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"Oh ! What do we have here? ", the unknown man said so sweetly ...looking at Jungkook. He was currently leaning on Jimin ,and Jungkook was not liking it even a little bit. That was his alpha ,and he felt threatened by the mere presence of the man. His scent made Jungkook sick to his guts.

"Junah why did you come?", Jimin quietly asked, gesturing for his parents and everyone to take their seats. Jungkook wanted to sit by Jimin but he was dragged away on the opposite couch by Jimins' sister, leaving the so called Junah to seat beside his alpha ,glued like a koala.

"I came because i heard my Chimmy was married without telling me",The omega said pouting at Jimin.
"Yes i got married, to Jungkook ,"Jimin said cautiously, not wanting to hurt the man. He knew that Junah was obsessed by him. He had sent him to an asylum to get help. Their past had nit ended well and the man had promised to kill himself if Jimin had left him.

When Junah heard that his alpha was married ,he almost killed himself . But luckily did not ,after  Jimin had gone to visit him. "Oh yeah ? Does he make you feel the way i did ?" The omega asked stupidly. There was a sudden quietness before Jimins' mother stood up.

"Okay you know what....Junah come with me son, let's go and make lunch while others settle in the guest rooms." Mrs.Park interrupted ,seeing the discomfort in Jungkooks' face. She grabbed Junah and left to go and make food while the rest were shown the guestrooms by Jimin to settle.

When Jungkook had entered the room shared with Jimin ,he suddenly felt like crying. He was insecure about the man .He was beautiful in all ways that he wasn't. He still wondered how many people were involved with Jimin. He cried when he thought about Jimin. The man had suddenly changed after his family had come.

He was distant, and gave no attention to Jungkook. Ever since he overhead the conversation, Jennie's boyfriend glaring at him, and now the Junah who was making him insecure. Didn't he give everything Jimin wanted? Was Jimin not satisfied with him? Would Jimin leave him?

"Baby?", he heard Jimin calling him. He suddenly wiped away his tears as Jimin walked up to him. "Hey ,hey,look at me ,What's wrong?", Jimin asked so sweetly cupping his face.

" N-nothing hyung ",Jungkook said ,looking down ,not being able to meet the Alpha's eyes. Jimin sighed before he lifted his chin and kissed his forehead. The gesture made Jungkook so emotional that he started crying again. He wondered why his emotions around his man were always uncontrollable. He wondered why Jimin was so sweet with him.

The Alpha ,took the fragile boy in his arms before making him sit on his lap ,straddling him. "Bun, what did we say ?Don't close me off okay?", Jimin whispered quietly ,hugging the boy.

Jungkook pushed Jimin away before saying"Hyung who was that? Why did he ask that. ...that question",Jungkook asked scrunching his nose ,due to the other Omega's smell on his alpha .

Jimin smiled sweetly " Is my baby jealous ",he asked ,wiggling his eyebrows. " Jungkook blushed hitting his husband's chest "No stop hyung!I ..feel insecure...and then he almost looks like my twin",

" Can we talk about it when my patents are gone? I promise i will tell you everything, but for now try to get a long with him ",Jimin said nervously. If Jungkook would soon know then he didn't know what the man would do.

"Okay i will try, please remove these clothes you smell like him ,i don't like it Hyung", Jungkook said ,still scrunching up his nose cutely. Jimin cooed at the sight before he removed his shirt. Jungkook stared wide eyed before closing his eyes groaning.

" Like what you see baby?",The alpha teased huskily. Jungkook shook his head, mouthing a no, until he heard his Alphas' breath fanning his face.
He opened his eyes slightly ,only to be met by the sight of his Alpha's lips .

"Hyung stop!"He breathed heavily, affected by his husband's gaze. The gaze that always made him want to squirm, knees to weaken and to make him wet. "Oh yeah ? Or else what Jungkookie?"Jimin asked kissing his lips swiftly. On instinct ,Jungkook closed his eyes and parted his lips waiting for Jimin to take him.

He only opened his eyes when he heard Jimin giggling . He pushed Jimin away due to embarrassment before trying to get away from Jimin's lap. "Jiminnn", he whined wiggling away from the alpha's tight hold on him.

" Baby stop",Jimin said ,now becoming serious. But Jungkook was stubborn. "Let me go hyung! ", he shouted ,trying to get away from his Alpha's strong  hold on his waist. "Kookie stop !", Jimin said groaning from where he laid on bed . Whatever Jungkook was doing was almost enough to make him feel so good. Jungkook was on top of him ,his ass directly on Jimins' cock rubbing oh so softly.

Only until when Jimin groan ,did Jungkook realise. He could feel the bulge ,directly between his cheeks. "Oh",He said ,looking down at Jimin. He did not stop however, he grinded his hips on the bulge more feeling a shudder on his spine. His alpha groaned as he held his waist trying to stop" Baby if you don't stop this I'm gonna cum",Jimin clenched his jaw tightly ,losing control second by second.

So this is how it felt good to see Jimin loosing control. Jungkook thought as he stared at Jimin and grinded himself onto Jimins' bulge again. A deep growl came out of Jimin as he sat up hastily before crashing his lips against Jungkooks'. Jungkook moaned as Jimin held his cheeks and grinded harshly in between  where his hole had already gotten wet.

He was sure that Jimin had gotten a whiff of the smell. Because Jimin suddenly dipped his fingers in his pants and inside his boxer before circling his rim with one finger .He whimpered when the finger ,found its way inside his walls ,teasing softly. "Hyung," Jungkook whispered tugging the alpha's hair.

Jimin groaned as he kissed his Omega's sweet neck. His eyes rolled once one of His fingers gained access through the tight ring of muscles. He wiggled his finger making Jungkook clench around it tightly. He wondered how he was gonna fit there the day he would  wreck the Omega.

He grunted when he felt more slick gushing out of Jungkook ,to coat his finger ,sucking it more . He stopped suddenly when he heard their door being knocked. Jungkook whined pathetically when Jimin pulled out his finger. He was too into pleasure to even hear the door. He pouted at Jimin who chuckled calling him a brat before pointing at the door.

Jungkook looked shocked first before gasping when Jimin brought the finger to his lips before sucking, then moaning at the flavour, Jimin moaned because he always knew that his omega would taste good ,something between too sweet and a little bit salty . The omega blushed looking at Jimin questioningly.

"What?!I wanted to know what my baby tastes like,.........

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