A Meeting With Benjamin

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We open on Matt and the Team in Matts office discussing wether or not they should meet up with Ben to confront him with the evidence they found linking him to Wes's Murder.

Matt- so should we do this or not?

Sam- Well do you really want to talk with him in person? I mean hes broken into our studio and threatened us multiple times and attacked Woods. Do you really want to do this?

Matt- If it gets me an Antidote then yes I'll do it.

Sam- (sigh) Ok but be careful with what you say.

Matt- alright I'm going to call him now.

Matt calls the phone they left in the phantoms RV, and it rings a couple of times, but no one answers

Matt- he didn't answer.

Sam- well maybe the phone's dead. I mean did you plug it in?

Matt- Ya.

Then Matts phone does the ominous text tone that indicates The Phantom has Texted them.

Matt+Ben Text Conversation

Ben- Very clever leaving something behind after rifling through my belongings.

Matt- We know you're not Wes so cut the act. None of that stuff belongs to you.

Ben- Very well. What exactly do her little worker bees want with me now? Be quick about it.

Matt- A meeting

Ben- A meeting? For what purpose?

Matt- We found that storage unit you were clearly looking for and some pretty interesting things were inside of it. Things that prove you murdered Wes.

Ben- What?

Matt- You heard me, Ben. There's already enough proof for your conviction.

Ben- You clearly didn't uncover the correct evidence then.

Matt- What could possibly be left?

Ben- I have what you need.

Matt- Then meet me tonight in the courtyard.

Ben- Confirmed.

End of Text Conversation

Matt- ok he's coming tonight.

Sam- how do you know he's coming tonight and not in like 10 minutes?

Matt- Well in the past he usually would arrive late at night, right? So, I'd expect him to be here when it's dark. Not when it's the middle of the day and still light out.

Woods- He has a point Sam

Sam- Ya you're right. So, what about Eric?

Matt- What about him?

Sam- Well shouldn't we contact him and see if he wants to join us tonight.

Matt- Actually that might not be a bad idea. Ya know what let's contact him and see if he wants to be a part of tonight.

Matt Proceeds to text Eric.

Matt+Eric Text Conversation

Matt- Hey you got a minute?

Eric- Ya what's up?

Matt- Well we just finished setting up a meeting with The Phantom later tonight and were wondering if maybe you might want to join us tonight?

Eric- Well I've got nothing better to do so Ya Ill join you guys tonight.

Eric- What time is this meeting taking place?

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