pain relievers for his aching body ,only to find none .He walks so painfully to the kitchen downstairs and fetches a glass of water ,fills it to the brim and drinks it all in one go. He goes upstairs once again, to the bathroom and takes a cold shower ,due to the way he feels hot. His legs feel wobbly as he stands under the cold shower.

He wonders where his Alpha is at this time ,because he has gone for almost five hours . Jungkook finds himself thinking about his Hyung again , not in a good way , but he pictures his alpha taking him so well that he drops his hand on his cock and grasps it tightly ,as he moans loudly at the touch. He pictures the alpha's soft but also rough hands jerking him so sweetly ,his plush lips around his cock, his alpha pinching and rubbing his nipples.

It doesn't take long for him to cum with a loud moan ,as he drives out his orgasm ,come spluttering on the bathroom tiles as he hold on to the bathroom wall to avoid dropping down. He looks shocked first but still in haze as he recovers and walks out of thee bathroom ,taking clean clothes, his cock still hard.

He rummages through his wardrobe but does not find anything comfortable. He walks on the opposite side of his wardrobe and opens his Alphas, the males scent hitting him to his core. He grabs a simple blue checked shirt that smells so highly of Jimin's scent. He takes ,t-shirts, shorts,hoods and sweatpants of his alpha and lays them on the bed making a nest.

He breaths heavily as he drops on the nest and inhales the small Alpha scent. It is ironic because it both calms his omega , and drives him crazy too....crazy in such a way that his omega wants nothing but to be fucked senseless ,to be knotted and filled with cum ,to be bred.

He moans again as he feels another wave of pain in his abdomen ,another arousal of slick gushing so pathetically out of him. He reaches hazily over Jimins pillow and pulls it between his legs , humping so pathetically. But its not enough. It is not enough since Jimin is not here.

He suddenly remembers he has a phone and reaches for it ,calling Jimin's number. "Miss me already?",Jimin says teasingly ,smiling like an idiot as he drives towards home with a gift for Jungkook.

" N-no hyung ,need you ....",Jungkook replies, as he moans at the deep voice of Jimin. Everything about the Alpha makes him more wetter and wetter. "Heey hey what's up ...are you ..are you in heat baby?", the Alpha asks as he listens to Jungkooks' moans and whines, his voice too high.

" Mmh ,need you hyungie", Jungkook whines. Fuck! The sound alone makes Jimin speed up, his pants tightening "Okay , okay am on my way ," He breaths out before stopping and buying heat pills , in case Jungkook needs them . ",O-okay, hurry ,no medicine ,forget it hyung ,...just just come please", Jungkook says.

The alpha wants to really laugh about the situation but does not , only smiles as if Jungkook can read his mind. He goes through a short cut back to his huge house before he walks into thee house . Jimin shudders as The alluring scent of cherry blossoms invades his nostrils clouding his mind.

He walks upstairs almost drunk as he walks to the door opening it. Jungkook is curled up in a nest of clothes which looks like his . The air so thick with omega pheromones causing his steps to falter. He closes the door behind him ,causing the omega to  lift his head with a small whimper . Jimin stood there dumfounded for a minute.

He skin was glowing , cheeks flushed and red, lips pink and slightly swollen ,big bambi eyes looking cutely at him. The alpha closed his eyes to regulate his breathing so as nit to devour him . He inhaled quickly ,but shuddered when he felt the sweet taste on his tongue. A low growl was heard from the chest before walking over to the omega looking up to him upclose...

Had his Jungkookie been always this delectable? Or was it because of his heat? .

The small movement towards Jungkook made it seem like his scent had gotten more sweeter. He clenched his fists tightly almost drawing blood as he prevented himself from pouncing on his omega and devouring him. He was sure Jungkook had already smelt his scent ,making him whine and make grabby hands at him.
"T- take them off alpha ," The omega weakly said as he tried to let Jimin take off his clothes.

"Just a moment ,lemme get water for you to take the heat pills ", Jimin said. The omega pouted before he made space for his Alpha patting the place. ", N-no need ,just cuddles".

Fuck ! The alpha muttered under his breath. Did Jungkook want to kill him or what?

Jimin quickly shimmied out of his Jumper and tee ,leaving his sweatpants and boxers on. He cautiously climbed on to the space Jungkook had left for him before resting comfortably on the nest containing both their scents.

The omega was sweating lightly, hence he had dressed in Just a flimsy shirt of Jimin. The alpha smiled before leaning closer to Jungkook who immediately shuddered and squirmed due to sensitivity in his body.

Still,that did not stop Jungkook from snuggling closer to his alpha, leaning on his chest as he shuddered once again due to the contact with the Alpha.

The Alpha cupped his face ,looking intently at Jungkook ,as the omega parted his lips inviting him. He run his nose over his cheek making the omega sigh in content. The alpha kissed his face ,nose ,lips ,corner of his mouth lightly as he asked gently" Does it hurt?".

"N-no just uncomfortable, can you um scent me please ?", The omega said so sweetly and who was the alpha to say know to his sweet baby?

" Of course baby",he nuzzled onto his neck ,immediately locating his scent gland. He had somehow scented Jungkook for security purposes but tonight felt different. Because he had to keep his wolf and aching fangs in control ,to avoid scaring Jungkook if his need to devour him arose.

But he couldn't care no less, he kissed over the column of his neck as he released his pheromones to show how much he wanted Jungkook so badly. The omega moaned under the alpha as his skin and body blazed with want He wanted his Alpha in him.

"Hyung, hyung please ....hurts , want you in me ", Jungkook sobbed. The alpha's work stopped as he looked at Jungkook worryingly. As much as he wanted Jungkook ,he wanted to know whether Jungkook wanted him.
" Are you sure love? ",he asked ,hands coming to cup his cheeks again.

" Yes Hyung... Put it in already ",he whined pathetically. Jimin stared at him smirking at the sassy omega " okay ,as you wish baby".

He said before making sweet love to the boy all night !......

Should i write smut or not ? Haha

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