A New Stalker?

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We Open Just Outside of Spellbound Studios, Blue Base Parking Lot. We find that Matthias has just arrived at the studio a few days after the teams first conversation with deborah which is still on his mind

Matthias (talking to subject 4)- hey guys it's been a few days since we talked with deborah on the server. But why did she choose us in the first place i mean we're just youtubers. Now i know we're Project 863 and all but It just doesn't make sense. Maybe Sam and woods might have an idea about it but that's not the only thing that's been bugging me today... something happened last night. I got a motion alert from blue bases security cameras last night around 9:30 pm. So, I looked at the nest cams and uh its interesting let me show it to you on screen.

Matthias Proceeds to show the nest cam footage he saw from last night which shows a man in Phantom gear break into the vault and do something then head downstairs and break into mega desk before leaving.

Matthias- I'm very concerned about this so I'm gonna see what Sam and woods think.

Matthias heads into blue base and calls for Sam

Matthias- Sam? You here?

Sam- Ya I'm upstairs what's up?

Matthias- can you come here for a minute.

Sam- sure one sec.

Sam comes downstairs to see what matt wants

Sam- so what is it?

Matthias- well I'd rather wait till woods gets here before I show you.

Sam- ok

Woods arrives a few minutes later.

Matthias- hey woods could you join me and Sam in my office for a moment?

Woods- sure

They go into matts office.

Matthias- so last night around 9:30pmish I got a Notification from nest, and I decided to check it out this morning and uh well you should see for yourself.

Matthias proceeds to show Sam and Woods the nest cam footage from earlier

Sam- could that be Ben?

Woods- looks like him but he looks a little bit different.

Matthias- that's just what I was think Bro.

Sam- but if it isn't Ben then who is it?

Matthias- I'm not sure but it's not a fan that's for sure.

Sam- well do you think Hes gonna come back?

Matthias- I don't even know who HE is let alone what Hes gonna do next.

Woods- well shouldn't we prepare for if he comes back.

Matthias- what like stakeout tonight and see if he comes?

Woods- well I wasn't suggesting that, but I'd be down with doing that if you want to do that.

Matthias- Sam... Stakeout?

Sam- well do we really wanna meet this guy for all we know he could be dangerous.

Matthias- Sam come on. You know by now I wouldn't pass up a good stakeout.

Sam- ugh fine but I'm in charge of snacks got it.

Matthias- got it. Woods?

Woods- I'll get our gear ready, and You get the van alright Matt.

Matthias- alright sounds like a plan.

End of Chapter 1  

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