A Call From the New Stalker

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Mattias- Hey guys, so you might remember from last time we staked out our studio and... The Stalker showed up. He hit Woods over the head and then I grabbed woods and we got the heck out of there. So, this is now coming on the next day it's. Around 8:00 o'clock. I'm still a little tired from last night. I'm going to head in, talk with Sam and Woods and Bailey and see what their thoughts are on what happened last night.

Mattias Enters Blue Base

Mattias- Hey, Sam.

Sam- Hey, Matt.

Mattias- So you wanna talk about what happened last night? During the stakeout.

Sam- Not really, but I guess we can. Should I go get woods?

Mattias- Yeah, you get what? I'll get, Bailey.

In MEGA Desk

Mattias- OK, so I've gathered the team. So. What do you guys think of what happened last night? Woods care to explain what happened to you.

Woods- Yeah. So I was, you know, looking out, watching with the stalker, and then suddenly I heard. Or heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and then bam, I got hit over the head and everything went black. Then I woke up as we were running to the car. I wasn't really sure what happened.

Mattias- Well, when I tried to talk to you on the walkie talkie, you didn't respond. So, I went up to the roof to see what happened. And I found you unconscious on the roof. And while I was talking to Sam and Bailey through your walkie, I saw a figure moving on the roof or towards me quickly. So I grabbed you, climbed back down the ladder then Went and got Sam and Bailey and we took off. He was down the hall from Mega Desk when I saw him last.

Sam- OK, but how did he manage to get up on the roof without wood seeing him? Cause you were by the ladder, weren't you, woods?

Woods- Yeah, I was. I have no idea how he got up there, but I just suddenly heard footsteps turned around and Bam got hit in the head. He must have either gotten up there before I did, or there must be another ladder somewhere else around the studio.

Mattias- if it still doesn't explain-

Matts phone starts to ring.

Mattias- Hold on one sec.

Matt leaves his office and answers the phone.

Mattias- Hello. Who is this?

Caller- you know who I am.

Mattias- No I don't what are you talking about?

Caller- I'm the one you saw on the roof last night. I'm also assuming you're the one who left this phone in the vault.

Mattias- OK. So, it was you who hit woods over the head.

Caller- Yes, I did. Because I couldn't allow him to tell you that I had arrived. Now. I only assume you left this phone so we could communicate. I would like that. I'll keep this phone on me for future contact. Now. I'd advise you don't stake out again, Cause I will hurt you if you do.

Mattias- I'm not afraid of you, man. You don't scare me. I'll stake out again if I want to.

Caller- Don't try to play tough guy with me. I know you have the absolate. Where is it?

Mattias- Look, I don't have it and even if I knew where it was, I wouldn't tell you.

Caller- in that case. I guess I'll have to find it myself.

Mattias- Not if I find it first.

Caller- go ahead. Try that. We'll both s See where this path leads you. Oh, and one more thing tell subject 4 I said hello. Click he hangs up.

Mattias goes back into His office

Sam- Who was it?

Mattias- It was the stalker.

End of Chapter 3  

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