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"Mind if i join?", I asked ,my voice sounding husky. Jungkook gasped turning to look at me,as his big doe eyes widened and his mouth slightly parted. He looked too adorable for his own good. He was stunned for minute, turning to a very dark shade of red .

" JIMINN!!",he shouted and at that moment i knew he was still mad at me ."Where are your manners, don't you know the meaning of privacy? Get out Hyung!".He said ,shooting daggers at me with his beautiful eyes. I wanted to chuckle at his cute expressions of showing anger.

"Well practically this is my house and you are mine soo......,i said leaning on the door .......so no".I smirked as he tensed ,breath hitching as he blushed profusely. He closed his eyes ,and took deep breaths to calm his cute anger.

"Please Hyung", he said calmly ,looking at me expectantly. His anger had vanished but his eyes still remained dark with anger.

"No",i said and the fury returned making him narrow his eyes at me and clench his jaw. He muttered some words under his breath probably to curse at me before he said "Please",with so much fury and sarcasm ,almost trying yo mock me. Cute.

I smirked at his direction and leaned better on the door. His bambi eyes followed my moves stopping on my prominent bulge for a few seconds before meeting my grey ones. Red tinted his neck,ear tips and cheeks before cutely lowering his head.

"Okay ,but on one condition", he looked up at me angrily ....." I get to shower as well",i calmly said ,pointing towards the glassed shower that was right infront of the tub. His eyes followed to where i had pointed and turned to look at me in horror and screamed "WHATTT!!HYUNG?!" he said, not believing me.

At first i was joking about showering while he bathed but gauging by his cute reaction i wanted to. I couldn't bath with him yet so at least i wanted to be closer to him.

"What if i say no?" He asked glaring at me ,gripping the bath tub harshly.
"Then i will just watch you bathe babe", i said smugly as i crossed my legs over the door ,hand on my head while leaning on the door. He looked at me defeated before huffing a fine under his breath.

He turned back at me ,probably mad and continued playing with the bubbles. I removed my shorts as i walked to the glassed shower ,with my boxers on. I smirked as i saw Jungkook looking at me from the corner of his eyes,checking me out shamelessly.

I slowly removed my boxers as i watched my Omega's reaction. I grinned widely as i watched him trying to look unbothered .But him and i knew better......


Aaaah ! I was very angry at Jimin ,at myself ,at the warm water on my body . Jimin dared to enter the bathroom while i was bathing. It was too intimate and i was too embarrassed to say the least. At first when i had seen him on the door i had a mini-attack because i had never shown any man or woman my body.

I peaked from my lashes to meet with Jimins' back ,luckily he was busy turning on water. The bathroom was half glass and half steel so thankfully i didn't see his lower region. I couldn't really concentrate with bathing as he turned around with his smouldering gaze as water ran through his glorious body. I sank in the bathtub ,feeling shy and nervous as I felt myself heating up from his intense gaze

When he closed his eyes suddenly , i sat up hastily and took my bathrobe before starting to walk quietly to the door. I did not want him to see me but who am i kidding !.

Just the moment when i had held the doorknob, still looking at him, he suddenly opened his grey stormy eyes to meet with mine. I gasped as i felt myself weakening from the intense sight my Alpha.

I blinked my eyes and in that span of time, a strong palm fisted my arm and pulled me harshly to a wet chest and pushed me against the door. I opened my eyes at shock, looking up at angry Jimin
His arm tightened around my waist as he pulled me closer.

"W-what ....i stuttered as i stared at the angry Alpha ......... w- what are you. .......d-doing Jimin ,Let me go", I lifted my arms and tried to push him away .Getting tired of my pushing,Jimin pressed me closer to the door and strongly raised my arms up.

Water from his hair locks,dropped on my slightly opened chest as i shuddered due to cold .Jimin noticed this before moving closer, his full lips meeting mine. What started as a soft kiss turned to a hot punishing kiss with Jimin biting my lower lip. I moaned in protest ,but he grinded his crotch area with mine ,rendering me completely aroused.

He suddenly opened my bathrobe completely taking it off,before he pressed his naked member against me. I moaned ,loving more than i shouldn't as Jimin slipped his tongue, hotly against mine. I pulled his wet silky hair in protest as he groaned into my mouth.

" H-hyung",I moaned as he sucked on my earlobe. His strong hands roamed around my body heating it up as his lips moved slowly,sucking and kissing my neck.

He suddenly held my ass cheeks moulding them softly ,as i closed my eyes due to the sensations. He lifted me up by my waist before gripping my hair to have more access on my neck. His other hand skimmed over my nipples without touching them.

Desire coursed through my body as Jimin made me hot and needy."Hyung Please!",I whimpered pathetically as i tried arching my back for him to touch my nipples, which he ignored completely as he kept on suckling my neck.

"Hyung!Please",i whimpered again as he ghosted over them. He just knew how to push my buttons well.

Finally he looked up at me, grey eyes completely blown out ,scent overpowering my Omega........."What?!",he asked huskily.

I shook my head before shakily bringing one of his hands to my nipples. I gasped at the sensation of him rubbing over my nipples. He pinched one of them as he kissed my neck before latching his lips on my other nipple.

I moaned loudly, as i held on to Jimin's' neck ,when suddenly our members rubbed on each other. Jimin groaned as the vibrations went straight to the nipple he was hungrily sucking. He tweaked the twin nipple making me whimper in pain and pleasure.

Heat pooled at my stomach as Jimin held on my buttcheeks before opening them up. I opened my eyes shocked before i cried "Hyungiee!",.

Jimin circled a finger at my hole before he stopped sucking and looked at me" Tell me baby ,Has anyone ever touched this slick little hole?"he whispered lightly biting my earlobe.
My breath hitched as i tried to regulate my breathing and answered a "No",.....I breathed out before looking at Jimin. He hummed before he kissed the tip of my nose .

" I want to taste you ,but not in the bathroom baby ...........

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