Scott Clarick

82 3 4

Following Their Encounter with The Vengeance and Their Break from Investigating Debs Murder Matt and The Team get an unexpected visitor who seems to know a lot about Syntec and Deb, but can this visitor be trusted? Only time will tell.

Matt (Talking to Subject 4)- So it's been a while... since that thing happened. I... I made a mistake and I nearly hurt the team. But you don't need to worry as I've put that behind me, and I've been focused on getting things done around the studio. Speaking of which I got a Message from Cat that I think you guys need to hear. So let me play it for you.

Cats Message: Hey Matt how soon can you get here because there was a guy here claiming he worked at the studio and talking about 863 stuff. I think he might have been a fan, but it was really creepy so if you could get here quickly that would be very helpful. Thanks.

Matt (Still talking to Subject 4)- I'm not sure if this is a prank or something but it sounds very strange. So, I'm going to hurry and get to the studio so I can figure out what's going on. So, I guess it's on to the studio.

Matt continues on to the studio. Upon arriving at the studio Matt goes to talk with Cat.

Matt- Hey Cat are you here?

Cat- Yes

Matt- Ok where are you?

Cat- I'm with Sam in the kitchen.

Matt- Ok.

Matt walks back to the Kitchen

Matt- Cat, So...

Cat- What's up?

Matt- Cat can you tell me more about the guy who showed up earlier.

Cat- Well he was wearing a Suit and had a briefcase with him. He claimed to Know Wes.

Matt- Well if he shows up again, please let me know. Ok.

Cat- Ok

Matt- Well I'm going to go shoot some dope or nope, so I'll be back in a bit.

Cat- Alright see you soon Matt.

30 minutes later

Back Blue Base Lobby

Matt returns to blue base after shooting Dope or Nope.

Matt- Hey Sam?

Sam- Ya.

Matt- Have you seen Eric?

Sam- No. Why?

Matt- Well I wanted to talk with him but if he isn't here then I'll wait.

Sam- Try texting him to see why he isn't here.

Matt- Ok

Matt texts Eric

Matt: Hey Eric just wanted to check in and see where you're at?

Eric: Ya Sorry I'm running late I got stuck in bad traffic, so I'll be another 20 minutes.

Matt: Ok good luck.

Matt- he said he's stuck in traffic, so he'll be here in 20 minutes.

Sam- ok

From the Front Lobby

Unknown Male- No I work here.

Matt- Who's that?

Sam- Is that the guy that cat was talking about?

Matt- Uh let me ask. Hey, Cat is that the same guy you saw earlier?

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