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The last time Jungkook had met Jimin ,was when he had attended Jimin's siters' wedding. He had shortly given birth to Minah ,and was still recovering. Nevertheless, he had promised Park Jennie, to come for a short time to congratulate the married woman.

Nobody except Taehyung and Mrs. Chan had known about his pregnancy .He had decided to keep it that way for his safety and the safety of his child. He knew he would meet Jimin but not in the state of having a small child clinging onto him. It made his heart hurt with the thought that maybe, just maybe Jimin had moved on and gotten a child. It broke his heart after he heard the words from Jimin himself.

"Jungkook?!", Jimin called ,as they were talking amongst each other during the evening celebration meals. Said man turned around to be met with the alpha's mesmerizing eyes, still showing love, pain and so much adoration even after two years apart.

It squeezed his heart painfully, as they looked at each other with so much wanting and longingness." How are you Jungkook?".Jimin asked. He himself had missed Jungkook so much. His wolf begging to touch the glowing omega. Jimin thought that Jungkook had always been very beautiful, but today, he glowed, there was a shift, a sudden change in Jungkook that he couldn't pinpoint. (If only he knew Jungkook had just given birth to a beautiful babygirl, His bundle of Joy.)

"I am fine Jimin, How about you?",Jungkook asked, not the shy one anymore ,as life hard taught him the hard way.

"I am fine too....and happy to see you....can we -", the Alpha was inturrupted, a small whiny voice hanging onto his leg.He looked down ,smiled at the two year old, wobbly child, trying to walk, as he signaled his nanny that it was okay.

He lifted the small baby,and smiled adoringly, as he looked at Jungkook whose face had paled, as he saw the resemblance between the two people. He wasn't stupid, he reached a conclusion that this was Jimin's child, his only concern was who was the mother?
" Umm,Jungkook this...this is Woonie, he is ....is my child".Jungkooks' breath hitched, chest paining so badly. His eyes almost teared up, looking at the adorable child, and the happiness that radiated from Jimin.
He concluded that Jimin would not want another child, hence,he didn't say a word.

"Okay, its...its nice to meet you, Woonie", Jungkooks voice quivered with emotions as the child busy playing with his father's shirt button finally looked up to him.

He looked like an exact replica if Jimin....eyes staring adorably and curiously at him. The child looked so much like his six month old baby. He felt his chest tightening more and more, emotions building up. And he wanted nothing but to go now.

" Can we talk?" the alpha asked gently. Oh how Jungkook missed the voice. The sweet calming voice. But he was never going to fall again for Jimin. Never again.

"I-i have to go", he replied, as he turned, walking away. He was aware of Jimin calling unto him ,but he didn't stop. Not when his tears had already slipped out.
Fuck he loved the alpha so badly.

It was the last day he heard from Jimin. And now they're hear. His worst fear. That Minah met Jimin.


" Where's my Child ! What did you do to her?",Jungkook asked, spitting venom. As much as He was surprised to see Jimin, he was just wanted the safety of his child first.

Even after all these many years, he still didn't know whether to trust the older.

His child!? Jimin's mind wondered. Did Jungkook get married again?! He couldn't take it even though he was strong.
"Jungkook,relax, she is fine", the alpha said, slowly after recovering from shock. He opened the door to his mansion gesturing Jungkook inside.

"Where is she?", he asked, after carefully breathing in and out to relax, still he was panicking inside.

He followed Jimin, after the older had mouthed the words " follow me". The reach infront of a room, hearing giggles resonating from inside.

When the door of the room was slightly opened, the two children abruptly stopped their games, as Jungkook rushed to his child."Minah are you okay? You got me really worried ".

" Relax appa, it was just a cold, now don't worry, see? I am fine ",The child reassured Jungkook, taking his hands away from her face.

" Oh okay, are you ...are you sure you're fine? We can go and get you checked up, then we'll see-", suddenly inturtupted by the pouting child.

"Ugh! Appa! You worry too much, i am fine, infact Woonies' father helped me, have you met him?",the sweet child asked, glancing at the door where Jimin stood observing the three of them .

" Yes, i met him, "he said, suddenly wanting to change the conversation."I haven't met your friend only, how are you Woonie?"

The younger glaring child, was too stunned. Never met someone as warm as Jungkook, well except his father. He held out his politely, as he greeted Minah's dad. "Am fine,It is nice to finally meet you".

Jungkook greeted the child, furrowing his brows cutely ,just the way Jimin liked it. " Finally meet me?".

Woonie looked up at his father, who was confused, before he glanced back at Jungkook smirking. "I mean father talks everyday about you, Jungkookie right ? he says these words everyday and your pictures are-

'Park Woonah!"Jimin warned, as his child chuckled. He was in for trouble this evening.

Silence .
Pin drop silence.

Jungkook too shocked to reply, flushed, as he awkwardly gazed back at his Child who was confused as she heard what Woonah had said.
Did they know each other?
How come?
She was sure to ask her appa when they got home.

"Appa can we stay for a while?", the child asked, not wanting to go away from the place. It felt somehow like home, Woonah felt like home and Jimin felt like home to her.

"No child, it's getting late, we have to head back and catch the bus", Jungkook said, trying to calm his raging emotions as he collected his child's belongings.

" You could stay for dinner, i can drop you ",The alpha offered. Jungkook stiffened, from where he was before trying to refuse when Minah squealed happily." Really ?Sir?",

Jimin winced ,from the word but nodded happily, his son who had been quiet also agreeing happily. The only one in the room was Jungkook, too reluctant to listen. Its not like he didn't want to , no, but through this, he was afraid that he would fall in love with the alpha again. Or the alpha would realise that Minah was his child.

But when he looked at the innocent puppy eyes of both the children , he groaned and muttered a "Fine".

But Jimin being Jimin, wanted to really clear out things before everything. He wanted to know the truth first. He wasn't stupid when he realised that both the children looked too similar.

" Jungkook can i have a word with you ,please,"The alpha asked gently, seeing as the children had gotten engrossed in playing with toys.

Jungkook gulped, He was in for an emotional ride.

Heey, i have been busy lately, but i want to finish this book soon, so that i can start another one. A more darker and raw .
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