Meeting With Briana

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After The Phone Call with Brianna, Eric and the 863 Team head to Brianna's Apartment so they can meet with her and see if she's willing to talk about what happened during her time at Syntec and to see if she knows anything about Deb's Murder.

Matt (talking to Subject 4)- Alright so we're on our way to meet with Brianna Cobalt so we can get some answers to a few things. Sam, how close does it say we are?

Sam- It says we're about 15 Minutes away.

Matt- Ok, so what do you guys think we should ask her?

Sam- Well I think we should ask about her time at Syntec and what she did there.

Bailey- Yes, I agree, but I also think we should ask what she knows about her father.

Matt- Yes, those are some very good questions, ok well we're almost there so let's start getting ready.

They Arrive at Brianna's Apartment

Eric- Ok I think I should go first as she knows who I am so she should trust me.

Matt- Ok

Eric Knocks on the Apartment door

The Door Opens

Brianna- Hello Eric, Long time no See.

Eric- Hi Brianna (Eric and Brianna Hug) can we come in?

Brianna- Yes, but please try not to touch anything.

Eric- Ok

Eric, Matt, Sam, Woods and Bailey enter Brianna's Apartment.

Brianna- Ok, so tell me, what is it that you need my help with?

Eric- (Sigh) Brianna, Look the reason I, I mean We need your help is that Deb's been murdered, and we have been trying to solve her murder for the past few days and I thought that maybe you could help us with that. Considering what you've helped me with in the past I thought you would be the best person to go to for help.

Brianna- Ok but help you how exactly?

Eric- Well I thought that maybe you might know something about Deb's Death, Considering the fact that you did tell me that if you ever met her again you would kill her. Does that ring any bells?

Brianna- Eric that was a long time ago and I may have hated Deb for what she let happen to me back then, but I've forgiven her. So, what else did you need my help for?

Eric- Matt you wanna take this one?

Matt- Sure, Hi Brianna I'm Matthias also known as Subject 1 but you can call me Matt.

Brianna- Nice to meet you Matt.

Matt- do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?

Brianna- No I don't.

Matt- Ok, also if you don't feel comfortable answering some of the questions then you don't have to answer them.

Brianna- Ok

Matt- Ok, first question, what was it like at Syntec... in your experience?

Brianna- I don't want to talk about that.

Matt- Ok, that's fine. Anyways Question 2, Do you know what happened to your father Benjamin?

Brianna- Yes, I know he became one of Nelsons phantoms.

Matt- Well do you know that he's now free of Nelsons control?

Brianna- No I didn't, honestly, I thought he died a long time ago.

Matt- Well he's very much alive and we could try so see if maybe we could get him to talk to you, if you want to talk to him that is?

Brianna- No I don't really want to talk to him at this time.

Matt- Ok. So, do you know anything about Deb's Murder like who would have wanted to kill her?

Brianna- Well Nelson obviously, but there were others who wanted Deb dead.

Matt- Who?

Brianna- I don't know who but I do know of someone who might.

Matt- Really! Who?

Brianna- His name is Jake Andrews he used to work at Syntec with Eric and Ben.

Matt- ok well do you know where he lives?

Brianna- Yes but you have to promise me that you will keep him safe.

Matt- What? Why would we need to keep him safe?

Brianna- Because Nelson doesn't know Jake is alive.

Matt- Oh, ok then I promise we will keep him safe.

Brianna- Ok just give me a minute to write down his Address and to tell him you're coming.

Matt- Ok.

After a Couple of Minutes.

Brianna- Ok here's his Address, I hope he can help you guys more than I could.

Matt- Alright, thanks for your time, Brianna and thank you for your help.

Brianna- Your welcome and Good Luck.

Eric- Hey, Matt, you and the others can head on to Meet Jake. I've got something I want to talk to Brianna about... alone.

Matt- Ok.

Matt, Sam, Woods and Bailey leave.

Eric- So, Brianna I... I just...

Brianna- Eric, it's ok I don't blame you for what happened. I'm just glad everything worked out as planned.

Eric- But that's just it things didn't go according to plan.

Brianna- how so?

Eric- I wasn't able to fulfill my end of the plan to get you out.

Brianna- Eric, what are you talking about you did get me out.

Eric- No I didn't, I was never able to.

Brianna- Then why did Jake tell me you sent him to get me out when he came and helped me escape?

Eric- What? I didn't send... (Eric suddenly Realizes) Oh no.

Brianna- What? What's wrong?

Eric- I completely forgot that Jake became one of Nelsons Phantoms.

Brianna- What!! But that means...

Eric- Matt and the team are heading into a Trap! I've got to warn them.

Brianna- Eric I'm sorry I didn't know.

Eric- Brianna, it's ok it isn't your fault. Now where did I put my... Dammit.

Brianna- What?

Eric- I can't find my Phone. I must've left it back at Matts Studio.

Brianna- So, then you don't have a way of contacting them?

Eric- Exactly. So now I have to go after them.

Brianna- Well good luck Eric. I hope we can speak again soon.

Eric- Ok, Take care of yourself alright.

Brianna- ok I will. Goodbye.

Eric- Goodbye Brianna.

Eric quickly leaves the Apartment and starts to drive after the team.

Eric (to himself)- I've got to get to Jake's before the team does. I just hope I'm not too late.

End of Chapter 29

Authors Note-

Sorry for the long wait between the last chapter and this one but I just need a break from the story for a bit after pumping out 28 chapters, so I took a break but now I'm back and this time I won't be stopping until the story is complete. Remember to Breath and Always Stay Curious and remember to look Closer as some things may not be what they seem.

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