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A smile makes way to my face this early morning ,as i prepare soup for my husband. He must be awake now ,that cute cuddly man. I think I'll make him drink everyday hehe jokes though. What can i say, i am starting to realize my feelings for Jimin since yesterdays bedroom encounter and the feeling is complete euphoria. I watch as the soup boils slowly as i reminiscence yester night.....

" Stay please....." he said , eyes slightly opened ,hand letting go of my wrist immediately making grabby hands .A pout on his plumps lips.
Who would have realised that the always cold,blank faced ,very composed Alpha Jimin would be making grabby hands at me. But who am i not to use this opportunity. So as gently as i can , i climb back to the bed and look up at him ,and he is staring back at me.
He shuffles nearer and kisses my forehead making me look at him in confusion."Sleep" he says calmly and i nod an "Okay " as i turn over to switch off the lamp stand. He instead gently closes the distance as my back is gently flushed over his chest, a warm arm snaking around my waist tightenigly .
"Goodnight Jungkookie" i am again a little surprised but i respond a little not wanting to make him feel alone.
"Goodnight Jimin".

Well lemme say that i woke up to a very warm bed ,unlike most of the times . I was about to scream out of panic but my worries were washed away when i felt the calming pheromones which i have been well accustomed to recently. My head was on a soft but hard chest ,limbs tangled inside the sheets and a warm stupid smile on my face .

I had woken up softly untangling myself from the warmth and pouting slightly. Deciding that he'll wake up with a slight headache,i walked down to the stairs straight into the kitchen and started making soup, maids looking at me weirdly. I put the already cooked soup ,medicine for his headache and glass of water then walk upstairs. I open the door still happy from the turn of events. Nobody has ever wanted or has ever been allowed near me but yesterday those restrains were broken by Jimin.

He is still sleeping adorably,and i coo at the sight,feeling all happy and giddy. He groans suddenly and wakes up, limbs stretching ,and hands rubbing his puffy eyes cutely. He looks up at me ,confused then glares at me immediately.

" What are you doing in my room ? ,Get out!" He yells at me, making me flinch and walk back a little with the tray i am holding but quickly manages to put it on the table beside his bed.

"B-but i brought you something to eat Jimin". I tell him ,eyes fixed on him a little. His eyes widens ,then chuckles darkly and says

"Wait ! What did you just call me? Oh no,he is fuming right now .


"GET THE FUCK OUT MR.JEON AND ITS MR.PARK TO YOU!" He suddenly stands up ,pulls my wrist and technically throws me out of his room.

I slide down the door,no strength left in me,as i bury my head in my knees and cry. He didn't even spare me a glance ,maybe he doesn't remember the kiss or the cuddles. Was i wrong to put my hopes a little high? .Am i not that worthy? What is the reason for staying with him even if he doesn't want. For years i have wanted someone to want me, but i have faced rejection every time. Just when i thought we were taking a step,we have gone ten times backwards.
It is safe to say that my wolf and i will forever be rejected.

I don't know for how long i have been crying on the hallway near my bedroom but i am woken up by a whiff of Jimin's scent and another persons scent that is a little bit faint .I look up to see Jimin and another man ,nicely dressed and a boxy smile on his face.
"Hyungie who is this?" the said man asks quietly holding Jimin's hand.

"No one important baby, lets just go", Oh!No one important ? baby?I I think am about to throw up. How i wish i was the one being called baby. My eyes begin to water and am forced to look down on the floor again

"But why is he sitting on the floor?" He asks again and i scoff mentally realising they are talking as if i am not here.

"Tae baby!He is no one important understand?" So he he's called Tae? But baby fits him more ? Why ? Why Jimin don't you see me?

"Yes hyungie",They walk away ,leaving me on the floor crying and rocking myself,feeling my little heart cracking slowly by slowly.




No one important.

I don't know for how long i have stayed there but i stand up ,and go into my room and plop on my bed crying myself to sleep once again.....(its my daily routine anyway)....


Its a bright Sunday morning, and i am standing at the balcony waiting for my husband. This has been my daily work especially in these six months we've been married. Yeah i know the question you wanna ask. Wanna know why ?
Its love,because love makes you do crazy things, so here i am stupidly waiting for him .I was informed that he might come today ,apparently ,i was the one who drove him away. I had hugged him because he had bought a silver bunny chain for me but he'd pushed me away ,even though i was crying.
But i think he had had enough of me ,my complains ,my cries ,my sorrys ,my please as he had yelled at me.

I had missed him terribly for the past one week he had gone away. Right now i had gotten used to his rejection and coldness towards me. I did not complain though, at least i got to see him once in a while. I sigh deeply ,disappointed and walk to my bed and get in my duvet .....

I am woken up by a very addictive scent of Jimin that i have grown to love. I turn look up at him questioning why he came to MY room .He seems to catch up easily as if he can read my own thoughts ....

"Hey ",seems like he's in a good mood today.
"Hey", i mumble quietly and sit well ,head resting on the headboard.

"I wanna take you out for dinner, please wear something formal and meet me in the car."
Wait WHAT!!

No i think am dreaming ,Jimin wants to take me out ???


"Yes you"Did i say it loudly???

He says softly looking down at me, veiny hands protruding in his trouser pockets. He contemplates again and says
" Unless you umh ....you have other plans ?"
Huh!? I think am going crazy ,because the JIMIN that is here does not look like the one i am used to.
And he is asking whether i have plans ??
Oh God! He did not order me at all,like his usual self .
I am reminded about a month ago where he came in my room ordering me to get dressed that we were going to have guests .We had fought earlier that day,because of Taehyung. I had grown really jealous of Taehyung and it had come to a point where when he had come to visit Jimin ,i had lied to him that He was not around. But Jimin had heard and he had given me an earful saying that he hates me to the guts .

Anyway later that evening ,he had barged into my room saying we had guests and that he didn't care what i was doing .(Not that i was busy anyway but i was huddled up in my sheets ,crying myself to sleep for hours).He had pushed me in the bathroom and given me five minutes to get ready. But now he is HERE!!??

Ah!!......I think the sun had risen on a different side today.

"No i don't have any plans!" I say,feeling overly excited.

His lips move up to what looks like a smile and my wolf jumps around triumphantly for the action.
"Okay see you !

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