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Everyone shouts at him suddenly as he enters the hotel booked for him. He smiles, tears bubbling up just as his alpha walks up to him and kisses his head, " happy birthday baby, you deserve it ",taking his hand and walks him to the few people as they congratulate him.

He recognizes few people , his hyungs, his twin brother ,Taehyung of course, Jimin's family , a few people dressed in business suits.
" Thank you Hyung, don't you think its too much",he asks, as soon as they walk away from the huge crowd. The music is a little calm but nevertheless,
Jungkook winces, as he tries to remember something .....His head is painfully aching but manages to smile as Jimin tugs at his hand .

"No bun, nothing is too much for the one i love okay ? You can have anything okay?", he asks, offering him a glass of wine.

"Okay," he replies as another one of Jimin's friends comes up to greet them and walks away.

"Can i take you tonight baby? You look so beautiful ,i wanna eat you up ", The younger blushes, as his alpha whispers to his ear.

"Stop it Jimin, we'll see later, but i want to ask something hyung ? What happ-",the omega is interrupted by Jimin's father who walks up to him .
" Son!, Can i take Jimin away for a while? It won't take long",Jimin's father beams at him, ruffling his hair.
"Its okay dad,"Jungkook smiles up at him and bows a little.

They walk away from the crowd before he turns around and is met with Taehyung. He grabs Jungkooks' wrist as music continues playing all around the hotel , people dancing and drinking, as they walk to the balcony.


" What happened to me Taehyung ?",Jungkook asks, massaging his head slightly.
"You don't fucking remember?", Taehyung asks in disbelief. Was Jungkook playing games with him or was he really forgetful.?

"No! Why would i ask you if i do ?", he asked annoyed by Taehyung and his scent too.
" Okay,Fuck, you just fainted when we reached at the house, when you got into your former room ",he says.

" Former room?Was Jimin and i not sleeping together? I mean the same room?,he corrects himself,looking at Taehyung with a raised eyebrow

"How would i know? So you fainted i took you to the doctor who said that you will remember with time, he said that you shouldn't be too overwhelmed by the memories or else you will- ", Taehyung suddenly stopped ,when he saw Jimin looking darkly at him.

" Finish that sentence Tae and i swear you won't see the good side of me ever again",Jimin said, releasing a very powerful scent, making both of the Omega's whimper at his mercy.
He immediately stopped , and walked towards Jungkook and held him ,muttering sorry.

"What are you doing here anyway? I didn't invite you", Jimin asks , focusing on Jungkook who has his face buried in the crook of his neck.

" Well that question hyung, is for your sweet little husband to answer, adiós ",he says , walking away. Even though Jimin treats him like that, he still can't stop loving the alpha. He will have him one day! He swears,as he walks out of the hotel. Now that his plan to ruin Jungkook and Jimin has been stopped since Jungkook forgot about today's incident, he walks away ,planning how he will break them apart.


" Baby did you give Tae an invitation card? ",Jimin asks , petting the man's hair.
"Yes i did Hyung , i just wanted to try and be friends with him", the omega though painfully, lies to Jimin.
"Hmm, I'll let it slide ,because i feel there's more , let's go and enjoy your party", the alpha murmurs, before smiling at the younger

" Okay",.he agrees, he is happy about the surprise but Jungkook is overly quiet about his excitement. He is closed off when showing excitement but still appreciates it .However today doesn't feel too beautiful for him , he wonders why but decides to work on the problem at hand tomorrow.

"But you'll get a punishment today bun",The alpha suddenly announces, looking at Jungkook who is too stunned to speak. Eyes widening , and a blush covering his beautiful face .
He is sure there is a spike in his scent as Jimin smirks at him.

" Does that excite you?Bet it does?Let's go baby , before i fuck you senseless here",shamelessly ,he takes the almost whimpering omega and walks inside the hotel to continue with the party.

Jungkook doesn't know how long he has been talking to people or eating or dancing or grinding at Jimin or either drinking , but registers on the fourth glass of wine when he sees Jimin on the dance floor dancing and talking to another woman. Oh no!Not again , Jungkook shakes his head , and walks over to Jimin pulling away.

Startled by the certain movements the alpha looks down and smiles , seeing the furious but adorable face of his omega
"Baby this is Elisa , Elisa this is the one and only ...", Jimin says proudly looking at the omega who isn't pleased by the words his Hyung has said.
" Nice to meet you Jungkook ,I am his only best friend don't worry",Elisa says , catching on to they way Jungkook glares at her. He looks too adorable as Jimin would have said. No wonder he is whipped..

"Nice to meet you too , we'll take our leave now", sassily Jungkook forces Jimin to walk out of the hotel in to their house.

Jimin doesn't need to be told twice as he realises that Jungkook is aroused, annoyed and a little bit drunk. " Baby what about your party",he asks, starting the car immediately.

"Don't care, want you as soon as we reach to the house", he commands, and fuck does that not go into Jimin's hard dick.
"Okay okay, You get bolder when you drink",He smirks, and almost chuckles at how Jungkook looks right now.
Too demanding, face flushed, puckered lips and a spike of arousal in his scent.

It doesn't take long for them to reach, anticipation and adrenaline high, Jungkooks' hand on his crotch , squeezing the outline of his bulge.

" I have a surprise for you ",.....

OMEGAS' ARRANGED MARRIAGE( JIKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now