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"I have a surprise for you", Jungkook announces ,a smirk playing on his pink, kissable lips.

Jimin tilts his head to the side,brows perking up in interest.
"Yeah? What is it?",He asks, before settling his hands around the Omega's thin waist, fingers looping themselves on the hem of Jungkooks' shirt, pulling him closer. The boy makes himself comfortable on Jimin's lap as soon as they reach in the house.

" Its a surprise hyung",Jungkook drunkenly drags out the words,rolling his eyes. "I can't tell you! I guess you'll just have to wait and see",Jungkook leans closer, hot breath ghosting over Jimin's mouth. He sighs, eyes fluttering over the lingering touch he so desperately craves for.

It might seem short ,but it feels like years since he's had Jungkook like this, too long since he kissed the mole under the Omega's bottom lip and every part of his body; too long since he made Jungkook a trembling mess under him , all fucked out and beautiful under the moonlight.

The younger slowly humps on his already hardened cock ,fingers threading gently through his hair, hot warm breath fanning his mouth. A groan escapes his mouth as the omega grinds his hips against his clothed cock, seeking release through the delicious friction.

In any other day he would have taken charge but he lets Jungkook have his way with him, relishing the moment. His heart stutters inside his chest,fingers already scraping their way under Jungkooks' shirt and his nails digging softly in the warm skin.

It escalates from there, broken moans echo alongside sloppy sinful kisses and needy hands ;searching ,grabbing and touching. Jimin's tongue eagerly meets Jungkooks' ,swallowing all the pretty sounds he makes whenever the alpha bites harshly on his bottom lip. His teeth drag along the seams,hard enough to bruise.

He feels the soft sheets underneath him ,more than he sees them,too busy unbuckling the Omega's belt and now distracted by the pants. There's not much to think about ,not even how they managed to reach the bedroom as Jimin's aroused mind is set on freeing his husband's toned legs from his goddamn tight black jeans.( He bought them ,but now regrets it smirkingly).

He does so ,successfully rather than skillfully, rolling the pants down Jungkooks' delicious thighs. It is when he looks up does he finally see them.

His beautiful husband in a pair of  fucking pastel blue satin panties. He does see them.

"Surprise!", Jungkook giggles blushing, still a little tipsy and bold ,but it's enough to bring Jimin from initial shock . Jimin is breathless, speechless. He tries not to stare too much , but his gaze keeps coming back at the lace panties and he's safe to say he has never been so fucking aroused like the way he is in his entire life .His cock twitches, a bead of precome slipping through his slit . He can feel the wet spot forming on his underwear.

" Jungkookie",The alpha mumbles huskily, his scent spiking full rage arousal.
"Do you like them hyung ? I bought them for you", Jungkook says , still blushing .Jimin's chest swells with pride at the knowledge that his omega did this for him. To please him.

" I love them ,fuck", He says, smiling softly.
He coos admiring the delicate lingerie, and how it gives Jungkook a nice delicate but tempting look. The alpha wants him to keep the panties on while he fucks him to oblivion, but he's too horny to function and right now, he wants nothing but to see all of Jungkooks' naked beautiful glory.

"As much as i want them on you baby, i want you fully naked",
The panties and Jungkooks' shirt join the rest of his clothing not long after and Jimin eyes his lover from head to toe, like a thirsty man in a desert, and Jungkook the only one to quench his thirst.

As soon as Jimin's clothes follow the same path to the floor, the omega straddles his, his hard dick is slightly curved and the reddish head ,shines as drops of precome drips out, making a mess where it lays untouched on Jimin's toned stomach.

" Hyung....I've missed you so much, you haven't touched me ever since my heat",Jungkook breaths, licking hungrily at the alphas neck. His tongue traces up the vein of Jimin's jawline ,all the way to his cheeks and then down his swollen lips. He reaches Jimin's earlobe, sucking on the skin, and Jimin groans,body trembling. "Want you so ,so bad Hyung".

" I've missed you too baby, Sorry alpha didn't touch you ",Jimin grins, tightening his grip on Jungkooks' waist and meeting up his thrusts,cock against cock, rejoicing on how easily their cocks slide together.

"Then take me please hyung ", Jungkook whines, as slick gushes out of his hole, that doesn't go unnoticed by Jimin.
" Somebody's too excited mmh? You're too bold today , i like it",Jimin grins, as he circles the youngers' rim with his thumb, groaning as he feels the wetness.

"Hyung ,don't tease, i will cry hyu- ", Jungkook whines.
" Jeez baby ",the alpha says before he shifts them around, trapping Jungkook with his face down on the bed, ass up and ready him.

" Such a pretty ass, just like you",The alpha loudly declares, tracing his fingers around the fleshy ass,as he settles between the Omega's legs.

"Hyung!", Jungkook grunts liking the praises too much ,scent sweetening with his voice muffled by the pillow,he hides his flushing face into, shivering as Jimin kneads the his ass cheeks.

" So cute, so damn cute",Jimin coos ,slapping his ass unexpectedly, but gladly taken .Not hard enough to bruise or sting but the omega whines anyway, already into his subspace, his back arching beautifully.

"My beautiful baby boy, gonna make you feel so good, so good.......am gonna taste you, 'kay baby? Then fuck you with my tongue. You want that , don't you Jungkookie ?",

Jungkook cries , huffing against the pillow, trying to think of words through his aroused mind." Y-yes Hyung, p-please".Jimin chuckles "Don't worry baby, Hyungs' gonna take care of you , gonna show you how much he loves the surprise ", He mostly whispers, already too high on his arousal to reply well enough.

Positioning himself behind Jungkook, he feels the head of his cock painfully close to Jungkooks' ass , touching the crimson cheeks , but it's not enough. Its not enough so he thrusts forward, only allowing thee tip to gently slide between the slick crevice, dragging out muffled whimpers from his lover.

The alpha reluctantly stops a few moments later , well aware of his intentions knowing that if he continues like that, he might not be able to finish what he hadn't even started. Focusing on exploring the extent of Jungkooks' naked ass, he leans in , mouth warm against Jungkooks' skin kissing and nipping.

With his hands holding Jungkooks' sides , Jimin spreads his ass cheeks apart , granting him a wonderful view of Jungkooks' wet pinkish hole, clenching and unclenching around nothing, just waiting to be fucked.

" Fuck baby , look at you",Jimin groans and leans in, licking along his rim , leaving a long wet stripe of both slick and spit, on his path. "Taste so fucking good".

Jungkook sobs under him, his whole body trembling with the feeling of Jimin's hot mouth on him. He tastes so good, Jimin roughly sucks the flesh around the rim, whole face buried into the most sacred places of the omega. He licks from his rim , down to the perinium and goes all the way to his balls, licking and sucking.

He's rewarded by the pretty sounds of the omega, moaning and sobbing , almost thrashing as his thighs  tremble in delight.

"Hyung!", Jungkook cries, needing Jimin to stop his teasing , and the alpha does so .

The air is thick with both their arousals in the room as Jimin traces his tongue back to the rim,before slowly wiggling his way into the muscles. Jimin fucks right into the Omega's hole as he sucks hard around the rim, going on and on to reduce Jungkook to a whining whimpering mess, making loud and pretty sounds for him.

Jimin's chest is heavy as he pulls away for air. He looks down at his lover, whose thighs are seconds away from giving up and he sinks back in .............

Will update soon , sorry for leaving you hanging.....

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