Shutting Down The S.P.I.R.E

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Following Their "talk" with Scott the team Starts preparing for their next move. When Scott sends them something he found at Syntec Location #7. It Unexpectedly Sends Them Back to a familiar Place... The S.P.I.R.E

A Few Minutes after Scott's Departure in the previous chapter.

Eric- I'll be right back

Matt- Eric, where are you going?

Eric- To talk to the one person I thought I could trust the most.

Eric heads off to Autumns desk in spellbound and when he gets there she's not at her desk.

Eric (To himself)- where is she?

Just then Autumn walks out of the breakroom and sees Eric waiting for her.

Autumn- Eric? Did you need something from me?

Eric (Irritated)- Yeah, I do.

Autumn- Why do you sound mad? Is something bothering you?

Eric- Yes Autumn, something is bothering me. You want to know what that is?

Autumn- Um Sure

Eric- It's the fact that I just learned that you agreed to terminate Deb for Nelson, Is this true?

Autumn- Eric I... Where did you hear that?

Eric- On a chat Log that Scott showed us.

Autumn- Scott?

Eric- Don't pretend you don't know who he is.

Autumn- Eric what has gotten into you?

Eric- Me? Autumn, you agreed to kill someone I cared for a lot, all to please an Egotistical Mad Man who doesn't care about you in the slightest.

Autumn- Eric you know that's not true, Nelson cared about all of us.

Eric- No he didn't, all he cared about was his precious Project. Nothing else mattered to him more than that.

Autumn- Eric, please you have to understand that I didn't have anyone then, I thought you died, and Nelson was the only person I had left to turn to.

Eric- I can't believe I'm hearing this. Not only did you betray Deb, but you've also betrayed me.

Autumn- Eric please, I'm sorry ok. I'm not like that anymore, besides that was years ago. I never went through with Nelsons order to kill Deb. You want to know why, because I thought of what you would have wanted me to do, and you wouldn't have wanted me to kill her.

Eric- Do you really mean that? You aren't responsible for her death?

Autumn- Yes, I mean it and of course I'm not responsible for Deb's death.

Eric- Ok good, I'm sorry for getting angry.

Autumn- it's ok

Eric- Thanks for understanding.

The Next Day

Matt is driving to the studio when he starts talking to Subject 4

Matt (talking to subject 4)- Hey guys so I know the last episode was... Interesting to say the least, but I'm coming into today with a new light on things. Oh, speaking of Eric, sent me a Voicemail and I think you should listen to it.

Matt Plays the voicemail from Eric

Eric's Voicemail- Hey Matt, just thought I'd let you know that we received a package from Scott, I think it's important. Please let me know when you're going to get here ASAP. Thanks bye

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