Another Mountaineer?

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Following Their Chat with D3B The Team decides to take a break from Project 863 For a few days. However, an all too familiar looking Car Appears in a Very Familiar spot and its eerie connection to the previous one leaves the team bewildered as to how History seems to be repeating itself... Again.

Matt Arrives at the studio and immediately notices the Mountaineer once again parked in the exact spot where Wesley was murdered. Matt decides to head inside and ask anyone if they moved the mountaineer from red base warehouse.

Matt enters the studio

Matt- Hey Sam?

Sam- Yeah?

Matt- Did you move the mountaineer?

Sam- No why?

Matt- Cause it's back where we first found it.

Sam- What?

Matt- I'm not sure if this is a prank or someone is just messing with us, but I need to know.

Sam- I agree but Neither Woods or Eric have arrived yet, But Tanner is here.

Matt- Ok I'll talk to him about this. Also, once Eric and Woods are both here let me know so I can ask them about this. Ok.

Sam- Ok

Matt goes to talk with Tanner

Matt- Hey Tanner can I talk to you for a second?

Tanner- Yeah, What's up?

Matt- Did you move the Mountaineer back to where we first found it?

Tanner- No, what is someone playing a prank on us or something?

Matt- I don't think so but I need to ask more people to be sure.

Tanner- ok but who else is there?

Matt- Well I'm going to talk to Woods and Eric once they get here.

Tanner- Ok well good luck with that. Also, if you need me for anything you know where I'll be.

Matt- Ok Thanks Tanner.

20 Minutes later

Sam- Hey Matt, Woods and Eric are here.

Matt- Alright I'll be out in a couple of minutes I just need to finish up this meeting and then I'll be out. Ok

Sam- Ok

A Couple of Minutes Later

Matt- ok I'm finished with my meeting. So, Woods, Eric... Either of you care to explain why the Mountaineer was moved back to where it was parked when we first found it.

Woods- No I don't know anything about that.

Eric- I wouldn't even know a thing about that Mountaineer. Let alone where it was parked the first time you guys found it.

Matt- then why is it back there. Actually, better question is, is it the same Mountaineer that's currently sitting in the warehouse or at least it should be.

Woods- Well if it is then this means there's something 863 related going on.

Eric- Let's go look.

Matt, Eric and the team head over to red base to see if the Original Mountaineer is still there. Upon arriving at the warehouse, they find the Mountaineer still sitting there untouched since Woods beat the hell out of it.

Matt- How is this possible.

Sam- Are we even sure if this is the same one?

Matt- Your Right we don't even know if it's the same one. Why don't we take this one over to the other one and park it next to it so we can have proof of there being 2 Mountaineers.

Eric- I agree. Let's do that.

Matt And the team move the old Mountaineer over by the New Mountaineer.

Matt- Ok now they are next to each other. So, there is 2 of them.

Eric- So what do we do now?

Matt- I'm not sure, but I can say this, we need to keep an eye on this Mountaineer.

Sam- Yeah, we need to see who's car it is. Should we put a Camera somewhere?

Matt- No we don't but I can start parking my car next to it.

Sam- Why would we do that?

Matt- My car has motion sensitive cameras on it that will immediately start recording if there's movement nearby.

Sam- Oh Ok that could work.

Matt- Well it looks like we have more to investigate in the future.

Eric- Agreed. Hey, Listen I'm going to head over to my apartment to go through some of my most protected information. If you guys want to come with me then we can do that. Just promise me you won't mess with anything unless I tell you too.

Matt- Sure, but uh may I ask why now all of the sudden your wanting us to come with you to your apartment?

Eric- Well I've been working with you guys for a while now, so I thought it was about time I shared everything I have on Syntec with you.

Matt- Oh Ok. Understandable, anyways so what should we expect when we get to your apartment?

Eric- Well it's going to be a bit of a shock but I'm sure you'll be fine with it.

Matt- Ok then I guess we're going to Erics's apartment. You guys ok with that?

Sam- Yeah sure, I mean if it leads to us getting answers then Ya we should go.

Woods- Ya I agree with Sam on this one. We should definitely go in case we get answers to some of our most intriguing questions.

Matt- So then we're all in agreement then?

Sam- Yep

Woods- Yeah

Matt- Ok then Eric?

Eric- Follow Me.

End of Chapter 26

Authors Note-

Well... Things have taken an interesting turn for Eric and the 863 Team. What will they find at Eric's apartment, what questions will be answered and what new questions will come up from what they find. There's only one way to find out. I'm happy that this chapter is done because what's about to happen is going to change this story forever, what's going to happen you may ask, well only Time Will Tell.

The Unknown863  

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