The Final Confrontation

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Following their return to the S.P.I.R.E and their discoveries there. The Team prepares to confront those who they Suspect are responsible for Deb's Murder. However huge revelations change everything they thought they Knew about 863 and puts the fate of the Project in the Balance.

Blue Base Lobby 1:17 Pm

Matt (Talking to Subject 4)- Hey guys, so if you remember from the last episode, we found out that Gary Reynolds is a fraud. So, we're going to call him and confront him with the evidence we have. So, are we ready?

Sam- Yeah

Bailey- I think so

Eric- Yeah, we're ready.

Matt- Ok, here goes nothing

Matt and GR Final Phone Call

(Phone Rings and GR picks up on the 5th ring)

GR- State Your Name

Matt- No, no, we're not playing this game anymore, Gary. You know it's me and I know why you're trying so hard to keep us from looking deeper into all of this.

GR- I Doubt That

Matt- Oh so you actually confirm that you're actually hiding something. Whatever it's over man we saw that Syphus tossed you aside like he does with everyone else. Actually, confirmed it.

GR- (Silence)

Matt- Nothing to say?

GR- Sounds to me like you're desperate enough to fabricate a lie in order to try and gain some leverage over me

Matt- (Chuckles) We found a letter you sent to Syphus at the S.P.I.R.E man. We saw you basically threatening him... after firing you

GR- You think that just because I no longer have the connections, I once had that means I cannot stand in your way?

Matt- Actually Yes. I think that's exactly it. And you have no credibility if you have no connections. And with all that in mind I think we're done being threatened by you. I'm not giving you the Absalate. Even if I do find it.

GR- You Can't do that.

Eric interrupts – Matt let me handle this.

Matt- Sure

Call Continues

Eric- Hey Gary, you feeling good about yourself, you lying weasel.

GR- Mr. Williams I'm not one to be intimidated so easily.

Eric- Yeah, I know, but that's besides the point.

GR- And that point is?

Eric- I'm done, the deals off.

GR- Understand Mr. Williams, if you choose to break off our deal I will make sure you pay for turning on me.

Eric- You don't scare me anymore man and to be honest, I don't think you can do anything that could get me to give you what I have collected. You don't have the resources anymore Gary and you haven't for a long time.

GR- Eric understand that even if you do this I won't be going away quietly. I will find another way to get those files.

Eric- Nah, I don't think you will.

GR- And why's that?

Eric- Because I'm going to destroy it all so no one can get their hands on it... Ever!

GR- You can't do that.

Eric- I'm done getting pushed around by you, you understand that? Deb is dead and her memory is all that I have left and I'm not going to let that be trampled and buried by ghosts of Syntec trying to shove this under the rug.

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