What Just Happened?

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Following Nelson's Shocking Revelation, the rest of the team tries to pick themselves back up and figure out how to stop Nelson from accomplishing his goal. Activating the Spire and Initiating the rest of the valley. However, some Personal issues must be delt with before they can make their next move.

Sam- what just happened?

Woods- (silence)

Bailey- so Matt's just been under Syphus's control this whole time?

Sam- Woods, what should we do? Woods?

Woods- there's nothing we can do.

Sam- Woods there has to be something we can do.

Woods- Sam there's nothing we can do. Matts gone and for all we know the whole valley might be gone. Bailey I'm sorry. You should be far from here.

Sam- Woods!

Bailey- (starts to cry)

Woods- Bailey you need to go. I need space.

Woods starts heading over to Red Base

Sam- Woods please don't do anything rash.

Woods enters Red Base grabs a bat and heads into Red Base warehouse towards the Mountaineer

Bailey- Woods please don't do this

Sam- Woods Please.

Woods Begins to Beat up the Mountaineer

Woods- THIS IS YEARS..YEARS!! We've had to deal with this, and Matt is gone. Matt is gone and half the valley could be gone.

Sam- woods we can't just give up. We have to try something.

Woods- I'm sorry guys. I... I just. I'm sorry.

Sam- it's ok woods. This has just been thrown on us so suddenly that we've had no time to let it truly sink in. But that doesn't mean we can let our anger control us.

Woods- your right sam. I'm sorry. I'm just angry at all of this. I'm (sigh) I just feel defeated ok.

Sam- Woods it's ok. But we need to focus on figuring out where the SPIRE is and what the code is to initiate the good side of the SPIRE.

Woods- ok let's do that

Red Base Lobby

Sam- ok so I'm going to go on the discord and... Oh, that's odd a random number texted me.

Bailey- what did they say?

Sam- They said-


You don't know who I am, but I can help you in relation to the SPIRE. I can give you not only the Location of the SPIRE but also the initiation code for it. Please respond ASAP as your choice in regards to this text will decide the fate of Project 863. Please Respond soon

Bailey- are we sure that whoever texted you isn't a fan?

Sam- well it's typed like they know what their talking about. So, I don't think this is a fan. Plus, a Fan wouldn't be concerned with being responded to ASAP. So, I think we should take them up on their offer.

Woods- ok then go ahead and text them.

Sam- Ok

Sam+Unknown Texter Conversation

Sam- Hello We weren't expecting anyone to contact us after what we just went through. Although I'm sure you've already seen the previous video.

Texter- Yes, I have seen the video and I want to help you guys. Nelson must not succeed with his plan. If you agree to meet up with me after you stop Nelson then I'll give you what you need.

Sam- Ok but before we meet with you can we at least have time to get our leader back and have his opinion.

Texter- Fine by me. Just make sure you stop Nelson.

Sam- Ok

Texter- The Following Coordinates (Coordinates Censored for safety) should take you to the SPIRE and the code your looking for is Peppermint. I must sever contact for now. Good luck.

Sam- Hang on before you go, can you answer some questions?

Texter- Sure. But be quick.

Sam- Did you work in Syntec Location #1?

Texter- yes, I worked there the entire time I was working for Syntec.

Sam- Did you ever work with or talk to a Eric Williams?

Texter- are you kidding?

Sam- No I'm not.

Texter- Me and Eric were practically Friends. We worked together all the time.

Sam- Ok. Do you know what the Sole purpose of Project S.P.I.R.E was?

Texter- Yes. Project S.P.I.R.E was started by Wesley Nathaniel and Deborah on August 6th, 2003. The Purpose of the project was to Set the individuals infected with life's blood and cure them. However, Nelson Corrupted its purpose to his own means and use.

Sam- Deborah Helped Wesley start Project Spire?

Texter- Yes she started with him the Morning of August 6th 2003.

Sam- Do you know what happened to Wesley on August 6th, 2003?

Texter- Yes. Deb Killed him. But I know it was an accident. It had to be.

Sam- How do you know if that's true or not?

Texter- Because I helped her Switch the Bullets with blanks.

Sam- What!

Texter- I know it sounds like I'm protecting her but I'm not. I'm just trying to tell the truth.

Sam- ok

Texter- Anything else you need to ask me?

Sam- No that's all we wanted to ask. Thank you for your time, we will contact you once we stop Nelson.

Texter- Don't bother contacting me I will contact you when your finished at the spire. Good Luck

End of Text Chat

Ok Then we have the coordinates for the Spire, and we have the initiation code.

Woods- well shouldn't we grab some stuff to be safe.

Sam- I mean do we really have anything that could protect us.

Woods- not really but it's better to be safe than sorry right.

Sam- Ya, I mean you do have a point woods. But what else can we do. We have to stop Nelson.

Woods- ok well then let's get going.

Sam- Bailey you ready?

Bailey- Yeah. Let's go.

Next Time

Sam- We're on our way to the Spire.

Matt/Syphus- Ben, Eric are you Ready?

The Unknown- Ben We're Ready.

End of Chapter 20

Authors Note-

What a Chapter. But I'd like to ask a question. Who do you think Was the person who texted Sam? Comment your answer below. So now the team is headed for the Spire. Will they stop Nelson? Will They succeed in getting Matt and Eric Back? Only one way to find out. Wait till Chapter 21 comes out.

Keep Reading and Remember to Breath

The Unknown863   

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