A Grim Discovery

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We Open on Matt vlogging from Blue base back lobby as the team prepares to go to the 3AM Location on the underside of the hood of the mountaineer and the team is talking about who's going with Matt.

Matt- so we all in agreement we're heading to the location at 3:00 AM tonight

Woods- yeah, I'm going with you Matt

Sam- ok but only if we get snacks

Bailey- If Sam's going, I'm going

Someone enters blue base

Matt- Hello?

Person- Matt is that you it's Eric

Matt- Eric what are you doing here

Eric- I just dropped by to see if I could help and it seems like you could use my help heard something about a location at 3:00 AM.

Matt- wanna come with we're heading out there in a couple hours

Eric- sure at least it will get me away from my computer for a little bit

Matt- alright so we got a team. Good, let's finish the rest of our work for the day and then we'll go get snacks and pizza and we'll head out there sound like a plan

Woods- Yep

Sam- yeah

Bailey- yeah let's do it

Eric- sure why not

Matt and the team leave for Walmart to pick out some snacks for their stakeout later that day.

At Walmart

Matt- So what snacks did you guys pick out?

Sam- I picked out these (she holds up a container of White Fudge covered Oreos)

Matt- Sam are you sure your not just getting those for yourself.

Sam- No. But wouldn't you think these would be an obvious hit.

Matt- I mean if you say so then ok.

Sam puts the Oreos back into their cart.

Woods- What about you matt.

Matt- oh well I got these (Matt holds up a pack of Albanese gummy bears)

Eric- You know I actually like those too.

Matt- Really?

Eric- Ya I love eating them. I don't know what it is about them that makes them so good, but I won't go a day without having a pack of them.

Matt- Wow so we have similar tastes

Eric- I guess we do.

Matt- alright so is this all of the snacks we're bringing for tonight.

Sam- yup

Bailey- yes

Woods- Ya

Eric- yup that's all of them.

Matt- ok then let's get over to the studio so I can get the van and then we can head on out there.

Sam, Woods and Bailey- Ok

Matt and the team head back to the studio to get the van and then head on over to the mysterious location where somethings supposed to happen at 3:00 AM

Matt- ok are we all in?

Sam, Woods, Bailey, Quinn and Eric- yes

Matt- ok then let's go.

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