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The horn is blaring loudly on and on ,and i know for a fact that Jimin is getting impatient by my tardiness. Jeez can't he get a grip,its been like twenty minutes only!I decide to go after touching up my face with a little make up and walk down to the car.

"You took long",Ah there is the Jimin i know. He sure took long to come out from all this goodness

"Am sorry",i mumble slowly.

"No need for apologies,it was worth it since you look really good",he says glancing at me,eyes raking from top to bottom shamelessly. I feel really happy after the comment,not expecting it at all.

"Thank you",i say after a moment of silence still recovering from the complement.

"Did you put on some make up?",he asks ,starting the car engine. I don't know whether he likes it or not because his eyes are now focused on the road.

"Yes umh...Hyung i could wash my face if you ...umh...if you don't like it",i mumble softly and lower my head down ,biting my bottom lip.( Its obvious that his opinion affects me so much).
Jimin takes his eyes off the road for a while and stares at me with a soft smile. He sighs louder before he lifts my chin and stares briefly into my eyes,
"And why would you wash it ? you look good in everything ",he says with a genuine smile which melts my heart. Why is he being so sweet today? But who am i to say no to attention.?.My wolf still squeals in happiness for the attention it is getting.

"Thank you ,y-you look good too",i blush profusely glancing at the other side.

"I do?"He says teasingly,but i nod ,since i am unable to think clearly.
The rest of the drive is in a comfortable silence. We reach sooner and he parks his car and runs to the other side and opens the door for me. What's happening! Gentleman quality?From when did he start to act all nice with me ( dont get me wrong ,i love the attention) But where is the other Jimin?

He offers one of his hands as we walk to the entrance of the grand hotel. I stare dully,here and there as he walks with me to one of the cornered tables,with low light and a huge window to enjoy the scenery.He pulls the chair for me and i sit quietly,still questioning his actions.Aah this is too much to take ,but if he continues this way ,i might confess as much as i am a shy bean.

It takes a while before a young waiter, about my age comes up to us and smiles genuinely.
"What would you like to eat sirs?", he asks gently ,and i look up at him once again to notice that he is staring at me .He flushes immediately,knowing he has been caught staring.
"We will take chicken soup for starters,you may go now",my husband glares at him and he cowers away with his head low.I feel bad for him.
Oh no
Is he
Is he jealous?
Oh now he is glaring at me .What did i do ????.

"W-whats wrong? ",i ask him softly ...

"He was literally checking you out and you allowed it ,so i had to send him away. You are only MINE !"Now there is the Jimin i know .Always possessive .

We soon take our diner quietly with small little talks but anytime the boy comes to our corner ,Jimin lets out a groan or a growl either way he is acting childish.
We finish our meals , still talking here and there ,until a certain voice breaks our comfortable silence.

Jiminiee!!" a man ,with mint green hair rushes towards Jimin and hugs him tightly,siting on his lap.Oh no! Not again Jimin please push him away! Jimin is surprised but looks very happy as he hugs back.Its not until minutes later that the man pulls away from their hug and sees me ,
He smirks and then says" Who is this? one of your other whores?!Whore ! Me??Oh no ,i think am gonna throw up.
"Yeah just one of them,"Jimin says ,and i feel my heart cracking once again.Betrayal,rejection ,pain, shame.

"Okay can we go at mines please Jiminie ,Am sure the man can find his way home?" he whines at Jimin and at this point my tears almost spill but i wait patiently for that his answer in hopes that he will chose me.
But who am i kidding,
" Yes lets go," ........he says and stands up puts his platinum card on the table and leaves hand in hand with the man,leaving me there.......

It has been a week and a half since i saw him. Him who went with my heart,him who lights up my dark days,him who makes me feel giddy like a baby,him whose strong vanilla scent is always addictive,him who captured my heart with his actions,him who has a beautiful bunny smile big doe eyes,beautiful pink soft lips,him who has melted my cold heart,him who has made me stop fucking around,him who has made my nights sleepless,him who has made me worried for almost two weeks...

My Jungkookie

My Omega

My heart

My shy smiling bun....

My baby

My heart

I officially went crazy ,the moment i came back home that day. I could not smell his scent ,i could not hear his voice laughing with the maids while cooking for me,i could not feel his warmth. He had left .I knew i had broken him from the first day i married him. I had rejected him,pushed him away,brought many men and women at home. But he had said nothing, Though i could hear his whimpers and cries at night and had seen the pain through his smile.

But now i know i had pushed him too far. I had developed feelings for him the moment i had first seen him. But i had pushed them away because i didn't want to betray my first love who had left me during the day of our marriage. But he had never deserved the cruel treatment i had given him. I know and i regret it so much.
But now he had left me....no trace ,no nothing. I had left him my platinum card, out of pity. Now i know better. I cant even go to the office because i cant function well.

My father,himself is disappointed by my behaviour .I have always reached his standards,but now he doesn't even look at me. My sister ,Park Jennie ,came all the way from Paris to Seoul to check on me.....to say she is mad is an understatement.......My mother,damn my own mom said "I will not take you back as my son Min ,until you bring him back!"

I have been working with my best security ,to try and find him and so far it has been futile. I hate myself so much .....i wish i could get an opport-

"Sir!We have found him,At a local hotel in the outskirts of the city!"......

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