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"Jiminie! Hyungie ?!Could you come over and apply sunscreen on my back ?I can't reach it?", Junah called his alpha. They were on the beach having fun , while Junah was sprawled on a seat under an umbrella cooling off. His injured foot had not yet healed but he was happy to receive care from Jimin. But now ,looking at the way Jimin was busy playing in the water with Jungkook he did not like it even one bit. He was jealous ,hence making an excuse to get closer to the Alpha.

Jimin and Jungkook walked out of the water, still chasing each other till they reached to where Junah was laying. He stared intently under his shades at the well built physique of Jimin and his mouth watered,he had always had a weakness for Jimin ,and his built. The Nevermind tattoo always brought the obscene things they had done together. Oh how he missed the feeling of Jimin inside him.

" Junnie are you okay?",Jimin asked quietly looking at the man who had been quiet all over sudden. His scent becoming sweeter. Jungkook cringed ,but sat beside the man due to exhaustion.

"Yes am okay, hyungie ...could you apply sunscreen on my back ? I want to play too", He asked sweetly . Jimin looked over at his cute husband for permission ,who rolled his eyes and sat back looking at a book near the small table in between Junah and him. Jimin was always endeared by how Jungkook showed his feelings nonetheless.

" Okay roll over",Jimin replied nonchalantly. He wanted to get it done so that he could go back to have fun with Jungkookie ."Mmh do you remember Hyungie ,the first day when you took me , you were so high ,on the kitchen counter?",Junah asked staring at Jungkook who was immersed in a book.

His ears perked up ,looking over at his alpha ,waiting for a response. "Junnie we talked about this right? We are done ....i have someone else,so you don't need to brush it off on him ," Jimin angrily stated. He did not want to speak rudely at Junnie ,because he knew what would happen once he did.

The omega sniffled ,before turning over and throwing himself at Jimin crying. ",M' sorry hyungie, M' sorry ,please forgive me!? He sobbed hysterically, trying to hide his face on the Alphas neck .
Its okay Junnie , you just have to respect Jungkook ,and whatever you say okay? Are we clear?", Jimin questioned , slowly removing the man from his embrace.

Junah nodded hesitantly before saying ", Issokay, can i rub sunscreen on you too?", he asked excitedly, like a child waiting for candy.

" No i will do it ",Jungkook spoke fore the first time. Jimin smiled so lovingly at him ,and before Junah could reply ,he was being dragged by Jungkook away. " Feisty, i like it !",Jimin whispered to Jungkook.

But the omega was having none of it , as much as he was blushing. "Lay ,down and let me apply sunscreen on you, or else you will look like a fried chicken", he said pointing at the seat. Jimin giggled at him ,lovingly before pecking his nose and laying .

"Since when did you become so feisty ?", Jimin asked , enjoying the feel of Jungkooks' delicate hands on him. " Since when that omega came ",Jungkook answered ,still frustrated by Junah . He was so fed up with the man.

" Baby are you jealous? ",Jimin inquired. There was a long silence before he replied ", Yes of course i am jealous hyung , that Junnie or Junah or whatever is practically all over you ,you come in bed smelling almost like him. ". The man breathed in ,suddenly feeling the sting of tears. He wasn't that confident ,but he was getting there . However ,whenever the Alpha came closer to him , he would always smell like Junnie .It was disheartening.

" Baby ,as much as i am enjoying the feel of your touch ,come here . ",He said patting at the space beside him. He rolled over before pulling Jungkook to rest on his chest. However ,Jungkook sat abruptly ,causing the alpha to look at him worryingly. " See? Even now you smell like him ,and honestly it makes me feel like throwing up ",Jungkook pouted, glaring at Jimin.

"Baby ! There's one thing you don't know. That this alpha is all yours. All yours to touch, ruin ,love ,punch ,kiss and of course to ride ", Jimin said ,laughing at Jungkook when he caught on the man's words. He felt happy to hear that, causing a smile on his face.

" You get that? All yours, everything here is all yours ",Jimin said pointing at his body and heart . He pulled Jungkook towards him to lay on his chest again ," And i will try to stay away from Junnie , its only two days left and we'll be left together again right?

"Okay hyung ,but when are we going back to Seoul ."Jungkook asked ,before feeling the muscles beneath him tensing . " We've stayed for three weeks ,so we just have one week left ,then we go back to the doctor for your check up",Jimin said , massaging Jungkooks' head.

He raised a brown leaning to Jimin and looking above him while frowning "Do i have to hyung ?". He wondered what would be the reason for going back when he was healed. There were few headaches but to him they seemed normal.

" Yes you have to ,then we've got to find you a job ,or do you want to stay at home while i work ?",Jimin asked ,hoping that he would choose to stay home. The money Jimin had would sustain many generations  . "No hyungie i want to work, besides you are not a sugar daddy", Jungkook answered.

" But i am your daddy!?So i wanna spoil my baby boy", Jimin accused the omega while smirking "Daddy ? What daddy? I only know my daddy and your father!" Jungkook yelled at Jimin who was laughing his lungs out.

"You are too innocent for this world baby", Jimin said ,squeezing the Omega's cheeks. " Huh?!Who is another daddy Jimin? You are too young to be called daddy. Or or oh No ! You have a child ?!",Jungkook shouted , pushing Jimin away.

The alpha smirked before looking behind him ,seeing his sister coming to them . When she reached he finally said "Sweet little sister ,could you explain to Jungkookah what Daddy is ,if he refers to me ?".

Jennie cringed ,before walking to Jungkook who was standing while glaring at Jimin. She whispered to Jungkook before taking his hand and walking away.

"Hey! Come back he- ", His phone rang before he even a had a chance to finish the sentence.

" Sir, your wife to be was spotted in Korea today",his world shattered.......

OMEGAS' ARRANGED MARRIAGE( JIKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now