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"Baby open the door we have to talk",Jimin said , knocking on the door for the sixth time . He was worried for his baby ,ever since the kiss yesterday ,he hadn't talked to him at all. The younger had locked himself in the bedroom the whole night and he had slept without having dinner ,now Jimin was worried ."Baby please",Jimin said sighing in frustration. It was not everyday you'd find an alpha lowering his ego for anyone .But this was Jungkook ,Jimin's baby. He was whipped to say the least.

He was about to give up when the door suddenly opened , and his eyes met with the red ,puffy looking eyes ,a pout on the lips ,brown dishevelled hair. He was very cute to say the least but Jimin was feeling very bad about yesterday ,and he did not want to hurt Jungkook .He walked in on the bedroom ,glad that he was able to convince Jungkook to open up.

He put on the tray that carried pancakes with maple syrup and banana milk .Jungkook's eyes shone a little but was still sad. He fiddled with his fingernails looking down shamefully as Jimin sat down and stared at him ."Baby come sit here and eat first ",Jimin softly said patting at the space close to him on the bed.

Jungkook stood there ,almost about to cry again .He doesn't know why he was becoming emotional for the past few days .Jimin sighed worriedly as he stood up and walked over to Jungkook. "Am sorry okay?,Can you eat first then we will talk? ".But Jungkook reluctantly shook his head ,feeling himself tearing up . He knew Jimin was the one affecting his emotions.

When Jimin heard sobs from the younger ,who had his head lowered down ,he swiftly held Jungkook and pushed him in a warm embrace .The younger sobbed more louder ,as he tightened his arms around his hyungs' neck and buried his face on his chest .Jimin carded his fingers in Jungkooks' hair as he released his calming pheromones. "Shh its okay baby I've got you", He did not know why he said that but it seemed that Jungkook needed assurance that Jimin was always going to be there for him. He nodded as he stopped sobbing ,small hiccups being heard .

When he calmed down ,Jimin let go and placed a kiss on his forehead as he led them to the bed . They sat down ,Jimin taking the tray and brought it to Jungkook. Stubbornly ,Jungkook shook his head not feeling hungry "M' not h-hungry ,.

"You have to eat so that we can talk ,i don't want you to starve yourself .I care about you babe so just eat and we will talk okay?"Somehow the words seemed to work magically on him as he smiled a little and started eating . He could feel the elders gaze on him ,making him blush profusely .Jimin unknowingly reached out and wiped a small amount of banana milk on the youngers' upper lip ,and brought it to his mouth licking it.

Jungkook could not help but blush more .He was very sure that he was as red as a tomato right now .Furthermore ,his hyungs' actions brought him a feeling of want and need .

It was not long enough when Jimin held his hands and kissed his knuckles making him feel special. "Jungkook you know i care about you right ?",He asked staring at the younger fondly .Jungkook nodded ,still lost in the others' eyes.

"Words baby ,we need to communicate , so do you trust me ?",
"Yes i do hyung",Jungkook replied ,looking at Jimin." Then tell me how you feel ,what do you want ,what do you need from me ?Its not once ,you have locked yourself away from me ",Jimin said worriedly waiting for an answer .Not getting one he said "Is it how i touched you ,was is that bad ,or is it the kiss ? "

Jungkook looked down suddenly feeling bad for making Jimin think that he did not like it .When in fact he loved Jimins' touch , he craved for it so badly.
"N-no hyung ,"He said nervously,as he nibbled his bottom lip.

"Then what is it baby!?" Jimin exclaims frustratedly ,running his fingers through his hair .He cannot give up until Jungkook learns how to communicate his feelings .He is really eager to know why Jungkook has been acting so childish .

"Umm....i-i like it when you.......umm when you t-touch me hyung...",Jungkook says then hides his face in his hands. Jimin swears that his heart has left his body completely when he hears that .He badly wants to tease the younger but he patiently waits for Jungkook to say more "And?"Jimin asks as he removes Jungkooks' hands from his red face .

Jungkook contemplates but groans and says "and-and i want more hyung ,am just shy",he mumbles but Jimin clearly hears him. To say he is content with Jungkooks' words is an understatement ,he is thrilled ,his wolf dancing lazily to a song called
filter '. He feels really good about his baby being honest. He promises that he will crack Jungkooks' shell slowly so that he can communicate anytime .

"If that is what you want then you just have to ask okay? I would gladly do it ",Jimin says ,smiling beautifully as Jungkook stares at him .He knows he can never get used to his husbands attractiveness ."Okaay ",He says ,as he suddenly wraps his arms around Jimin. There is a comfortable silence between them when Jimin retracts and looks at Jungkook.

"Okay how about this ,you freshen up while i make popcorn then we will watch a movie ,you can choose any".He smiles sweetly and pecks Jungkooks' pouting lips making him gasp suddenly ,as he stands up smirking and walks out .

Jungkook freshens up feeling very happy, wears simple clothes as he sits on the bed and flips over Netflix as he comes across an interesting movie Fifty shades of grey and decides on it .Jimin comes in shortly ,with popcorn and looks up at Jungkook who is staring at the wall blankly .Seemingly lost in his thoughts .He feels himself almost in tears again as he tries to remember something . Jimin worriedly looks at him as he walks over to comfort him.

"Baby whats wro-",He freezes on his way to Jungkook ,due to the question asked ..

"- Jimin who is Taehyung?",................

Heey my lovely people ,sorry for the short update ..... will write more for you.
Oh!Did you guys see Jimin todayyy and Jungkook ...?? Damn these men haha ...... But bts overall makes my heart happy 😊❤.....
And you who is reading this book too❤❤

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