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Following their talk with John Doe and the disappointment of not getting the antidote for Matt the team focuses on a more important issue. The new Serum Bomb. However even though they know about the bomb they don't know when or where it's going to be set off.

Matt- ok so we just uploaded the last video and posted out the post on 16,22,01 and VIRGO so now we're just waiting for a response. Why don't we look on reddit for some memes.

Sam- Ya anything to get away from what's going on.

Matt- Eric you wanna come join us to look at some memes?

Eric- Uh... Sure why not.

Matt- alright everyone gets comfortable cause it's time for some memes.

After a couple of memes and theory's

Matt- alright you guys wanna check the YouTube post?

Sam- Ya sure let's do that.

Matt- ok then let's see what Subject 4 figured out.

After looking through the Theory's on what 16,22,01 and VIRGO mean they learn that Subject 4 figured out that 16,22,01 and VIRGO point to the Bombs Activation date as Today September 16, 2021. Which means they need to move out quickly.

Matt- Wait, didn't we turn off the RSD. Which could detect large areas of radiation?

Sam- Yeah?

Matt- well let's go turn it on.

Matt, Eric, Sam, Woods and Bailey head to the vault and Matt turns on the RSD and immediately a large and moving mass of radiation is being picked up.

Matt- oh that's not good.

Sam- we need to go now.

Eric- Yeah, I agree we need to go now.

Matt- alright let's go.

Matt, Eric and the team head out to the location of the Big Serum Bomb

At the Bomb Location

Sam- wait didn't we lure Ben here before?

Matt- oh yeah, we did but why would he come back here to set off the bomb. Is he playing some kind of game with us?

Eric- No that's not like Benjamin. He wouldn't be that creative

Matt- ok well let's go to those bushes and make a plan.

At the bushes

Matt- ok so since I'm the only one with Serum in his system I think I should go disarm the bomb.

Eric- uh excuse me but your not the only one with serum in their blood.

Matt- What are you talking about?

Eric- Well I may or may not have forgotten to mention I once worked with Nelson before turning against him and going off the grid until a couple of months ago.

Matt- And your only telling us this now?

Eric- well I didn't think it was important at the time.

Matt- never mind we need to focus on the Serum bomb.

Sam- ok

Matt- look look it's him.

Sam- well is the bomb already going off or is he getting ready to set it off?

Matt- it doesn't matter to him he's going right now so me and Eric need to go now.

Matt and Eric head over to the U-Haul truck and discover a huge Serum bomb in the back of the U-Haul.

Matt- No no no. We need to shut this off.

Eric- Ya but how?

Matt- I'm not sure, maybe try looking around for a shut off switch or something?

Eric- hey wait, is this what I think it is?

Matt- it's the abslate. But how dd he get it from the vault without us knowing.

Eric- you don't think?

Matt- Ya I do.

Matt proceeds to pull the Absalate from the bomb and it seemingly shuts down.

Matt- that totally worked. Ha Ha Yes. Hi five dude

Matt and Eric Hi five then head back to the rest of the team.

Sam- So did you manage to shut off the bomb.

Matt- Ya we did. (Matt holds up the absalate)

Sam- wait I thought that was in the vault.

Eric- Ben stole it and used it to activate the bomb.

Sam- ok then we should go before he comes back.

Matt- no we stay here and then (holds up a Padlock and key) we trap him.

Sam- well do you really think that's a great idea.

Matt- to him it doesn't matter he's going now.

Sam- but Matt, you told us not to pass the bushes

Matt- I know I know but he's not going to know. We need to act now.

Matt, Eric and the team rush over to the U-Haul and lock Ben in the back of it and then hop into the front of the Truck and start it.

Quinn- Matt, where are you going?

Matt- We're going to the police station.

At the Police station

Matt Gets out of the U-Haul

Matt- he's in the back.

John Doe- Ok 

Matt- wait why are you taking me. let me go. 

John Doe- I'm sorry Matthias i can't do that. I'm afraid i'm going to need you to come with me.

Matt- what why. What about my friends?

John Doe- Your friends are fine, but you are not, and my specialists need to identify what the substance in your blood is doing to you and what it is.

Sam- Matt, what's going on?

Matt- you guys go on back to the studio. I'll get this all sorted out and then meet you guys there.

Sam- ok

Sam,Woods and Eric Leave with Quinn and Bailey to go back to the studio.

Matt- so where am I going?

John Doe- your about to find out.

End of Chapter 14

Authors Note-

So, We're coming up on the end of Season 2 and it's only going to get even more crazy from here. Also how do you think Eric is going to react to Debs Revelations on Wes's death in the next chapter. Comment your thoughts below. 

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The Unknown863

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