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"You didn't tell me she was your cousin Jimin ! How did you expect me to know?"I yelled at him as much as i could .Gosh the man was too much sometimes ."Baby am sorry! Okay am sorry", He said . But i was not going to fall for that . Wondering where i had gotten the courage from ? Well i was drunk .I had taken about a full bottle of wine .Seven glasses i think.

"You made me wait for you for almost twenty minutes. And when i go to look for you ...a woman has draped her arms around you like a snake.....", I said as i pointed a finger at him accusingly.

Jungkook! I am sorty okay .I bumped into her. And she is my cousin baby . He said quietly and composed. I rolled my eyes as he mention the word cousin for the a hundredth time .I knew he couldn't lie but aah.....the sight was replaying too much in my mind.

"No jimin just ....just goodnight ", I said walking away. I walked over to bed not even bothering to change as i plopped my tired body on the soft matress. I was so pissed at Jimin right now.The nerve if that man!The night had started well i don't know where it went wrong. I feel fresh tears as i remember the events.......

I had allowed Jimin to take me out for dinner. I had prepared myself well. Dressed up in an expensive armani suit for him. When Jimin Hyung had seen me he had carried me bridal style saying that i looked so beautiful. He had kissed me sweetly and passionatly before we walked into the car and drove to The restaurant.

We had reached soon, only to realize that Jimin had booked almost the whole hotel except the tenth floor that had an event going on. The thoughtfulness made my heart swell .Jimin had surprisingly said that he had to attend a business party but later on after dinner. He had taken me to the roof top where there was a small table ,two chairs ,red petals of roses on the ground ,cold sweet breeze all around us and soft music playing in the background. It was a simple dinner but it made me happy .

The love, the gestures, the touches ,the small kisses ,us feeding each other ,us slowly dancing to a romantic song. Covered in each others scents ,and warm embraces, chest to chest ,hand to hand ,breath on breath, lips on lips . It was all that mattered. The smallest things that made us happy. The small jokes that we made, no awkwardness ,just comfort .It was quet until all hell broke loose.

Jimins' phome rang ,and soon we were heading to the party on the tenth floor. Jimin was known to many ,and i was very proud when he introduced me as"This is Jungkookie ,my husband",he would say to many. I was not comfortable among many people ,and furthermore their questioning gazes.But Jimin held me through ,all the introduction until we sat down for a few munutes....him still talking with his business associates and i ...well i was on the fourth glass of wine at that time.

It wasn't until Jimin excused himself for some minutes ,that i felt completely out of place. Minutes later on my sixth glass after waiting for too long ,did i spot Jimin .And with who ? A woman, dancing beautifully .They looked perfect together. I felt my heart breaking as tears welled in my eyes. I watched as they dnced laighing ,sharing smiles. I downed my last seventh glass before standing up. Feet almost wobbly. I was going to show her who he belongs to . When i had reached i yanked off her arm away from Jimins' body.

She looked at me in shock , challenging me until Jimin noticed and turned around .He didn't look shocked ,only questioning .As if i was the one at fault. "Baby?" He asked now letting go of the woman. I scoffed looking at him angrily."Who is this Jimin huh?" I asked shoutingly .He looked around before noticing that there were people looking at us. I knew we would cause a scene but i cared less . He instead held me , as i protested "Let me go ,Jimin ,who is this ?!"

Sadly he didn't listened to me , but soon he picked up bridal style as i squeled and hit his chest .He looked very furious. If he was furious then i worse ten times worse. We entered the car ,with me still protesting .As i continued shouting at him. When we got back i was already tired . He had hurt me .I wasn't going to listen to him.I was shocked when he said cousin .But i won't forgive him easily.

Now here i am about to sleep ,still crying as i wondered what I was crying about. I laughed at my own misery ,realising that i trust Jimin so much ,that i can't imagine him cheating on me . Then why was i crying ? I was childish sometimes i know. Sighing i stood up ,feet wobbly as i changed and slipped in the covers smelling my Alphas scent .

It wasn't long until i heard Jimin entering the room ,shuffling a bit until he settled on his side of bed .Surprisingly he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my hair as i heard him saying"Am sorry baby , i know you are mad at me ,please forgive hyung ",


I woke up at about 6 am in the morning groaning from the little sleep and the sun shining brightly on my eyes. I squinted my eyes as i looked at my husband ,cutely sleeping . I know he is mad at me ....but then again he was stubborn and drunk. I watched in awe as the warm sunlight shone on Jungkook lighting his dark air to a dark brown color.

I tucked some hair under his ear as he cutely moved closer to me and threw a leg ,completely caging me. He hid his face in the crook of my neck ,with his breath caressing my skin. He draped an arm around me as he snuggled closer. If he was awake ,he would be shocked by his own actions.
I watched as his chest rose up and down ,lips slightly parted. If only he knew how much he was seducing me without intending to. And just like some sick fuck, i watched him for about five minutes before pressing the button to close the curtains and went back to sleep ,enjoying his warm embrace

I woke up to the sound of Jungkook removing himself from my embrace .Mumbling some incoherent words. I opened my eyes in time as he walked to the bathroom swaying his hips unknowingly from side to side. I felt my groin stir as i badly resisted to groan and palm myself. I couldn't wait to make him mine.......

I got out of the bed and decided to call for room service today because i was still tired. I ordered one of Jungkooks' favorite meals as I walked to the bathroom to tell him that breakfast would be brought within ten minutes. But when i knocked loudly on the door , the door pushed itself open......I widened my eyes as the door fully opened.

Fuck he had forgotten to lock the door and there he was staring at me wide eyed..........................

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