What He Found Changes Everything

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We Open on Matt, Sam, Woods, Quinn, and Bailey riding in Matts Tesla to meet with The Unknown

Matt- hey guys just quick update so you remember last time we got an email from the unknown asking us to come meet up with him because he's found some information that he thinks we might want to have a look at so we're heading out to the location now and we're trying to get ourselves I guess psyched up for the meeting with our stalker I guess right guys?

Sam- yeah but I mean doesn't seem a little odd to you that suddenly added the blue he contacts us again saying he's got information that is important enough that we need to come out to where he is to look at it when he could have just as easily come and dropped it off or something

Matt- well now that you mention it yeah that does seem kind of suspicious, but I mean what if he's just trying to do the right thing, I mean you can't blame him he's never dropped anything off to us before.

Sam- OK yeah, I guess that makes sense anyways

Matt- yeah anyways we're almost there so you guys excited

Sam- I mean yeah, I guess

Bailey- I mean I'd be more excited if it was solving all this but yeah, I'm excited

15 Minutes later

Matt- all right we're here

Sam- do you guys see him

Matt- but I doubt he'd be right here in the parking lot he's probably waiting somewhere nearby

Sam- ok then let's go look for him

A Few Minutes Later

Matt- look there he is

The Unknown waves them over

Matt- he's waving us over let's go

They head over the Unknown

The Unknown- hello again Matthias it's been a while. 

Matt- yeah it has what's this information that you have for us

The Unknown- well come sit down and I'll show you

They sit down at a nearby table where The Unknown has a laptop open

The Unknown- So I did some digging after our last encounter, and I discovered in a way on my laptop, or some old files connected to some things that you guys discovered over the last couple of months.

Matt- like

The Unknown- project Pegasus, Nelson, and Wesley but the thing that really caught my eye was this (he shows them a file labeled Syntec Location #3 Personal Report) after reading through this I discovered it was a report that I wrote on location #3 or at least an event that took place there.

Matt- what was the event

The Unknown- it was a test.

Matt- a test of what. What kind of test

The Unknown- a test of Life's blood. On a patient. under Ben's care

Sam (Gasps)

Matt- What! Why would Ben be working with a patient?

The Unknown- I'm not quite sure but what I do know is the patient's name. Brianna cobalt.

Matt- Wait Brianna cobalt. I didn't know Ben had any relatives working with him at Syntec

The Unknown- He didn't. The only relative of his that I knew of that would come to Syntec Often was his daughter

Matt- WHAT!

Sam- yeah what?

The Unknown- yeah Benjamin had a daughter Brianna. He would often allow her to come visit him at work.

Matt- Why Couldn't her mother look after her?

The Unknown- Ben never mentioned anything about Brianna having a mother. even when I asked him, he wouldn't say so I don't know

Matt- well do you know of Brianna's whereabouts today?

The Unknown- as far as I'm aware no there's nothing on her whereabouts today. nor what happened to her after the accident.

Matt- what accident

The Unknown- I'd rather not talk about it

Matt- Ok well was that all

The Unknown- no that's not all. also, information on a location where potentially Deb might be hiding

Matt- What! You mean we might actually get to meet her in person

The Unknown- it's possible but I can't guarantee anything.

Matt- well what's the location

The Unknown- Syntec location #2

Matt- What (echos off)

Next Time

The Unknown- This was one place I was hoping never to come back to

Matt- this so weird

Sam- Matt I am not comfortable with this

Matt- Well what now (echos off)

End of Chapter 9

So, with that we are now one chapter away from the end of this story. However, this is not the end of the Unknown's story. I am currently working on both a sequel and a prequel. more will be revealed on them after this story concludes. I hope you enjoyed reading so far because it's about to get crazy and we're gonna leave off one heck of a cliffhanger. until next time

The Unknown 863  

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