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The whole night, Jimin was restless, he wasn't stupid , he knew that something was going on. Why did the child earlier look like a split version of his younger female self. Was she Jungkooks'? He really hoped so. Or was it another person from his past.

He shuddered from his thoughts as he smiled, remembering that his small boy had not engaged in fights today. At least he would survive. He somehow wondered if Woonie would have changed had he got motherly love.

It seemed that his sister and mother were not enough for Woonie. He somehow wondered if Jungkook ,his love would accept his child and love hi. He really missed his husband so bad.

Not a day passed without him regretting whatever he had done. He had paid yes , by having a heartbreak , facing rejection from Jungkook. He remembers some two months after Jungkook had left him with a note , he had seen him working in a cafe.

His heart carries the burden of living alone ,no one to love him or no one to be loved by him. He still carries pain when he saw the tears of the Omega , the pain , the way Jungkook rejected him and walked away with another man .It wasn't the best encounter to say the least....

It was the first day in two months that Jimin had left his house to grab a cup of coffee. Having no strength in him, due to the sleepless nights, dark circles under his  eyes, a very huge painful headache due to drinking , he decided to just walk at a nearby cafe and grab a strong coffee.

It wasn't until he had sat down after ordering had he been met with a wiff of his husband who had left him. It took him by surprise as he lifted his head to look at Jungkook in shock and pain.

"Mr.Park", Jungkook coldly said. He hated the man infront of him , but loved him so much at the same time. His heart was going through too much torture . He wanted so much to close the distance between them and nuzzle his alphas neck . He wants so bad to sit on his lap and cry out in happiness of the good news that he is currently expecting their child. The child they made out of love .

But as soon as those thoughts come ,they go away, as he remembers how much of a liar, disrespectful, cheater, his husband is. Hence the name. He remembers when Jimin had shouted at him and told him to never call him Jimin. Now he does remember.

The face of the alpha , written in regret , pain, almost makes him want to comfort him .But not this time. He promises he will never ever go back to that life .

" J-jungkook?",Jimin for the first time in his life stutters, tears brimming in his eyes. He is weak for Jungkook . Its not the first time he had cried. Infact it is his daily routine. He is shocked to see Jungkook here, but happy as well. Though the omega isn't too pleased.

"Yes? Mr.Park ,what can i get you?", Jungkook asks, still glaring at Jimin who looks too broken, his hair has become longer, he sees.

" C-can we talk first please? ",Jimin pleadingly asks, already standing up trying to get closer to the Omega, who backs away slightly.

" Kookie please, please,just once can we ple-",he begs so pathetically at the Omega who is glaring back at him, a whirlwind of emotions swimming in his eyes.

He grits his teeth ,muttering a forced "fine", with a clenched jaw before he walks out ,to a path leading on a small park . It doesn't have many people , but he stands there anyway, looking at Jimin.

" What do you want Jimin and please ,i have no time for your sorries, they won't make me go back to you ,oh ! Or lemme guess you're gonna make me get into another accident and make me forget everything right?",Jungkook spits out, his scent so dark and bitter. He hates himself for loving someone like Jimin. He hates his heart for still feeling bad and loving the male in front of him.

For once Jimin cannot comprehend what to say, he knows he made a mistake yes, a every huge one , but out of instinct he suddenly grabs Jungkook , who is startled and hugs him.

His mind feels settled as he desperately nuzzles his nose on Jungkook who stands stiffly in shock. The warmness and familiarity is what makes Jimin to cry, he sobs so badly trying to get more closer to Jungkook .His omega, his life, his love, his baby, his bun. He feels complete, so warm ,so full and complete. But it doesn't last long.

Jungkook soon registers that Jimin is holding onto him, sobbing ,and he feels emotional as well, yes he does enjoy the feeling of his alpha snuggled against him But his picks himself and his emotions and tries to pull away "Let me go Jimin".

But Jimin relentless, he cries even more once he hears his name from the younger .With muffled cries in Jungkooks neck he mutters"Please,please say my name again , please. Jungkookie, i am sorry , Alpha is sorry ".

It takes minutes of composure from Jungkook to stop himself from returning the gesture and hug his Alpha back ,and so he tries again " Jimin let ,go, "

His tries are fruitless , but once he shakes himself away from his emotions he pushes the strong alpha away "Let go of me Jimin , you have no right on me whatsoever!"

But Jimin begs nonetheless, not caring if they are on a park with people .He finally lets go and drops to his knees . clutching Jungkook whose bottom lip quiver from how Jimin looks vulnerable ",Please Jungkookie, i am sorry , i-i did it because i loved you ,i still do , i never intended to hurt you , i wanted to tell you so many times but ...but when i saw you were happy i didn't want to hurt you ,i know these are excuses but please kookah , please....", he sobs , hands clutching Jungkooks' legs.

The said omega, tears up , he knows that maybe Jimin is sincere but he needs time , and time away from him. Time to make up his mind , time to build his life , time to make money for his growing child. " Stand up Jimin",He motions , as he grabs the Alpha 's shoulders and brings him up.

His breath hitches , more tears pouring out , never has he seen Jimin so broken before ,yet he stands still on his decision ."It's not easy to forgive you , but i need time away from you Al- Jimin , i need time to recover from all these wounds, you have hurt me so badly, so bad that i can't even look at you the same way.... i can't... I can't be with you because....",

Jimin interrupts him , suddenly begging again, as he wipes his own tears, grabbing Jungkooks hands, but Jungkook protests, suddenly repulsed by Jimin's touch. The look of reject on Jimin is painful to bear. So he breaths in , wiping his tears to as he continues ..."because you and i need need to work out things, life isn't all about luxury Jimin, or happiness. Yes i do love you , but you hurt me.",

He cries ,"You hurt me so bad that it pains everyday , its not easy for me  too , but my life cannot revolve around you any more or us , so i am sorry , am sorry but you are not enough for me right now ",Jungkook says , suddenly grabbing the ring on his finger , and putting it on the Alpha's palm.

" Goodbye",He says , walking away ,in pain, his heart shattering more. But a wrist holds his hand immediately , turning him around ",Am sorry Jungkookie, can i kiss you one last time please ?", Jimin says , eyes pleading with Jungkook.

Jungkook is shocked at first but nods nonetheless, as Jimin closes the distance , engulfing Jungkooks lips with his . It is a painful kiss, a goodbye kiss , a kiss with no ending , a longingness of broken hearts ,the pain of knowing that the will leave each other behind.

They break away, chests heaving , eyes closed , forehead against forehead, hands against each other bodies " Kookah ,i will always love you, i am sorry baby ",is the last thing Jimin says , kissing the youngers forehead , as he turns away from Jungkook who walks away crying .

It was one of the last days he had seen Jungkook. He still yearns for the younger but was heartbroken when he saw Jungkook two years ago with a child and another man. He closes his eyes, wiping those lonesome tears as he tries to sleep.

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