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A week had passed ever since Taehyung went away leaving a threat .Jungkook was distressed to say the least. He never thought that Jimin might have had someone else ,someone who was very beautiful. Someone who fit perfectly with Jimin . As much as he hated to admit ,he knew was so jealous of Taehyung  ,he had experienced more with Jimin than with Him . Jungkook didn't understand why Jimin chose him over Taehyung. It didn't sit quite well with him.

He sighs as he drapes a bathrobe over his body after taking a warm relaxing bath. The last one week was filled with drama ...so much fun and so much learning from his crazy Hyungs .They were fun to be with ,but also too exhausting .

Jungkook had bonded very well with them, to a point where they asked very shameless questions :Yoongi Hyung who was not very subtle in asking intimate questions. His cheeks redden as he remembers that day when Jimin choked on his drink due to Yoongi asking a very crude question."Jungkook!Has Jimin already fucked you ,because if not i must congratulate him haha ".

Still, the question asked by his Hyung bothers him very much. Did Jimin not want him that way?After their last encounter Jungkook is too ashamed to ask anything ,as much as he desires everything from the older. He admits its very hard to sleep next to a man that looks like a god even in his sleep. The Park Jimin himself . He shakes his head ,not wanting to remember the last encounter with Jimin ,when he had left him frustrated .

He stares at his reflection in the mirror ,wondering what he has that is so special compared to Taehyung .He had missed the older since they had no time to be together ,but he wasn't complaining though. The older had gone to take their Hyungs to the airport for their flight .He stares at the mirror ,engrossed in his thoughts ,loudly asking himself.
"Why did you choose me Jimin ?".

"Because you are the one that i love baby", He abruptly flinches at the voice ,but immediately relaxes as the warmth of Jimin envelopes him, his scent warm and manly. He is slowly getting very comfortable with his husband these days .Jimin snakes his arms around his small waist and nuzzles on his neck ,inhaling sharply the soft scent of the younger. He stares at Jungkook from the mirror who still frowns ,looking distressed .

",Because you are the one my heart chose ,no one can be compared to you bun",Jimin says softly ghosting his lips on the youngers' neck slowly. Jungkook breathily shakes his head ,whispering ." I don't believe you Hyung",

"Why Kookie ?You know i love you right ?"How do you want me to show you that i love you baby?",Jimin asks ,still staring at Jungkooks' reflection and holding him tight .Jungkook contemplates first before stuttering.

"T-touch me Hyung",The older darkly chuckles ,his breath tickling the younger's ears ." You've got to be more specific baby",Jimin whispers huskily, voice dropping an octave lower, before he nibbles Jungkook's earlobe, lightly tugging.

Jungkook melts immediately ,mind turning into a puddle of goo as he tries to find an answer to Jimins' question. The older gently kisses him all the way down to his neck as he sucks harshly on the juncture between his shoulder and neck .Jungkook gasps ,hands clutching on the counter tightly as his legs weaken. The older tightens his hold on the younger, continuing his ministrations as he sucks the skin hungrily .
He nips at Jungkooks' throat ,who throws his head on Jimins' shoulder ,breathing heavily.

Jimin looks at his shoulder ,only to be met his husband's wide, hooded eyes,pupils blown out due to arousal. He stares at the parted soft lips ,before attaching himself on them. He groans as he tastes the addictive lips. One of the hands that was holding him tightly pushes his bathrobe slightly as down on Kook's shoulders before circling his nipple and pinching lightly.

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