A Scary Overnight Encounter

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We Open on Matt vlogging again.

Matthias- Hey guys so you might remember from last time we discovered that a new Phantom or stalker? I'm not really sure what to call this guy. Broke into our studio last night. And we decided to plan a stakeout tonight. At Blue base to see if this guy comes back. So, me, Sam, and woods are going to formulate a plan on how we're going to play out tonight. So, let's get started, Sam?

Sam- Yeah. So, Matt, what are we thinking? Me, you and Bailey in the van and woods on the roof or are we going to do something different? Like, what should we do here? We got to be prepared for this.

Matthias- I was thinking maybe you, me and Bailey hide in the Project 863 headquarters and. Woods goes up on the roof as a lookout to let us know if this guy shows up. And you know, we have a pre warning and when he shows up. I go out and I confront him on him breaking in and ask him why and you know get answers.

Sam- Matt. I just don't feel like that's safe. Like you confronting him the last time you confronted someone, it didn't end well. We need to have a better plan. Woods, any suggestions?

Woods- well, why not instead of confront him, we let him come in, let him go in the vault and we try to lock him in there so he can't get out. I mean, we made that thing impenetrable. So, there's no way he could get out if we locked him in Right?

Sam- OK, so we lock him in the vault and then what We call the police, we questioned him. What do we do?

Matthias- how about this? We could put a phone in there. And then once he's locked in, I call that phone, he answers. And we talk to him through there. Then we can learn the truth.

Sam- OK sounds like a plan to me

Matthias- Woods you get the walkies and I'll get the van. Sam, you get the snacks, and we'll start getting ready.

6 Hours Later

Matthias- OK well. Mostly everyone's gone from blue base, so I think it's about time I go get Sam, Woods and Bailey and we Begin the stakeout.

Matthias Gets Sam, Woods and Bailey

Matthias- OK, everyone ready?

Sam- Yes.

Bailey- Yes.

Matthias over the walkie-talkie- Woods, you ready?

Woods- Yeah, I'm ready, Matt.

Matthias- OK, then let's get started.

A Few Hours Later

Matthias- OK, it's 9:34pm. I'm going to check in with Woods and see if anything has happened yet. Woods Woods Ya there. You see anything yet? Woods. Woods, can you hear me? He's not responding. I have to go out there. I've got to see what's wrong.

Sam- Matt you shouldn't go alone, one of us should go with you. 

Matthias- Well one of us needs to stay here incase this Phantom shows up. 

Sam- But one of us shouldn't stay here alone either. 

Matthias- Sam, please just stay here with bailey. 

Mattias Leaves the room 

Up on the roof

Matthias- Woods? Woods! 

Matthias finds Woods unconscious on the roof.   

Matthias- Woods, are you OK?

Matt Picks up wood's walkie

Matthias through the walkie- guys. Someone knocked Woods out. I'm not sure who but, wait... I think there's someone up here.

Sam- Get down from there. Now! It's not safe.

Matthias- Alright, I'm coming. I'm bringing woods with me.

Matthias quickly gets off the roof, along with woods and gets back inside and gets Sam and Bailey.

Matthias- we have to leave now. Come on.

As they leave, they see a figure with glowing red eyes standing Down the hall from MEGA Desk

Matthias- GO! Go, go, go.

Matthias, Sam, Bailey, and Woods run to the Tesla and book it out of there.

Sam Panicked- Who was that? Who was that guy?

Matthias- I don't know. We have to get woods somewhere safe now.

End Of Chapter 2  

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