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Following the Events at the Spire the team returns to the studio seemingly victorious. However, they know it's not over yet. The team decides to let Matt and Eric have a few days off before asking them about what happened while they were under Nelson and The Unknowns control.

A Few Days after The Events at The Spire

Spellbound Studios

Blue Base Lobby

10:42 AM

Matt Arrives at the Studio.

Sam- Hey Matt, how are you feeling?

Matt- Good honestly. Um when did we paint all the bases Black?

Woods- when you went all depresso.

Woods joke earns a couple of laughs from the team.

Matt- Actually Woods can you help me with getting something out of my car.

Woods- Sure

Matt and Woods go to Matts car

Matt- so you remember how we were wondering how Syphus did some of the hauntings well I figured out one of them

Matt opens his trunk revealing 2 Mannequins Specifically the 2 Mannequins that were moving around the studio.

Woods- well that explains a lot.

Matt- want to take them inside?

Woods- sure

Blue Base Lobby

Sam- oh come on you found those.

Matt- Ya they were in my trunk.

Sam- (uneasy) Great.

Matt- Hey have you guys seen Eric?

Sam- no actually I haven't seen him.

Matt- I thought he would've come in today.

Sam- Yeah.

Matt- well I still have his Number, so I'll try texting him and see if he responds

Matts Text

Hey, just wanted to check in and see how your doing. Also wanted to know if your coming in today?

Matt- alright I guess we wait.

Sam- ok

Matt- I'll check my texts in about an hour and we'll go from there.

Sam- ok I'll go get some work done and then I'll come see you in an hour, alright.

Matt- Alright.

1 Hour Later

Matt- ok well he responded

Sam- And?

Matt- it's a bit of a weird response.

Sam- what does it say?

Matt- it says

Who are you? How did you get this Number?

Sam- He knows who we are.

Matt- and he gave me his number. Is he playing dumb or maybe he lost the phone we gave him.

Sam- that doesn't seem like him though.

Matt- Ya your right. I... I'm going to text him again.

Sam- Ok I guess

Matts Text Chat with Eric

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