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"Don't be a brat today ! Okay? ", the alpha glared playfully as he looked at the pouting child. This was his last resolution for the remaining school.
His child, Park Woonah , was always stubborn, mischievous and a brat.

He wanted to blame himself many times for the child's behaviour but he had not lived with him for long. His arrival to his life had come as a surprise to him.

He was shocked many years ago when he heard that  (the soon to be wife of his had come back to Seoul ) check chapter 20.Kookie vs Junnie. Last sentence )!

It was a bit shocking but yet , he didn't care at that time , since he had Jungkook , his life was complete, not until his husband left him. The first one year was the hardest, he barely ate, drank, went to work or went to meet his friends ....

Not until the big bundle of joy came knocking in his door, ( the woman who he was supposed to marry , came back, and with a child, a child according to DNA reports , was Jimin's. She had ran away because of the fear that Jimin would reject the child.

But she had cone back , given Jimin the child and unfortunately had died later , due to health complications. It was hard for the baby, having no mother ,but a depressed, emotionally unavailable father.

It wasn't until Jimin had heard painful cries from the child while drinking downstairs had he gone and held the child in his arms for the first time , shocking his nanny. From there onwards , he had promised himself to give the child everything , everything he wanted, everything he had not given his husband.

He gave all ,the love , care , adoration, spoilt the child ,attention , family, uncles ,aunties, grandparents ,cuddles , kisses,cars, toys ,well in short , the whole world.

But sometimes, too much of everything is poisonous. Hence the child became a brat .A brat that led Jimin to transfer him to many schools since he was always picking fights ,and being a brat to teachers.

This school ,Seoul Kindergarten was his last resolution after many prestige schools . He was delighted when they accepted to take him . One because of Jimin and his prestigious name,and two because Woonie was a very smart kid.

"Yeah , i won't be a brat , now goodbye father ", the small child said , as he started walking towards the school leaving his father behind.

" Wait !",Jimin said , walking hastily to the glaring child. He kissed his forehead lovingly while hugging him. The boy cringed comically , not liking much affection .He was the exact replica of Jimin , always cold on the outside but a very huge softie on the inside.

"Ugh! Father, we agreed no kissing again ! Aah you make me mad , now go i know my way inside the school ", the child muttered , walking inside the school , leaving his father.

Jimin was always proud of the child ,they had been given a tour of the school a week ago and the child still remembered.

Nevertheless, being the protective father, he followed his son, to ensure that he really knew what he was doing.

It's nit like he had ever , doubted the child , no , he just wanted to reassure his fatherly heart. He somehow remembered that the principle was a friend of his , and him as a business man wanted  to have a talk on how he could invest in the school.

Jimin could always book an appointment with the principle ,but he had learnt to get humble and since he was in the school premises , then why not !

After he had seen his child walking into a class , he turned to his right, people parting ways for him ,due to his popularity, as he knocked and entered the Principles office,
Not knowing he had also crossed pathways with Jungkook and his other child.

" Mr. Park !Fancy seeing you around ",the principle , Mr. Dohan said ,firmly standing up to meet the high- standard man.

"Well i was around the school premises with my child and thought of meeting you suddenly ," Jimin said , as he was gestured to sit by the man.

"I am glad ,Sir , i believe your son will adjust very well in the school, so what brings a very busy man like you here Mr.Park ". The principal smiled, very curious and happy to meet and talk to the man.

It was always one if his biggest dreams , to meet with either one of the Parks or to talk to them. "I wanted to invest in this school, first because my son might study for a while in this school and second because it is one of the best performing school , i would be.......", Jimin's word was cut off ,as he heard a small knock , followed by a small girl entering the office.

" What can i do for you child ?",the principle asked.

"I am sorry sir, i left my precious pencil case in here , so i came for it ", she confidently said , walking over to the desk.

Jimin , being Jimin looked up from his phone and his breath hitched ,

Why did this child look like him, his female version.

Why does he feel his heart beating loudly

Why does he feel like he knows the child

"..-Park ,Mr.Park, is anything wrong ", the principle worriedly asked.

He slowly composed himself , burying his crazy thoughts away, as the child smiled to him assuringly and took her pencil case walking away.

" I am okay Mr.Dohan , so what do you say? ",he wanted to ask a lot about the girl who had gained his  attention but not yet. He would find out soon , about the child. He knew it could make him creepy if he asks.

" I would love to work with you , so how about this,: there is an Annual General Meeting in a month ,so i will discuss all the plans and then we can see how you can fund the school ".

"Wonderful , so we have a deal then ", Jimin said , standing up and shaking hands with the man. He walked out ,  eager to call his private investigator.

" Taemin!, Could you hack into the school admission today , and send it to me ? I need to find out something important ",

Cutting the call after an okay, he walked over to his car, heart beating loudly against his chest.

Why did that child look like me ? Do i have another child?

Is it Jungkooks'?

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