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"So Jimin ,when are both going to give me grandchildren? Am not growing any younger you know", Mrs.Park suddenly asked . Jungkook choked on his food ,while Jimin stared wide eyed at his giggling mother as he offered his omega a glass of water. Sometimes his mother was too straightforward to his liking. They were currently sitting on the dining table ,having lunch .

"Mum...when we are ready we will", Jimin answered shortly while glaring at his mother playfully. Although the question at hand was sensitive he did not like to feel pressured. Furthermore, they had not done the thing yet.

" Whaat? Don't look at me like that boy, we just want to have granchildren jumping around the huge mansion. Right hun?",Mrs. Park lovingly asked her husband. "Yes of course Jimin,but i agree with you,just take your time ", he said wiggling is eyebrows at both Jimin and blushing Jungkook.

There was a moment of silence before Jun asked" So how long have you both been married Jungkook?" He looked at the said man who was shy under Juns' scrutinizing gaze. Jun was a bit suspicious of the marriage. He wanted to know more and he was sure he would break Jungkook until he got his man back.

"Umm a-about six and a half  months", Jungkook said timidly. He felt a little bit safer when Jimin took one of his hand and squeezed it lightly for reassurance. He loved Jimin for his small caring actions.

"Mmh....i never thought my Jimin could get married one day.... And that also to a very shy omega....he loves confidence .....confidence is sexy ....right Jimin?", He asked ,now averting his eyes to his former lover. Jungkook squirmed uncomfortably due to the man. His words had shot through his fragile heart ,breaking it into pieces. His insecurity slowly eating him up.

" Junah please stop teasing",Jennie asked the man ,glaring at him, she did not love the man's words even one bit. His voice was always so sweet  but his words painful and full of venom.

"No i just want to know, why did he choose him over me , besides isn't he my tw-," he said so innocently before being interrupted. "Jun please shut up ,or else i won't think twice before i throw you out of my house!", Jimin said ,clenching his Jaw painfully. The words from were enough to make him keep quiet and continue eating.

He looked over at Jungkook who was so quiet....his scent a little bit anxious.  He knew that the oncoming week was going to be a long one. With Jun present ,there would only be calamities. " So Jungkook did you regain all your memories?",Mark, Jennie's boyfriend suddenly asked. Jimin and his family tensed while Jun looked at all of them questioningly. He would make sure to know the cause of the tension.

"No ,just a few", he quietly said. Jimin relaxed  completely after hearing the answer.  He didn't know how to tell Jungkook that he had once abandoned him and hurt him.
Once lunch was over Mr.Park had summoned Jimin for word ,while Jennie went out for a walk with her boyfriend leaving Jungkook and Jun alone in the kitchen while washing dishes. As Jimin's mother went to redt in her room.

The atmosphere was completely awkward until Jun asked " So i am guessing that you haven't know my Jimin for too long ,right?",he said staring at Jungkook who was busy washing dishes.

" Yes, but with time we have gotten to know each other ",Jungkook answered ,mentally patting himself for not stuttering in front of the other omega.

" Mmmh ....then its not enough, you sound too sure of yourself but am gonna ask some questions and we'll see ",he said giggling. Jun was so sure he was gonna have fun breaking Jungkook down.

" So what's his best position ?",Jun suddenly asked. Jungkook looked at him questioningly ,trying to understand the question ."I-i don't understand ".
"Oh darling ....too innocent haha.....so you don't know Jimins' kinky stuffs ? Or wait ...hasn't he done it with you yet?", he asked staring intently at Jungkook. From his tensed body ,Jun knew that he hadn't been touched yet.

" Haha.... Poor one ,i thought my Jimin had betrayed me....seems like he kept his promise",Jun said ,wiping the dishes dry. He was happy to say the least. "What do you mean ?", Jungkook inquired ,heart beating painfully due to the man's words.

" Oh !He said he would never touch anyone until i get out of my medications, my Jimin is a keeper you know",Jun happily said dancing around the kitchen humming to a song.

Jungkook felt his world crumbling slowly by slowly. Tears threatening to come out. He was hurt to say the least. Just how much connection did Jimin have with this man? Jungkook kept strong nevertheless ,remembering that Jimin had promised him that he would tell him everything about Jun.

"And you know what Jungkookie ? Jimin sometimes loves to be babied ,as much as he is an Alpha, he loves to be treated and taken care of. Kisses ,cuddles, and in bed too .Do you do that Jungkook ? Or are you never enough?", Jun mocked Jungkook.

The man closed his eyes as he chocked on his tears. He suddenly dropped the glass plate ,making it break into pieces. He dropped on his knees, wiping his tears ,and tried to collect the glass shards. Jun smiled victoriously as he watched Jungkook breaking. He wasn't done with him yet.

" Oh my God! Am sorry i didn't mean to offend you,Lemme help ," Jun said innocently as he tried to help the man. "Oh no it's okay ,it was....it was my fault please lemme do it", Jungkook apologized  ,trying to hold back his tears.

" No it's definitely okay lemme jus- OUCH !",Jun shouted ,after he stepped on a piece of gless.  He had done deliberately to make Jungkook seem like the bad one and oh did he love it .

"Jungkook! Look what you have done aah", Junah cried. Jungkook through his tear stained ,blurry eyes apologized frantically. " Am sorry Jun ,i didn't mean to do it",he said panicking from the sight of blood . He helped the man sit on a chair .

He was apologizing once again ,before Jimin stormed in the kitchen and saw both of them. He panicked seeing the sight of blood. He walked on to Jungkook who muttered a plain "am okay ", before squatting to attend to Jun. He felt bad for Jun because the man had always had a phobia of blood. It would trigger his bad memories or make him almost insane.

" Junnie ? Are you alright? ",he asked quietly, not bothering to look at Jungkook who was breaking from the sight before him. He felt sorry for Jun as much as he felt jealous of him.

" Am okay Jiminie, just a small cut",Jun said ,pouting at Jimin. Jimin raised his leg a bit to find that the glass had cut in deeply ,he sighed still looking at the injury before saying "Baby please get me the first aid box," to Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled a little ,hearing the endearing name Jimin had called him. It was enough to calm him down butt not enough to calm his breaking heart.

He walked off to get the first aid box, before giving it back to the Alpha , as he stood beside them worryingly. "Okay Junnie this is gonna hurt a bit but you're gonna be fine ", Jimin said worryingly as he tried to take the glass shard out. Jun closed his eyes, holding the alpha's arms as he felt the sting of the glass being taken out.  The pain was worth it  because he was able to touch his alpha and to make Jungkook jealous.

He celebrated inwardly as he saw the look of hurt on Jungkooks' eyes. "There, all done now ,can you walk ?", Jimin asked the omega, as he finished dressing the injury. Jun stood up trying to walk until he suddenly swayed and on instinct fell on Jimin's arms . " I-i don't think i can Hyungie ,please carry me ",He asked gently.

" Okay lemme carry you to your room",Jimin said ,swiftly lifting him up ,bridal style,who hid his face in the alpha's neck ,smiling happily while  walking towards the door. He stopped abruptly while opening the door saying "Bun please call the maid to help clean up ,". He said not turning to Jungkook  leaving him broken and hurt.

Hurt because in the process of trying collect the shards of glass Jungkook had also cut his palm too.
He sat down brokenly on the floor as he tried to dress his wound too. He sure knew that the week would be too long for him. With Jun all around Jimin, he didn't know how to get his husband's attention from the omega.
But he would try.......

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