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I wake up with a start,breathing considerably heavy and my eyes puffy,wanna know why? I cried my self to sleep at night; thinking of how life is unfair to me and how i have always faced rejection. Worst still,i have nightmares ,nightmares about how my father used to beat me up . You'd be shocked to hear that i was chained up in a room,no food in a week,daily beatings ,the day after presenting as an Omega

But i learnt to accept life and take the beatings. He used to say that i deserve that since i was nothing but a shame to his name .Yes because i am an omega but at the same time my buff body says otherwise. As you know, the omegas are lowest at the rank and this is what irked my father into giving me a harsh and painful beating saying that i deserved the punishment.

Mostly ,i try not to sleep at all ;the less sleep ,the fewer nightmares. They would be the same nightmares time and time again.

It had been almost three weeks since i had met Jimin,and i had mixed feelings; a little sad that i haven't seen him since the day we got married and had dinner together. Also a little glad for two people to live without having to see each other everyday. I enjoyed the solitude anyway. The only people i had met were the maids who came in to clean and the butler who came to serve me food everyday. Either way , i loved to stay in my room,drawing and listening to music.

I put on a robe,since i was a little bit shivering and the windows were also opened. I glance at the gold wall clock reading six in the morning and walk up to the balcony that was attached to my room,and stood there breathing the fresh morning air. Mist drowned everything ,leaving my surroundings cold,lifeless just the way my heart was .

Everyday i woke up to hope that something would change or something miraculous would happen in this house:like Jimin giving me a little attention or sparing me a glance. Just anything. We were tied together for life and my only thought was how i could get along with him. It was not easy, since i barely saw the man ,but i was ready to take a leap of faith. I had accepted things the way they were and i had known that life still goes on.

My thoughts are interrupted by the screeching of tires;a dark Porsche being parked. Was he not at home at all?? I hate myself for caring but what can i do when the heart wants what it wants. Jimin comes out of the car,feet wobbly and hair dishevelled. He goes to the other side and opens the door? And out comes red high heels??

A woman with a hourglass figure ,dark hair and a beautiful face . Suddenly his lips are on her,kissing vigorously and am left wallowing in jealousy ,anger and pain. They walk inside ,Jimin's hand squeezing her butt ,both laughing out loudly while i am left staring into nothingness .I thought he'd change ?maybe a little respect ?
I close my eyes and sigh deeply, big loads of tears threatening to pour. Why me?......

A loud crash is heard,followed by the slamming of a door and worriedly i walk out of my room and walk downstairs to see a glass of wine on the expensive carpet and a madly fuming Jimin. His always firewood,sweet,manly and calming alpha scent changing into a thick sour scent making me whimper a little. An effect which makes me close my mouth hurriedly but.....

That little voice seems to make him look up and i immediately regret coming down to check up on him. Damn you growing feelings. In a swift of a eye,he grabs me harshly and pins me to a wall , one hand on my waist and the other on my hands above my head.He leans on me, and am safe to assume that he is drunk due to the alcohol scent invading my nostrils.

" You fucking ruined everything"he growls at me and am left wondering how i am at fault, especially this early morning and i cannot look up at him since i know that he is angry. Unfortunately,he lifts my chin and makes eye contact ,and i blush madly due to the compromising position we are in,eyes staring at me with such intensity, his lips almost touching mine,breath fanning my face .

"I could not even touch her without remembering your face". Oh!So it was about the woman. I suddenly feel all the anger,frustration,rejection and jealousy rising up again making me to push him away , but he does not budge.
" L-let me go" I whisper yell, wondering where my voice has gone. But he ,instead swiftly parts my legs and presses his knee on my crotch,making me let out a little gasp ,eyes suddenly widening in shock and a sensation i have never felt before.I don't recover at all when he suddenly smashes his plump lips on mine harshly ,his scent already changing to a musky once ,overpowering my Omega almost completely.

He growls a little since i am unresponsive as i try to move my lips copying his movements since i have never kissed anyone?!
His lips are warm against mine ,sucking and biting. He presses his knee harshly and i widen my eyes feeling something wet on my sweats .I push him away harshly ,taking deep breaths to recover from shock suddenly missing the warmth from his body but i now otherwise.......

He looks surprised for a while but then he retreats ,walks to the couch and slumps on it tiredly. I am still left on the wall,heart thrumming almost loudly,gripping on my robe still trying to process everything.
H-he kissed me
Oh he kissed me on my lips ! Aah !
My inner omega squeals at the contact with his Alpha His alpha?! I think i am going crazy.

A loud groan wakes me up from my daze as i look at the almost dozing figure as i suddenly feel a sense of care in me . I think i gotta do my husbandly duties. So i walk up to him ,take his hand hesitantly and pull him up so i can walk him to his room. We walk swaying from time to time but luckily we reach ,as i open his bedroom door and walk to his bed.

Placing him carefully on the bed ,i softly take off his shoes and his tie and gently cover him with his fluffy blankets .I stand up and walk away but am stopped by a hand on my wrist .I look up to the owner and i am shocked , for once he looks too cute and adorable ,cheeks squished on the pillow and a pout evident on his lips . Damn i wish i could take a picture ....he looks very cute aaw-

" Stay ,please .......

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