Arrested for Murder?

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Following the Events of the last chapter Eric has decided to step away from the team for a while and their contact with Deb has been severed only a few short days after the server was destroyed the old world is syntax starts to creep back in off them and what happens next could change everything forever 

Spellbound Studios Blue Base Lobby

11:42 AM

Matt and the team are discussing the recent events that have been taking place at the studio when Matt gets an email from their old friend Eric Williams

Matt- oh hey guys I just got an e-mail from Eric.

Sam- oh what does it say?

Matt- it says-


I know it's been a while since we last were in contact I know that the last time we were all together in the same room things didn't end exactly the way we planned but there is something important I need to show you something I can't explain it'll be easier if I explain it to you in person which is why I'm planning on stopping by your studio sometime today so be ready for my arrival


Eric Williams

Matt- I guess we gotta prepare for Eric's return.

Sam- yeah, I guess so

an hour and 30 minutes later

Matt- guys he's here

Matt lets Eric in

Matt- hey Eric long time no see.

Eric- yeah, I know it's a bit abrupt that I suddenly returned but wouldn't be without a good reason

Matt- and what is that reason exactly

Eric- this

Eric holds out a package labeled From Wes to Eric.

Matt- OK I don't understand how that's strange

Eric- maybe this will help I receive that package two days ago

Matt- yeah that does help. How is that possible didn't Wes die like over 20 years ago

Eric- 18 years to be exact yeah, he died long ago I understand how I suddenly got a package from him two days ago craziest thing is guess where the return address was.

Matt- it was here wasn't it. It was spellbound studios

Eric- exactly which makes me think of only one other person that could have sent this

Matt- Deb

Eric- My thought exactly. lion earth would she send me this she knows I don't trust her anymore so why send me something I'm probably not going to read. well maybe if it was something interesting

Matt- like what

Eric- something like this.

Eric pulls out a couple of files from the box labeled Project S.P.I.R.E

Matt- hey wait a minute we were looking into something about the spire

Eric- I know I've been keeping track of your activities through your videos

Matt- this stuff could be really helpful wanna help us take a look through it

Eric- well I've got the time so why not

Matt- Ok then let's look through these files

20 Minutes later

Bailey comes into Matts office

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