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"Why won't we go back to our house hyung", Jungkook asked, sitting on the bed unpacking while pouting at Jimin
" Because its not a safe place baby", Jimin said ,praying that Jungkook would drop the tiresome questions.

It was a day after they had come back from their one month vacation and Jimin had already bought another house and they were currently settling. Jungkook couldn't somehow pin point why Jimin was being a little bit suspicious. And so he asked "Can i go and look at it ? Maybe i could remember some things. I am sure the house can help out with my mem-

"No Jungkook! You ain't going back to that house",The alpha said , glaring back at Jungkook .He was preparing to go back to his company today after many days. He was about to put on his tie when he heard sniffles. He face palmed mentally remembering that Jungkook had gotten too emotional for the last few days. Ever since they had made love for a whole ass week , the omega would cry at very small things. It was somehow adorable to Jimin since he was whipped ,but sometimes it went overboard. Like now.....

"Baby ,am sorry but no , there is nothing in that house okay?Besides i am about to sell it .Forget about it okay?"He sighs, wiping the youngers' tears and kissing his forehead.

"Okay", Jungkook mumbles,still not convinced , wondering why Jimin doesn't want to allow him to go to their old house. Its theirs for crying out loud! Jungkook wants to shout at the man.

" Good,my sister will be coming soon to help you prepare for the party, i have to go now",Jimin says ruffling his baby's hair.

"Do i have to go?", Jungkook asks looking at his handsome husband.

" Yes baby, it's important , for you and me",Jimin mutters, smiling at Jungkook .He is elated about the night , he cannot wait to surprise the Omega.

"Well ,okay , do i have to put on make up ?", Jimin coos at the adorableness of Jungkook wondering how he got lucky.

"Yes and no, you're beautiful , but i know my sister , she will make you wear make up", the Alpha chuckles , kissing Jungkook who immediately wraps his arms around him. They have been particularly touchy ever since the Omega's heat and Jungkook has become more bolder, a little shameless to the point of learning to ride Jimin's dick.

" Bun, let me go or else i wont go for the meeting",Jimin says , groaning as his pants tighten ....he walks away from the temptation after another quick kiss , walking down the stairs , heading to his company.

"Are the preparations done?",Jimin asks to the other side of the phone call
" Yes sir all done, event starts at six pm sharp ", the female voice answers , happy to hear her best friend.
"Great work ,Elisa, Am on my way",says the Alpha


Jungkook watches from the window as his alpha drives away to his company and immediately calls someone. As much as he hates doing it, Jungkook can't help but wonder why, if his alpha wants him to recover then why doesn't he let him go to the place where they made their first memories?This alone makes Jungkook doubtful at his alpha. He does trust Jimin , so much that sometimes he is afraid at how much control Jimin has over him , his mind , and body.

Furthermore he doesn't have anything to do in the big house, with the maids busy preparing everything. His curiosity gets the better part of him before he decides to make the call .He takes a deep breath because the one he has called is one very overdramatic omega.....

" If it isn't the one and only, tell me , to what do i owe this call ?",the man asks from the other side of the call smirking. He was happy he left a note of his number at the house .
"Taehyung ,i need a favor", Jungkook mumbles , hoping that the man will not taunt him.
" Oh! What happened?Don't tell me Jimin left you ",The omega hopefully says , waiting for his opportunity.
"No ...I was wondering whether you know where Jimin and i used to live before we went on vacation",Jungkook asks.
"Okaaay ? What's in it for me ?", he says, gently smirking.
Jungkook contemplates first before an idea pops out of his mind ",Have you been invited to tonights' party?",

" What?No ,which party?",he asks slightly annoyed that Jimin has not invited him to a party.

"I don't have the details but i have some remaining invitation cards , i can give one to you ,then in return i want to go to mine and Jimin's former house", He says.
"Well....mmmh okay, send me your location , be there in fifteen", Taehyung says, smirking as he thinks of a plan. If Jungkook had reached out to him for help then it means Jimin has not allowed him to go.

He is ecstatic to know that Jungkook doesn't have some memories, and he will be glad to replay all the painful ones. Let the games begin.!He says , after receiving a location to Jimin's and Jungkooks' house.


"Hey," Jungkook mutters, opening the door to the beautiful boy.
"Nice house, bet Jimin spent millions to get this , Lucky ass you are", Taehyung snickers.
" Um thank you?",the omega answers, leading him towards the living room. "Welcome, i don't intend to stay for long so can i have my payment?", Tae straightforwardly says .Jungkook blinks before rushing to get the invitation.
" Nice can we go now?I don't like your presence much but we can work for now ",Tae rudely interrupts the younger , who was about to offer a drink.
" Okay, let's go, lead the way", Jungkook sightly smiles at the older , clenching his fists.

They reach within twenty minutes , the silence is a bit awkward but both don't bother to talk .They don't like each other anyway

"Do you have the keys?", Taehyung asks ...walking over the door.
"Yes , Jimin gave them as a present", Jungkook smiles dreamily.
" Okay, gross , just open the door", Taehyung says . He is excited to see the face of the younger , once he shows him everywhere . And the place where they first met while he was crying at the hallway.

The door opens , and with that comes, a gasp from Jungkook , as memories flood his mind, memories too painful.....
He grips on the staircases , remembering when he had walked downstairs to help Jimin that night when they had cuddled in bed....

"I could not touch her because of you!!",
He walks up to the hallway, his legs with a mind of its own and walks to where his alpha's bed was....

"Get the fuck out of my room Mr. Jeon ! And it is Mr .Park to you!!!

Hyungie who is this?...

No one important baby ,lets go !...

Why is he sitting on the floor?....

Tae baby , i said he is no one important let's go!........

Jungkook hears the voices, turns back to look at the man who grins widely , as if he has accomplished a mission. But in fact he has completed it....

Is this one of you're whores hyung?.......

Yes he is .......

He walks out of the Alphas' room and opens it , tears blurry , he finally remembers everything and the most painful ones are in the room he used to stay , where he would cry pathetically , where he watched Jimin from the balcony bringing various women .......

His head aches painfully, as he stumbles to the balcony , he doesn't even reach it , before the world goes blurry , and pitch black..........

OMEGAS' ARRANGED MARRIAGE( JIKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now