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The atmosphere between the two lovers was heavy ,hot and erotic. Pheromones full of arousal dancing around them like waves. It was intoxicating. Jimin looked hungrily at his Omega, sprawled on the bed stark naked and hot. This was the first time he had really looked at his Omega's body ,slowly ingraining his body in his mind.

Jungkook ,looked beautiful ,skin glowing ,wet hair,cheeks flush,lips slightly swollen,perky erected nipples,toned stomach,beautiful flushed cock leaking with precum and those thighs that made Jimins' mouth water. The alpha suddenly wondered why he had missed all this beauty in those years of his life. But he was sure he was one lucky bastard.

"Gorgeous",he muttered in his drunken haze. He wanted nothing else but to devour the omega. And wreck him. Jungkook squirmed, blushed so hard under his Alpha's intense gaze as Jimin leaned over and caressed his cheeks.

"Has anyone ever told you how you are beautiful because fuck you are beautiful kookah",Jimin whispered to him, pressing his thumb on Jungkooks' lower lip, circling it so sensually. " No", Jungkook answered looking at the alpha .

"Fuck can i taste you ?",Jimin said, as he ran his fingers over the youngers' chest. Jungkook nodded hesitantly , as Jimin rubbed over one nipple with the pad of his fingers. Jungkook arched his back , loud moan escaping from his swollen lips. Jimin lowered himself and took one of his nipples and sucked on it , hot wet mouth .Jungkook shuddered as he immediately closed his eyes and moaned again louder.

"Ah hyung" he whispered breathily , as he thrashed under the sheets in pure ecstasy. Jimin didn't waste his time before lowering himself , eyes on the omegas' leaking cock . He bent to take the red leaking cock into his mouth before sucking . To say he was in heaven was an understatement.

"Ah hyung ...too much ...please ",Jungkook blabbered as his fingers ran over the soft locks of Jimins' hair. He was practically on seventh heaven..... the pleasure was too high ,too blinding ,the could feel the same heat he had felt the other day pooling at his stomach.

Jimin ,too lost in his haze, bobbed his head ,sucking ,as he circled his tongue on the slit of Jungkooks' cock. The omega mewled, beautiful sounds emmernating from him. He cried in pleasure when Jimins' thumb pressed against his slick hole.

The Alpha took more of Jungkook , up to his throat ,practically wanting for the Omega to get his release. He was sure he would also cum from the way his omega was crying in pleasure.
Before he could continue his ministrations, a loud ringing was heard ,and a voice that practically made Jimin to stop his sexual actions.

Jungkook whined pathetically ...looking at his alpha " Why'd you stop ",he whined. But the elder was too concentrated on listening to the voice outside his door.
One he heard it , he widened his eyes and stood up hastily from the bed.

"Shit my parents baby ,i think i heard my mum",Jungkook panicked and sat up , trying to understand through his mushy mind .He glared at the Alpha before he whisper yelled"Why didn't you say anything Hyung! I am not prepared", he stood up , completely forgetting he was stark naked before gripping his hair tightly.

" I didn't know they were coming baby, so you better get your ass dressed",Jimin said , before grabbing a pair of boxers, some sweats and a t-shirt. He looked back at his husband who was practically eye-raping  him and smirked. "As much as I'd like to fulfil your sexual fantasies running through your mind, my parents are already here baby".

Jungkook blinked, gasped and blushed profusely before he looked at Jimins' eyes. " Stop!I wasn't looking at you!You are just ...just agh!".He said before suddenly realizing he had no clothes . He took a bed sheet and wrapped it round his body .

"Sure you weren't baby, just hurry your pretty little ass and meet me downstairs please", Jimin said chuckling at Jungkooks' cute behaviour. He had already accepted that he was whipped for the boy. " Hey!Its not my fault that i haven't worn clothes already",the younger snickered ,too angered by his Alpha while pointing a finger at Jimin.

"Me?Who was moaning and whining my name some minutes ago?" Jimin smugly said as he walked out of the bedroom leaving a flustered Jungkook in the room. Jungkook groaned , stomping his feet childishly both from frustration because of Jimin and madness because of the day when he saw Jimin with his cousin. He was still mad but decided to shut up nonetheless.

He rummaged through his closet ,and wore casual pants with a black tee. He  blow dried his hair a little ,moisturized his face ,before sauntering down the stairs , ignoring his nervousness.

" .......Did you tell him? You know it will hurt both of you right?....You are using him.....",Jungkook heard ,a female voice saying. He frowned ,walking through the many stairs wondering who was being used, will hurt both of them.

" ....But mum.....",Jungkook heard his husband, before he looked at him and kept quiet immediately. They shared a look , before Jimin looked away. Why did Jimin have that look?Jungkook wondered. His alpha had a mixture of looks between hurt and guilt. The atmosphere was getting awkward to him and his wolf.

But soon , all the faces turned to look at him. There was an older man , who looked huge and well built ,with a huge resemblance to Jimin, A woman who Jimin had been talking to,and two other,a female version of Jimin ,and a man who was glaring at Jungkook. The older lady ,probably Mrs. Park walked elegantly to him ,and closely he saw that the woman looked like an older version of Jimin....mostly the lips and the button nose of his alpha.

He suddenly became nervous as the woman walked up to him....but the nervousness was soon replaced by shock when the older woman squealed and brought him to a bone crushing hug..He huged her warmly ,suddenly missing the warmth of a mother.

She let go ,patting his head as he heard Jimin say"Baby,that is my mom , this is my father Mr. park and this is my annoying sister Park Jennie, with her boyfriend Mark ". He nodded awkwardly as he mouthed a " Hey",

"Come here son , you are the one who's got my son at whipped "The older man said, walking to Jungkook and hugging him warmly. He felt so good especially when he couldn't remember whether he had parents or not. He kept the thought in mind,so that he could ask Jimin later.

He was taken aback when Jimins' sister ran up to him and hugged him."Welcome to our family ,brother in law,!!Although you don't remember, we have met twice already . Now atleast i have an omega partner.", she sweetly said ...looking at Jungkook happily.

Jimin glared at her sister but rolled his eyes nonetheless. "So for how long have you planned to stay ?" Jimin asked quietly. He looked tensed and Jungkook wondered why.

"A week baby", His mother said before walking to him and squishing his cheeks. Jungkook stifled giggle as he looked at his Alpha being babied . He had never seen Jimin getting flustered or being cute. Or has he? He frowned as he tried to recall a blurred memory,a memory of drunk Jimin. He stopped trying to remember once he felt a sudden ache in his head.

" Okay...did...did you come with him?",Jimin asked anxiously as he prayed that his parents did not bring him. Who was this him? Jungkook questioned himself.

"Yes Jimin,we had to....he couldn't be left alone at the state he is in", Jimins' mother answered. " Why ! He could've just stayed....."Jimin could not finish the sentence as soon as he heard the voice . The voice he dreaded ,but loved too.

"Hyuunnggg!Surpriseee!!" Jimin heard as he looked at the door to see the said man. He stared wide eyed at the man who was walking seductively to him. It was soon going to be a walking nightmare as he tried not to remember what had happened in the past.

Jungkook blinked ,shook his head feeling nauseous all of a sudden. He couldn't believe it .Who was this man who looked like the exact replica of him? .....

"Jun-ah ",........

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