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Well this is downright dirty smut .You've been warned!

"Fuck baby !Goddamnit !don't stop!", Jimin cursed under his breath.

Currently in bed ,resting but Jungkook having woken up earlier had become mischievous palming and squeezing Jimin's semi -hard dick ,enjoying how Jimin had suddenly woken up and groaned at the feeling of being touched.

Jimin ,was nevertheless not complaining. It felt good to wake up to a sight like this. Being touched in all the rightful places like he craved. And that too by the man he loved.

It felt good to see Jungkook, initiating something erotic like this. And that too..... in the middle of the night .He sure was, a lucky bastard.

Jungkook had been teasing him for the last three months, and had done nothing about it. He had to jerk off many times when Jungkook had left him so painfully hard....lest he got blue balls.

Maybe it was all worth it.

The younger suddenly straddled him,  ass in contact with his clothed dick. He relished the warmness and pressure in between the ass cheeks, and vaguely wondered if Jungkook was already wet. The thought was long gone when Jungkook ground on him, pushing himself backwards and forward.... so slowly ,so sensually.

The omega leaned down,and kissed, him on the chin, just below his pillowy lip, nipping and teasing. Jimin just lets his husband be , as he smiles at him.

Jungkook dives in for another kiss, but this time slotting their lips together in a bruising kiss. The alphas hand creeps up under his skimpy shirt, skimming his finger,over his sides, caressing his body. His nails drag down the Omega's defined stomach,and Jungkook shudders,exhaling through his nose shakily, as he nips at Jimin's lower lip, asking for entrance, to which the older let's him, sucking at the warm tongue ,lewdly.

Jungkook harshly grinds down on his alpha, pressure due to friction already making his hole clench and unclench.
Jimin brings his hands up to his chest, circles the area around the nipple, relishing in the way Jungkook whines, arching his back onto his touch, before he pinches, the nipples.

"Hyung ah",Jungkook whimpers, eyebrows furrowing in ecstasy and want for more,grinding down on to Jimin more harshly. The feeling of Jungkooks' ass on his dick, paired with the friction of his pajamas, rubbing against him has Jimin hissing through his teeth.

" Baby, what are you doing? Its in the middle of the night",Jimin chuckles, looking up at the man who is still grinding upon him.

Jungkook will one day be the death of him.

"M' horny", the younger answers. Looking down at his alpha , eyes dilated, lips already swollen ,scent so sweet it almost chokes Jimin as he breaths shakily ,  Jimin thumbing at his nipples.

" Okay, okay, that's new , do you want me to fuck you?",Jimin asks, pinching his nipples now.

The younger instead silences him with another bruising kiss, the older tugging at the nipples harshly.

"Alpha !", Jungkook squeaks, he feels like he might come from how Jimin plays with his nipples. But he doesn't want that.

He pries himself away from Jimin, taking his hands out of his shirt. Jimin frowns, furrowing his eyebrows "What is it baby?".

"I want to take control ....and....",
There is a blush covering Jungkooks' face, but he gathers confidence, suddenly remembering his plans. As much as he wants to be fucked , he also has to make Jimin watch.

"I want you to sit on the chair, Watch me pleasure myself", he says, still sensually rolling his hips down on the hot and heavy hard dick of his alpha.

Jimin blinks owlishly, regaining a little bit of his senses and gulps, feeling arousal heightening. Touching Jungkook is wonderful, sexy too but watching him touching himself, is ,is erotic. He wonders how he'll survive.
" Okay, fuck baby,you're gonna be the death of me, and my dick too".

He chuckles, as he sits up, but frowns when Jungkook, pushes him down again. "M' gonna sit on your face first,and ride your tongue",

And Jimin, is a goner.

If Jungkook wants to take control he lets him. " Baby, okaay",He breaths out nonetheless. Jungkook stands up, and removes every clothing of his, so slowly as if he is seducing Jimin, and the alpha wonders how he is gonna survive from this torture.

Jungkook stands there, in all his glory, tiny waist, thick thighs, pretty flushed hard cock and erect nipples on display. "You look, sexy as always baby", Jimin huskily, says, watching as Jungkook crawls back to the bed, ass up in the air. The sight alone is enticing, eliciting a groan from him.

Jungkook ,although a little bit nervous, kisses him, lightly, before he gets up on his knees and swings a leg over Jimin's chest, presenting his ass to him. He shuffles backwards a little until, his perky round ass is right in front of Jimin's face.

He spreads the cheeks groaning at the glimpse of heaven. "So good and wet for me", Jimin breaths in the scent of the youngers' slick,making his mouth water.

Jungkook just giggles,still breathless and turns around, looking at Jimin "I know,all for you, Hyung".

"Now, lemme ride you," He says, and proceeds to shuffle back,the last couple of inches and fully sitting on Jimin's face.

The alpha breaths in,and starts by placing soft little kisses around Jungkooks' puckered hole. The omega might be taking an unfamiliar role tonight,but Jimin knows his husband well and knows that starting slow at teasing is what really gets him high.

Jungkooks' wet and sopping already, slick dripping from his hole directly to Jimin's lips and tongue,as he kisses and nips at the skin around his rim.

Jimin moans at the sweet, addictive taste, and flattens his tongue to lick a broad wet stripe over his hole. Jungkook keens, and falls forward catching himself with one hand on the mattress, between Jimin's legs,dangerously close to his clothed aching dick.

He can feel the Omega's hot breath,on his dick, and it twitches slightly needing release badly. Ignoring his own arousal, he focuses on Jungkook, pointing his tongue and slowly pushing it inside him. The youngers' hole loosens for a moment to let his tongue in,then spasms and clenches around the intrusion as Jungkook lets out a loud cry.

"Oh,oh, that feels....feels-ah good!", he moans, circling his hips and grinding back against Jimin's tongue."" Y-yeah, just like that, fuck me!",he tosses, his head back in pleasure, and Jimin's cock twitches at those words and sounds while he muffles a deep groan, against Jungkooks' ass.

Jimin licks at the wet hole, messily,spreading his ass cheeks more for access.

The room is getting hot and stuffy, and Jimin feels almost suffocated, but he knows he can do this all night as long as Jungkook is in pleasure.

Jungkooks' little whimpers and moans, can be heard from the huge bedroom,drowning in Jimin's ears as he fucks himself against Jimin's tongue, his fingers trancing Jimin's cock outline. It feels so frustrating for Jimin, as he suddenly nips a little harshly with his teeth around the puckered hole.

Jungkook lets out a high pitched squeak and presses his palm on Jim I clothed cock. "Don't tease hyung".

Jimin just moans loudly voice shuffled as Jungkook presses back against his tongue more insistently ,fucking himself using Jimin like a toy.

But Jimin loves it, loves to be used for pleasure.

From there the world, dissolves into a haze of pain and pleasure. Jungkook mouthing at Jimin's cock,suckling through the clothe as he grinds on Jimin's tongue.

He stops Jimin abruptly, from holding
his flushed cock, dripping with precum on Jimin's chest,as he shuffles away from the tongue.

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