Talking With Scott Again

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After looking through the briefcase and watching the footage on the DVD the team decides it's time to Talk to "Scott" and get some answers to their questions surrounding him and his knowledge about Chloe. Will they get the answers their looking for or will they get pulled in an entirely different direction. Only Time Will Tell.  

Eric- ok so is everyone clear on the plan?

Matt- yeah.

Sam- Yes.

Woods- Yes.

Bailey- Yes.

Eric- Ok good, so if we're all ready let's get into position so we can wait for Scott to show up. If he does anyway.

Matt- Yeah, so where do you think we should hide?

Eric- You guys hide over there (He points to some bushes near the mountaineer) and I will wait right over there (he points over to a door leading into the studio that's hidden by a Pickup truck) Once Scott shows up, I will walk over and talk to him, and you guys will record the conversation from your hiding spot. Got it?

Matt- Yeah ok.

Eric- Alright let's get into Position.

Matt, Sam, Woods, and Bailey go hide while Eric gets himself into Position as the (hopefully not) Long wait begins.

45 Minutes Later

"Scott" walks up to the Mountaineer.

Matt (Whispers)- guys he's here.

With Eric

Eric Walks over toward "Scott"

Eric- Scott!

Scott looks over at Eric

Scott- Eric... is that you?

Eric- Yeah.

Scott- H-H-How have you been?

Eric- To be honest, not good.

Scott- Wh-What do you mean?

Eric- Scott look I know that the last time we spoke about Chloe it wasn't on good terms, but I was hoping we could talk about her. You think we can do that?

Scott- I-I think so. Why?

Eric- I just want to make sure she's doing ok.

Scott- Ye-Yeah Sh-Shes fine. Eric, what is this actually about?

Eric- (Sigh) Look Scott I'm going to cut straight to the chase I need your help finding Deb.

Scott- Why do you need to see her?

Eric- Because I believe she could be in danger.

Scott- From Who?

Eric- Who do you think?

Scott- N-No Nelson wouldn't do that. Especially not to Deb.

Eric- Well why wouldn't he. I mean she has been trying to stop him and bring his company down for years now.

Scott- B-But that doesn't make any sense. Nelson would never hurt her. We both know that Eric.

Eric- Do we really know Nelson that well Scott? Do we?

Scott pauses for a moment

Scott- Well how can I be sure your not still his lapdog? Huh? How can I trust you?

Eric- (Sigh) look Scott I know I hurt you a while ago but I'm trying to turn a new leaf alright. Your just going to have to trust me, Ok?

Scott- Eric I can't just take your word for it. I'm going to need more than that.

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