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"I need you to be really honest with me Jungkookah", Jimin gently asked, as they sat in the Olders' office. Both facing each other.

"Is...is Minah my child ?", stuttered Jimin. There was a turmoil of emotions running through his soul, body and mind as the stared at Jungkook.

The younger closed his eyes, sighing in defeat. He knew that Jimin would find out sooner. I mean who wouldn't when the whole of Minah' s face was the exact replica of Jimin ?. Everything screamed Jimin all around the child's face.

He was finally defeated after many years. He slumped back sighing " Yes she is Jimin,"

The alpha stood up shakily, trying to regulate his breathing. There was so many emotions running through his mind; pain,happiness, calmness ,anger.

Pain because he wasn't there when Minah was born, he wasn't there to take care of Jungkook when he was pregnant, he wasn't there for the news that Jungkook was pregnant with his child, he wasn't there when the baby girl first opened her eyes, her first cry,first laughter, first changing of diapers, first name, first crawling, first walking and first day to school. All this he wasn't there.

Happiness because Jungkook gave him a wonderful gift, atleast in the time of their short loving marriage ,something so perfect and good was born, his heartbeat, his exact replica ,every detail of her face, looked like him, a sign of pure joy and love, that both him and Jungkook had made love, had made the child out of all the sweet love making.

Calmness because finally, he had seen Jungkook. There wasn't a day just like his son said that Jimin didn't talk about Jungkook. Out of the love he had for the younger. The omega was able to calm him during those times when they were together. His scent ,smile, touch, and now a baby? Sometimes he himself had wished that Park Woonie would be his and Jungkooks' son.

Anger because why didn't Jungkook say anything ,who supported him, did he work tirelessly, where did they live, did he earn enough ? Did they stay at a safe place?

Lord knows how Jimin felt. He kept pacing around the office, gripping his hair. While Jungkook just stared at Him wondering what was going on in his head. His musky ,slightly sweet scent, which Jungkook ( he hates to admit) loved and missed was mixed with so many emotions that he , himself couldn't understand.

The only thing he could do was stand up and try to walk towards the Alpha to calm him. He was nervous yes, it had been long since he had gotten close to the alpha, heck any alpha for that matter.

Through the turmoil of emotions the only thing that could come out of Jimin's shaky voice was "Why? He stared at Jungkook who was now closer to him.

His eyes were glassy, tears already spilling out. He was always an emotional wreck whenever he thought of Jungkook. Now he could only cry about Jungkook and his child too ,his baby girl, his princess.

" Why Jungkook? Five years Jungkookie, Five fucking years. Didn't you atleast consider that ...that....",he breathed out trying to compose himself , was he safe to say that Jungkook always played with his emotions too much......"that ....maybe ...just maybe the father would be happy to know that he has a child? ...that maybe i would be elated that the only man i loved, still love was carrying my child, our child? ", he asked, looking at Jungkook.

This alone made Jungkook teary too. His only reason was that he wanted to protect the child. He was afraid that Jimin would not accept the child. He assumed that day when he saw Woonie with Jimin that he didn't need to know about the other child as he was happy.

But destiny knows how to play it cards right.

The direct contact with Jimin holding his arms made him snap out of his thoughts" Why, Jungkook?I had all the right, i ...i know i hurt you but don't you think atleast, just atleast that i deserved to be in my baby's life?. "

"J- jimin", he finally called, as the man stared at him through his eyes, holding so many emotions..." I was scared okay? You hurt me,and then ...the next moment i am pregnant........i didn't know what to do but to keep her safe",

" I don't think that's enough reason for you to keep her away from me",Jimin replied, suddenly taking few steps away from Jungkook. It hurt Jungkook at the cold voice Jimin used on him.

Welp! Here goes nothing "I am sorry, but i wouldn't want her to live in a life of pretence and lies. You hurt me and i was afraid you would hurt her!".Jungkook was now crying, fully, body shaking . All the memories that they made with Jimin, all came down crashing the moment he found out that Jimin lied to him.

"Just..just how little faith do you have in me Jungkook!? I know i hurt you and i apologized over and over, there isn't a fucking day that doesn't go on without me regretting about lying to you!". Jimin closed his eyes, turning around ,still gripping his hair trying to breath in and out to regulate his breathing. He didn't want to fight with Jungkook anymore. It hurt him before and never again.

He glanced back , only to be met with cries and hiccups. Out of instinct, he walked towards Jungkook and engulfed him in a hug. " Let me go Jimin, you hurt me, you hurt me so much ! "Jungkook cried hitting Jimin's chest ( oh Jungkook is a little shorter than Jimin ) .

" Am sorry Jungkook, at least let me make it up to you and our baby,"he smiled lightly loving how the name rolled out of his mouth.
Even with his other child Woonie, Jimin thought that a part of him ,was missing. The moment he saw the three of them, Jungkook, Minah, Woonie, he felt complete and he was gonna make it complete. At all costs.

"I am sorry, so sorry baby", Jimin rasped,the younger felt a wave of happiness at the name, it felt like drinking a cold glass of iced water on a dry patched throat. But then he suddenly remembered something. His little hoped being crushed down again.

He pulled away glaring at Jimin ,who looked completely confused at the sudden pushing. Just how shameless can Jimin be !Jungkook mentally asked himself. " What about Woonie's mother, this is wrong Jimin!"

Said man only smiled , pulling the younger closer again ,who was struggling to walk away. "She died, and no, she doesn't deserve the name , mother", Jimin said, holding the omega now by his waist.

" Let me go Jimin! You're lying",Jungkook said, glaring at the man. How was Jimin calm about this ? Was he joking or?

"Am never letting you go again baby, She was the one i was supposed to marry before i met you....she ran away," Jimin replied, staring at Jungkooks' lips. It was crazy how many emotions Jungkook was able to cause in him...."she brought Woonie when he was a baby and died later ".

Only now did Jungkook realise that Jimin was not Joking ,he stopped squirming ,feeling sorry for throwing tantrums. He now realised that Jimin too had gone through alot , in the last five years they had separated. " Am sorry, i didn't know".he mumbled.

Jimin only smiled, quite understand that Jungkook was jealous and sorry too. But the jealous emotion made him feel happy"its okay Jungkook, I understand , now can i kiss you? I missed you, five years yo- mmmmphh"...............

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