Confronting Scott

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Following the team's Viewing of the DVD they found in the locker they brought back From Syntec Location #7. They decide they need to talk to Scott again as all signs are starting to point to him as the key to solving Deb's murder.

Matt (Talking to Subject 4)- Hey guys. So, if you remember from the last episode, we went through all the evidence we found at Syntec location #7, including that mysterious footage of Eric, Sam and Woods at location #7 with Scott. Now you also may remember that We've been trying to get in contact with Scott, but so far, we haven't Been able to. So, I'm going to gather the team and we're going to discuss a couple of ideas and go from there. So let me go get the team.

Matt Gathers the team and they go to Mega Desk to Discuss how to get in contact with Scott again.

Matt- So now that we're all here, anyone have any ideas on how to get in contact with Scott again?

Sam- No not really

Woods- Well how did we talk with him before?

Matt- he walked into our studio the first time and then we waited for him by the mountaineer the second time.

Eric- Wait, you moved the mountaineer to the warehouse, right?

Matt- Yeah why?

Eric- Well why don't we put it back where it was and see if Scott shows up like before.

Matt- Hmm That's actually not a bad idea, do you guys agree with Eric's idea?

Sam- Yup

Woods- Yes

Matt- Ok then it's settled we'll move the mountaineer to the parking lot where it was before and see if Scott shows up.

They move the mountaineer back to where it was before and wait for Scott. After waiting for half an hour Scott finally shows up and the team goes out to speak with him.

Eric- Scott!

Scott- Eric... Is that really you?

Eric- Yeah, Scott, it is.

Scott- Eric, how have you been?

Eric- I've been well, Scott, but we need to talk.

Scott- Talk? Talk about what?

Eric- About Deb.

Scott- Ok...

Eric- Scott, you remember the 863 team, right?

Scott- Uh I think so.

Eric- Right. Well, they'll be joining us. If you come with me, we'll head up to the conference room.

Scott- Ok.

After reestablishing contact with Scott, the team heads up to the Conference room to talk with Scott some more. Once there they give Scott a lov and Eric begins the conversation.

Eric- Ok, Scott do you know where you are?

Scott- Yes

Eric- And where is that?

Scott- Syntec Location #1

Eric- Right, well this isn't a Syntec Location anymore, hasn't been for a long time.

Scott- Wha... What are you talking about?

Eric- Scott, what year do you think it is?

Scott- Uh... It's uh... It's 2000

Eric- Scott it's 2022 not 2000

Scott- Yeah that's what I said 2022

Eric- (Sigh) Scott, Look I know that you probably Don't remember talking to me from before, but since then we've found a lot of evidence tying you to Deb's murder.

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