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Jungkook shifts beneath the sheets, chewing his lip ,whining unable to look up at the alpha. "What is it lovely?Something you want ? Tell alpha", Jimin asks gently ,rubbing soothing circles around his cheeks.

" N-no ....S' embarrassing ",the Omega mumbles, ducking his head, blushing red and hiding his face in his hands.
"Hey, hey",says Jimin ,reaching to remove his hands from his face."Don't get all shy on me now baby, Be good and tell alpha what you want."

"....S' Just ...really want a kiss".

Jimin heart melts .A smile spreads across his face and he coos ,cupping Jungkooks' cheeks ,and leans until they are centimeters apart. Using one hand, the Alpha traces Jungkooks' lower lip with his thumb pressing it lightly. " Baby wants a kiss ? All you have to do is ask sweet thing".

And with that he leans down completely and closes the remaining distance between them, groaning as he tastes the Omega's lips. He wondered quietly if Jungkook had always tasted this sweet ? Or was it his heat ?

The kiss starts off soft, then Jimin's pushing forward with an increasing intensity and want,tongue swiping across the Omega's bottom lip, the younger instantly parting his lips and allowing Jimin's tongue to deepen the kiss and taste every part of his warm mouth.

Jimin slides a hand under Jungkooks' shirt, the sheet pooling around his waist. His hand traced the toned stomach,fingertips brushing over the rope of muscles as he made his way to the Omega's chest. "" H-hyung", The younger shivered under his touch ,grip on the Alpha's biceps tightening. His eyes closed and mouth parted as he squirmed under Jimin.

Jimin pushed up,to support his weight on one of his elbow. The sight of his lovers flushed skin was simply mouthwatering. He couldn't wait to put his mouth on him,tasting every inch as he had dreamt for months.

The omega shivered when Jimin ran his fingers over his chest ,back and forth ,relishing the way the skin broke into goosebumps. He arched his back, due to sensitivity, with a soft gasp ,the small movement causing his Shirt (practically Jimin's shirt)to part and reveal his swollen nipples. The strawberry pink buds,were already hard.

"Beautiful", Jimin murmured ,mouth slightly watering as he licked his lips, rubbing one nipple with the pad of his finger. " Ah!",Jungkook breathed, almost lifting off the bed with a loud startled moan. Jimin pushed him gently back down kissing all over his chest and collarbones ,as he continued to rub one nipple.

It looked like Jungkook was particularly sensitive , as he sobbed quietly due to the blinding pleasure. His moans were unfiltered ,legs thrashing under the sheets . When the alpha could no longer control his desire, he pushed the shirt off completely , before latching his lips around one nipple sucking like a starved man, tweaking the other one with his fingers.

"Hyung!",Jungkook cried, as his hands flew on his Alpha's locks lightly pulling . Jimin groaned due to the pressure , the vibrations resonating around the sensitive nipple inside his mouth. The alpha watched in fascination as he attacked the other nipple , the younger throwing his head back on the pillows ,biting his lower lip moving his head from side to side, crying in pleasure.

Jimin , suddenly pulled away , feeling too overdressed for the occasion. The omega whimpered beneath him due to loss of touch. He ripped the sheets covering Jungkook , throwing them away unceremoniously, and cursed under his breath when he saw that Jungkook was naked underneath.

His breath hitched ,as his eyes zeroed in on the lower half of his Omega's body. Thick thighs, hard cock, red tip leaking precum. Jungkook too embarrassed, squirmed slightly under Jimins' gaze.

OMEGAS' ARRANGED MARRIAGE( JIKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now