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Two days, it has been two days since i had that encounter with Jimin. I was confused about how i felt ,on one side i was a little bit mad, there was this feeling that was within me and on the other side i enjoyed it .For two whole days i sat on the bed staring at the white walls of the room i was in. Jimin had apologized many times for making me feel like that. He had also taken me to the hotel near the penthouse and we had the most beautiful night .It was a very romantic dinner and i felt special as i danced the night away with him.

But still i was confused about how i felt and i was too shy to talk to him. I was very restless ,i had loved the sensation and his touch but he had left without doing anything more. I still did not know what more was but i wanted more . Aah maybe it was frustation ,or want or how to tell him he could touch me .We were married for Christ sake ,and my expectations were quite high .

As much as i couldn't remember some few details ,i knew i wanted Jimin to go on. He had never kissed me except once Ugh! I remember when he had touched my butt ,it felt good ,really good ,but he had stopped immediately and mumbled a sorry .I was really sad ,and there was this aching feeling deep inside of me. But i was shy ,how could i tell him?

It was noon already and i couldn't fall asleep ,Jimin had gone to the five star hotel for a business meeting leaving me all alone in the penthouse. My day had been really exhausting ,thinking of so many things ,i decided to go out to mine and Jimin's shared room to make a bubble bath for myself.

After spending a good hour in the bath tub ,cleansing and relaxing ,i came out all ready for bed. I walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before going to bed . I had alredy decided to apologize to Jimin and tell him my thoughts. Walking back to our room ,the door bell rang .Huh who could it be ?.

Thinking it was one of Jimin's annoying secretaries i opened the door boredly looking down at the bunny slippers Jimin had bought me"He's not here ", I said ,looking up only to be met with Jimin's stormy dark eyes. How was i not able to smell his scent from a far?

"Who's not here ,Jungkookie?",An angry Jimin asked as his dark eyes raked shamelessly over my whole body before he got inside the house .He strode closer to me ,the whole time not losing eye contact with me .I squirmed under his intense gaze as he stopped inches apart from me before he tucked my wet hair behind my ear ,Oh ! Only then did i realise that i was only in a bathrobe .

I blushed ,beetroot red ,due to embarrasment and the small distance between us. His strong arm wrapped around me protectively and held my head directly looking at me ,his alpha's scent suddenly becoming dark and musky as he asked me in a dangerous tone "I asked ,who's not here Jungkookie?" .

His plump pink lips moved slowly as he spoke , they were full and pink,enchanting me in a spell."Baby",He spoke but i didn't reply , too distracted by his full lips .Does he put on lipstick or not ?

I was watching his lips intently until he pulled me more closer ,chest to chest ,as his lips disappeared from my view until i felt them tease the shell of my ear " Babyboy ",he whispered so huskily ,making warmth travel southwards .What was this man doing to me? . "Who?"he rasped in that deep voice of his.

Now his tongue was licking my ear making me gasp due to the sensation ."Y-your ......",i whimpered as he moved his lips down to my throat licking "secretary",I said ,finding so much difficulty in uttering the words. Oh God ! His lips travelled just a little down until they settled on a spot below my ear bitting and sucking . "Ah, "i moaned loudly ,my head resting on his shoulder .

One of his hands found their way in my hair and started rubbing in circular motions as he continued his ministrations. He suddenly stopped sucking my neck making me whine almost pathetically,as he whispered huskily in my ear again "Can i kiss you ?" he asked as he nibbled on my ear, sucking the loop earring i had on .My head felt hazy ,knees almost buckling due to his touch and kisses.

Hearing no response ,his hand moved from my hair down to my butt squeezing and molding .Whats up with him and my butt. He asked again as the gentleman he was ,but i knew he was not a gentleman from the way he was shamelessly touching me . Managing to find an answer in my jumbled mind i stuttered a "Y-yes", breathily and that's all he needed to hear before he crashed his lips on to mine .It was ...

Blissful, utter bliss ......


This is not how i had envinsioned my night with Jungkook ,me pressing him against a wall and kissing him hungrily . I had planned to say sorry again for my innapropriate touch and then cuddle and watch a movie with him .But when he opened the door with wet hair and a bathrobe only ,i lost some sanity I could never take him against his will though . I had realized that he loved my touch but could not voice out his thoughts .I wanted him to want me .As much as i had a long way to go with him ....i wanted him to feel my love for him first before deciding to tell him all the truth.

He was oblivious to so much ,but i was willing to take things slow .But when he was looking like a full course meal ,how could i not devour him .Though, not yet. He was mad at me ,and i knew it was a little bit childish but i was going to punish him. I could feel his hard on poking on my thigh as i continued to kiss him.

His lips were warm ,soft ,alluring .I was so sure they would be a drug to me once i tasted them .Our lips moved in synch as i engulfed him in me . I moved one of his left thigh and lifted it to my waist ,and pressed my hard on on his making him gasp ,as i skillfully entered my tongue into his warm sweet carven. Heaven! I explored every deep corner of his mouth ,sucked his warm muscle of tongue as he made cute little voices . His hands which were on my neck descended into my hair roots pulling tightly .I groaned at the sensation as i rolled my hips onto his again as he called out my name "Hyungiee",I could smell his arousal in the air making me turn almost wanton. My wolf was waiting patiently to claim his Omega but not now.

I had to stoop before i took him right on the door so i detached my lips from his shiny swollen ones , earning a whine of disappointment from him. He looked at me almost in tears and i had to stop myself from laughing at his needy ass which was not ready to accept. I had patience though, i knew he would come when he wanted to . I kisses his forehead and released his thigh and mumbled " Lets stop there baby ",

He shook his head poutingly and stubbornly a Brat. Nevertheless i could not agree to him in everything . "No baby ,lets stop there okay? We're gonna cuddle and have piz -"
I could not even finish the sentence when he pushed me and sprinted to the bed and slammed the door on my face .
Now what?! ! ......

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