A Meeting With The Unknown

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We Open on matt vlogging again this time at mega desk.

Matt: hey guys so you might remember from last time I made an agreement with the stalker to meet with him and then Me, Sam and woods began planning said meeting. Which is today (matt laughs) so I'm a little nervous about tonight cause a Ya know I'm meeting with a stalker. So, I'm going to get Sam and woods and we're gonna discuss how we're going to approach tonight. So, let's go get Sam and woods.

A few minutes later

Matt: hey sam...

Sam: Ya matt

Matt: can you come here for a second

Sam: sure

Matt: also, can you get woods over here.

Sam: Ya

Matt: Thanks

In Mega Desk a few minutes later

Matt: So, as you both know the new stalker is coming tonight. Now I personally think I should text him a time to come here. So that way we can plan how to approach tonight as a team.

Sam: ok Ya lets text him and see what time works for him.

Matt: ok ill text him.

Matt looks at his phone.

Matt: huh that's odd He already texted me

Sam: What?

Matt: Ya look (matt shows Sam and woods The Message) It says Be ready for my arrival at 10:30 Pm sharp. Have the Absolate with you. No Tricks. Ok so heres what I'm thinking I'll go get my van and bring it here around 7:00 Pm and Ill Park it in red base warehouse then when hes 10 minutes out ill move it to red base parking lot and woods you're going to wait in the van till I give you the signal so that you can go search his car. Sam, you, and I are going to be upstairs when he arrives, and we'll pretend we were talking about something when he shows up so as to alleviate any suspicion. Then when he gets here, we'll go downstairs, you'll get the vlog camera, and we'll meet with the stalker.

Sam: ok but what if he suspects something?

Matt: then we'll figure out something to distract him.

Sam: (sigh) fine. Let's get to work then.

Matt: ok

5 Hours later

10:23 Pm

Matt: ok hes 7 minutes out woods you in position.

Woods (over the walkie): yes, I'm in position.

Matt: ok be ready for the signal.

Woods (over the walkie): ok

10:30 Pm

Matt: ok he's here.

Sam: ok let's do this

Matt and Sam go downstairs. As their going down the stairs matt texts woods the signal word. Matt lets the stalker in

The Unknown: so, we ready to do this.

Matt: yeah we're ready just follow me upstairs Sam you go behind us

They go upstairs to the meeting room.

Matt: here have a seat.

The Unknown sits down.

The Unknown: so, do you have the absolate.

Matt: before we get to that can you at least answer me a couple questions.

The Unknown: sure, ask away I've got nothing to hide.

Matt: why do you keep coming here what do you want and are you working for Nelson

The Unknown: I've only been coming here Cause I'm trying to make sure everything plays out as planned. what I want is the absolate to make sure it's in safe hands and I'm not working for Nelson I'd never work for him.

Matt: well, if you're not working for Nelson then who are you working for?

The Unknown: I'm not working for anyone I work by myself.

Matt: well can I at least know who you are beyond just the name the unknown.

The Unknown: I'm sorry but I cannot give you that information.

Matt: and why can't you give us that information

The Unknown: because that's for me to know and you not to know. Now enough stalling where's the absolate?

Matt: look man I'm sorry but I just can't give it to you, yet I still don't know who you are I can't trust you. I just can't give it to you I'm sorry I just can't give it to you I'm sorry. Besides, I think you didn't just come here for the absolate you came here for something else.

The Unknown: I must admit Mathias I'm surprised you figured that out but yes, I didn't just come here for the absolute I came here to clear my name of any wrongdoing.

Matt: wrongdoing what are you talking about.

The Unknown: look I never meant to scare any of you guys I've just been trying to help bring down Syntec in secret. I'm trying to stop Nelson. Actually, I've been trying to do so for 15 years.

Matt: look if that's all you were trying to do then why didn't you just tell us that the first place.

The Unknown: because I couldn't it was too risky but now I feel better having told you guys the truth.

Matt: I'm glad for that I'm glad for that you think we can be allies from now on you think we can be allies from now on?

The Unknown: yeah, I think so.

The Unknown Stands up

Matt: so now what are you going to do?

The Unknown: Well, I think I'm going to keep an eye on you guys. but for now, I'll remain in hiding.

the unknown starts to leave

The Unknown: oh and you can keep the absolate its safer in your hands.

Matt: but will we ever see you again?

The Unknown: yes but only time will tell yes good luck to you all. until we meet again Mathias always keep an eye out for me.

The Unknown Leaves as the Stalker theme plays

Matt: I think we just became friends with our stalker.

Sam: So, is this conflict over?

Matt: Sam is this ever over. (Through the walkie) woods you there.

End of Chapter

Whew what a chapter guys. So, The Unknowns not the villain we thought he was. Sorry for the long wait but my summer schedule didn't allow for me to work on the story, but more chapters are on the way. So be ready for some great and spooky content in the future. Till next time my friends

The Unknown.  

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