An Unexpected Encounter

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Matthias- Hey guys it's... been a while since last time when uh well our new stalker sent us. Now for those of you who don't remember the stalker left us some coordinates leading to a very familiar place... the bridge where we found a big thing of serum and where we've filmed a lot of our videos in the past. Now I'm not sure why he wants us to go there but I'm sure we're going to find out but enough of that it's time to shoot some Dope or Nope.


Matthias- well I'm done shooting dope or nope so now I'm going to go get Sam woods and bailey and see if we can go this location and well do something, I guess. I'm not really sure what's there but I'm hoping it isn't bad.


Matthias- Sam?

Sam- Ya Matt

Matthias- could you grab woods and bailey, so we plan out what we're going to do when we get the location of the coordinates.

Sam- sure

Moments Later

Matthias- ok so what's our plan for this location we're going to.

Woods- Yeah, I can go get the bats and anything else we might need while we're there.

Sam- and I'll get the camera and some gloves. Just in case.

Matthias- Ok then, let's grab the stuff and head out there.

They arrive at the location.

Matthias- well, we're here, but I'm not really sure what else could be here. I mean, we already found the big thing of serum and some documents. But what else could be here?

Sam- Well, let's look around, Matt. Maybe we'll find something.

After 45 minutes of looking around.

Matthias- you guys find anything yet?

Sam- No.

Woods- No.

Bailey- No.

Matthias- Well, then, what was the point of coming out here then?

Sam- I'm not sure.

Matthias- isn't there supposed to be something here? I mean, he wouldn't have just given us these coordinates to come here for nothing. Would he?

Sam- Well, maybe he messed up the coordinates or maybe He didn't mean give them to us, I don't know, but let's just head back to the blue base and see what we can figure out. Maybe we missed something in his message.

Matthias- OK. We'll go back to blue base and look over his message one more time.

They head back to blue base

At Blue Base

Matthias- you guys go grab the emulator from the vault while I get my computer set up. Ok

Sam- OK.

Sam woods and bailey head upstairs to the vault.

Sam- Well, that's odd. The vaults open. Did anybody forget to close it?

Woods- No, not that I'm aware of.

Bailey- Well, maybe one of us went in the vault earlier before we left and just forgot to close it.

Woods- That doesn't make any sense.

Sam- Now let's go in the vault and get what we need.

They enter the Vault but as soon as they're all inside the Vault door closes and locks from the outside.

Sam- No, no, no, no.

Woods- Matt.

Sam- Matt.

Bailey- Matt.


Matthias- Guys I hear Sam and Woods yelling. I'm going to see what's wrong.

Matthias heads upstairs but just before he heads up the second set of stairs a man appears at the top of the stairs.

Man- Hello subject 1. It's so good to finally meet you in person.

Matthias- Who are you?

Man- I'm the man who's been stalking you the last couple days.

Matthias- What? Why?

Stalker- Oh wouldn't you like to know Matthias.

Matthias- Why'd you send us to that location then. at least answer me that.

Stalker- Oh, that. I merely sent you there to distract you to get you away from blue base. So, I could set a trap.

Matthias- A trap? For who?

Stalker- For, your team of course. I just wanted some time alone with subject 1. Although I guess subject 4 is watching. Good cause I want them to hear this.

Matthias- Hear what? Who are you? Do you even have a name?

Stalker- Yes. You may simply call me THE UNKNOWN.

Matthias- I'm simply not gonna call you that man.

The Unknown- That's besides the point. I wanted to speak with you because I believe you have Something I want. 

Matthias- And what's that exactly?

The Unknown- Oh come on, Matthias, don't play dumb with me. You know exactly what it is.

Matthias- The absolate right.

The Unknown- Yes. The absolate. Give it to me and I will leave without harming anyone.

Matthias- I can't do that, my man.

The Unknown- And why not?

Matthias- I know you probably have something to do with syntec and want to do something with it. Why would I ever trust you?

The Unknown- So pitiful and Dumb Just like her.

Matthias- Who's her?

The Unknown- Oh, you know exactly who she is. She's the one who's been putting you through all this. She's the one that's been helping you. The one that you believe is helping you. The one you've trusted Since the beginning.

Matthias- Deb?

The Unknown- Yes. Deborah is the one I was referring to. Looks like you're not as dumb as I thought. I'll be back in a few days for the absolate. If you're not ready to give it to me by then. Then things will get a lot worse for you and your team going forward.

As the Unknown leaves the Stalker theme from season one plays

Matthias runs to the vault.

Matthias- Guys can you hear me?

Sam- Matt

Matthias opens the vault door

Sam- Matt. What happened? Who were you talking to?

Matthias- It was him, the stalker. He was here. Said he wanted the absolate, but I refused. Also said he'll be back in a few days to get it, and if we're not ready to give it to him, then things will get much worse from here.

Sam- well What are we going to do?

Matthias- We're going to prepare for his return. That's what we're going to do.


Matthias- so, I just got an email from our dear friend, the unknown. I'm coming tonight. Be ready. And you better have the absolate with you.

Scene change

Matthias (worried)- guys he's here. 

The Unknown- Hello Subject 1 


oh man, things just got interesting. The Stalker just revealed his name. He wants the absolate. Now he's coming back in a few days. This story is about to get real good. So, keep an eye out for the next chapter. Things will only get better from here.

Remember to Breath  

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