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You've been warned

On the bed, the omega was all in display for Jimin who seated on the chair , lube on the bedside, which Jimin vaguely wondered what it was for considering how his husband was sopping wet, all in display for him.

The way his pale skin begged for Jimin to claim him and mark him as his. He often wondered how sexy Jungkook would look like when he's all fucked out with marks all over his chest,neck and thighs,lips swollen from Kissing,his hole dripping with his cum and slick,tongue hot and heavy,hanging out of his mouth.

Fuck.Fuck. The thought made him painfully, incredibly hard.

Jungkook sat on the bed,resting against the headboard ,legs spread open for Jimin to see his pink little hole,looking at Jimin through half lidded eyes.

Jungkook dragged his hand on one of his perky pink nipple and lets out a shuddering breath as his fingers graze through his left nipple drawing slow circles around it ,biting his lower lip looking at Jimin.

Jimin watches with dark dilated eyes, every movement of his fingers, all the way down to his flushed cock, and the open legs showing his wet ,hairless hole .

Jimin watches him, watches his hands and wishes it was him, pinching those pink nipples. He fists his hands to restrain his urge to jerk off from Jungkook touching himself.

Jungkooks' other hand trails down from his toned stomach, down to his weeping cock, flushed red needing release. Squeezing lightly,he scrambles for the bottle of lube and squirts some on his tip and spreads down his length with a slow stroke .Painfully slow.

He hisses through his teeth, tossing his head back. "Alpha!",

The said man,is watching him pleasure himself to a point where he also takes off his sweatpants and strokes himself, squeezing and imagining being inside the warmth of Jungkook.

Jungkook chokes out a moan,one hand rubbing the slit of his cock and the other rubbing and pinching his nipples.
" Touch your pretty little hole baby, let alpha see",Jimin rasps out .

The younger obeys, leaves his cock and reaches between his perenium down to his wet hole. His finger circles around the pink hole, puckered and clenching around nothing, toes curling from the sensation.

"Fuck yourself for me baby", Jimin husks out , still jerking himself.

Jungkooks' chest is rising and falling at a rapid pace, a finger circling his wet ring of muscles eyes screwed shut and eyebrows furrowed, concentrating on Jimin's voice. His thoughts jumbled out, there's saliva pooling in his mouth, forcing himself to swallow.

He looks so delectable and fucked out that Jimin groans out, also thumbing the slit of his cock.

The latter cries out , slipping a finger inside with a gasp. " Alpha... ' need you",Jungkook pants harshly adding another as he curls his fingers inside himself , brushing lightly against his prostate.

He's already tired from all edging and need to be in control and right now he needs Jimin.

Needs Jimin in him.

Its like Jimin reads his thoughts out or maybe he might have said it but right now he is too high and delirious to think of anything but Jimin, specifically Jimin's cock.

Jimin is already stark naked when he approaches him. He takes time to admire his alpha before Jimin takes his hand, fingers still in his hole and pulls them out, earning a gasp from him, and  brings  them to his mouth licking with his tongue and sucking lewdly groaning at the taste of precum , slick and lube.

OMEGAS' ARRANGED MARRIAGE( JIKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now