An Invite to Meet Up?

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We open on Matt vlogging from Mega Desk and talking to woods about something while checking the comments on the last video.

Matt- hey subject 4 me and woods are just looking over some comments from our last video from breaking into The Phantoms RV and we just wanted to discuss some of that with you guys and look at some of your theories and some of your memes on Reddit and we'll also check on discord to see what you guys have come up with and we'll go from there so it should be a pretty fun video.

Woods- So matt what do you think happened to our other stalker.

Matt- you know I'm not sure woods I mean I would think maybe he went back into hiding but I mean is it really our place to wonder what happened to him.

Woods- Well no but still what happened to him.

Matt- Well I wouldn't really worry about it right now so let's just get back to reading comments and we'll get back to that later.

2 Hours later

Matt- OK so this is interesting I just got an e-mail from the unknown seems he's not quite as gone as I thought... I'm gonna go get Sam and woods

A Few Minutes Later

Sam- so have you read the email yet?

Matt- No I haven't yet that's why I went and got you guys.

Sam- Oh well then what does it say?

Matt- it says Hello Subject 1 I know it's been a while since our little meeting a week ago, but I've stumbled across some information that you and your team need to take a look at. If your willing I want to meet at a location of my choosing so we can all look over this information. I know this will help you stop nelson. Make your choice. I await your reply. Regards The Unknown.

Sam- well do you think we should take him up on his offer?

Woods- well hold on a second how do we know we can trust him

Matt- I mean woods does have a point but I trust it considering the fact that he let us keep the absolate and if he's willing to help us I'm willing to take in his information

Sam- OK then let's reply

Matt (typing)- Hello unknown it's good to hear from you we've had some time to talk it over and we're willing to meet up with you just send us the coordinates and we will be there as soon as we can. Matthias

Matt- and send. OK now we just await his response. but that'll probably take a couple hours side I got a dope or nope shoot to do and then I've also got a meeting to do on zoom so that'll take a bit of time, but I'll check in after that and see if he's responded OK

Sam- OK

Woods- OK

A couple of hours later

Matt (to Subject 4)- ok guys he responded I'm gonna go get Sam and woods and we'll discuss the plan.

A couple of minutes later

Matt- ok so I got Sam and woods. You guys' comfy

Sam- Ya

Woods- I'm fine matt.

Matt (laughs)- woods...

Woods- what?

Matt- Your Fine...


Matt- you see what I mean jokester over here trying to be funny while I'm trying to read an email. Anyways let's get into this email.

The Email

Hello Subject, 1

I'm glad to hear that you've accepted my offer. I'm more than happy to give you the coordinates for our meeting location. They should be attached to this email. Good luck and have a safe journey.


The Unknown

Here are the coordinates for our meeting location.

34.4903408 -118.6293405

Matt- ok well we have the coordinates so should we go meet up with him?

Sam- well we don't have anything else to do so Ya let's do it.

Matt- Woods?

Woods- Ya lets go

Matt- ok then let's go meet with our stalker (echos off into darkness)

Well, that's all for chapter 8 but the story is not over I'm still working on the final 2 chapters (9&10) and I'm also starting the draft process for a sequel story so stay tuned for an update on that after the next chapter. Thanks for reading.  

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